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49942095 No.49942095 [Reply] [Original]

NFTs as proof of copyright

Think about it

>> No.49942111

nft as a way to kill the planet

>> No.49942112

Only proof of copyright I need is me and my lawyers
Think about it

>> No.49942113

This is retarded, what jurisdiction would respect NFT ownership as copyright ownership? That's not how the law works anywhere. And if that's how you want it to work, you're just inviting regulation and NWO faggotry.

>> No.49942165

Don't feed the troll

>> No.49942190

Aka me

I fucked up my entertainment for the night

>> No.49942455

2020 called

>> No.49942501

>I don't know how copyrighting works so I invented a new, less efficient, thing to do copyrighting
Die in a ditch.

>> No.49942502

Lol generating a hash on bits is not owning it.

>> No.49943300

proof of how easy it would be to steal art

>> No.49943339

I think we're already at a point where we deserve it, we're literally giving a monetary value to fucking memes like qom.

>> No.49943342
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*blocks your path*

>> No.49943398
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this is why you want cats in your house
imagine one of those things inside your ear while you are sleeping

>> No.49944516

>he isn't using suspend sc
>he'd rather have a parasite hoarding, house destroying, sleep preventing, money wasting feline

>> No.49944611

Using NFTs to prove ownership of any real-world asset still kinda requires for people to honor it and possibly some entity to enforce it, so it's going to be centralized in a sense. So NFT solves nothing.

Unless of course we put these microchips in peoples' brain so they are on-chain and will have to live by code-is-law.

>> No.49944649

based Scutigera coleoptrata posting

>> No.49944651

>Steals your NFT
My copyright now

>> No.49944703

a cat is obviously not gonna fit but if it did i imagine it would be quite loud

>> No.49944936


>> No.49945531
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Let's cut out the middleman and just manufacture autonomous weapon systems to enforce smart contracts.

>> No.49945548

I hate this nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.49945731

I think you are getting that if one wanted one could use NFT's to make the copyright situation more extreme.

>> No.49945789

house spiders and centipedes are actually based as fuck, they stay out of your way and spend all their time genociding inferior pest insects.

>> No.49946303

>hack occurs
>polish teenager now owns Spiderman
>libertarian think everyone will respect it instead of Disney launching blitzkrieg on the entire country

>> No.49946354

Why those things eat other insects, they are probably one of the best thing to have in your house.

>> No.49946369

I have never seen one of these in 30 years until recently in these threads and I come from a third world country. What the fuck are they?

>> No.49946397

>I come from a third world country
That's probably the reason, actually.

>> No.49946407
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>checkmate, lolberts!
>*gargles government cocks*

>> No.49946513

I had this exact thing on my wall once, just after smoking a big fat joint. Almost started a panic attack because it was huge and I had no clue what it was. Finally I managed to lock it under a salad bowl and the day after I went to the store and bought the strongest bug killer I could find, sprayed the ground next to the bowl with it and slid the bowl toward the area where I had sprayed the substance. After two hours I found the courage to remove the bowl and there it was, dead.

>> No.49946726

most intellectual english gent

>> No.49946891

Common house centipede. Fast as fuck. Basically harmless. Eats other pests. Most commonly found in crawlspaces but sometimes they come up through the vents and cracks into your home. People act like little bitches over them.

>> No.49946943

I have. NFTs have a lot of room to grow but NFTs are how you tokenize contracts and assets properly. Way more than worthless jpegs but that just goes to show how early we are. I just wish I knew how to properly invest in this future short of buying a bunch of coins

>> No.49947644

House Centipedes are actually extremely based:

1. They don't make nest and don't carry disease due to constant grooming
2. They eat all household pests including silverfish and spiders
3. They move on when there are no more pests left

Posting OP's pic with NFT makes me wanna buy some NFTs

>> No.49947842

love it or hate it, the reality is that NFT investors are the ones the made the fastest and largest sum of profits this bull run

Its no wonder so many crypto projects are still investing in NFT marketplaces. HBAR foundation alone allocated more than $250 million solely for metaverse development

>> No.49947917

Right click save instead of torrents, nice, I like it.

>> No.49947961

Nonsensical. There is no such thing as "tokenizing" off-chain assets.

>> No.49949599
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1 of 1 NFTs made to commemorate the killing of cute giant inflatable monsters that tried killing the planet.
>As a way to kill the planet.
What do you mean you can't see them, they're right there!!

>> No.49949632

You and your whole ancestry should be brought against a wall and get shot.

>> No.49949723

Intellectual property is an absolutely retarded government construct and has no place in a moral society.

>> No.49949806

Lmao when people tell me NFTs are proof of ownership.
They are not and I don't respect them. No one does. Not even the creator does since the creator still has the rights to the art you "bought."
It is a scam and you fell for it

>> No.49949872

Found a giant giji the other day

>> No.49949952
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>> No.49949975

The end goal is to tokenize everything.
You will be able to share fragmented assets like you'd share pokemon cards.

Imagine : we stopped bartering because we needed to have a medium (what happens if you only have apples to give and I don't like apples ?)
That's what money is, a medium for goods and services.

With tokenization of everything, I can have in my wallet :
>100 USDT tokens
>100 $ dollars of CBDC money
>45 Hbar (valued 900 $)
>A NFT of the new Banksy, (valued 1000 $)
>A token representing half the share of a flat in Miami (valued 1M$)
>1/100th of the right to the Time Fighters franchise (it was a kickstarter, they went wild, now valued at 2M$)
>A ticket for the next concert of the Weeknd (valued 200 $)
>Tokens of Tesla shares (valued 50 000$)
>A dinner with Kanye (last bid valued at 10 000$)

And I could pay my Mcdonalds with every of these, since oracles can always convert to money without the need for money.

This will be our future.

>> No.49950037
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>> No.49950043


>> No.49950138 [DELETED] 
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>> No.49950139

Why not just use proof of copyright as proof of copyright like we always have?

>> No.49950210

>Tira Me a Las Arañas

>> No.49950342

A database will accomplish the same thing. It doesn't need decentralization.

>> No.49950527

With a database, you have to need the entity that holds the data.
DLT completely change the way we look at things. No one AND everyone will hold the data.

>> No.49950826

Then put a fucking actual physical signature on the damn picture. Sign the fucking NFT else who knows who fucking owns it.

>> No.49950846

copyright is a meme

>> No.49950991

>being too retarded to understand one 50-minute talk
libertarianism confirmed highest IQs again

>> No.49951537
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I actually saw that. And Allianceblock partners like IX swap and Art Consortium are also working on fractionalized NFTs. The trend is far from over, and we cant deny the profits coming from it. Kek

>> No.49951575

>stay out of your way
I see you've never woken up with a house centipede crawling on you

>> No.49951660

average stoner

>> No.49951701

that sounds like hell

>> No.49954018

Good. So good? I didn't have to think about it. Good idea, Anon.

>> No.49954048
