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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49926070 No.49926070 [Reply] [Original]

are you a real worker who produces value ? or some useless wagie who do nothing all day except complain

>> No.49926143

So you go to a restaurant and you don't want a waiter?

>> No.49926233

OP clearly has never worked a service job. Plus most non-service jobs will probably be automated away in the next couple of decades

>> No.49926259

Landlords are truly the unsung heroes of society

>> No.49926269

>constant landlord bait threads

Yep, it's bear market /biz/ alright kek

>> No.49926272
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this is actually true

>OP clearly has never worked a service job
bragging about being a wagie that sells people $4 coffees and scans barcodes as a glorified security guard

>> No.49926318


Have you hugged your landlord today?

>> No.49926342

Literally the difference your giga chad bitDAO holder and bitch boy other DAOs.

>> No.49926403
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>Actual Labor

>> No.49926442

Rent is due on the 1st.

>> No.49926476

I wouldn't mind going over to the kitchen and grabbing the food myself if it came at a discount.

>> No.49926492

> wagies poor top kek

I do work in a professional service job and make roughly 100k. senpai owns a couple of restaurants and does service work as well. 500k profit annual.

>> No.49926497

>"Serious" post
>Comic Sans
You should be shot

>> No.49926527


>> No.49926812

Why is it illegal to rape cute wagie girls?

>> No.49926884

my nigga sneaked landlords in and even used comic sans ms on the right side lmao he has no mercy

>> No.49927915

Working class is by definition someone who only makes money from wages. Someone who has an employer.

A landlord is never working class. If they earn wages from an employer then they are petite bourgeoisie. If they are not employed anywhere and only make money from their capital (like renting out property) then they are bourgeoisie. They are never working class.

Working class is people who only earn money from employed labor.

>> No.49927951

You know this is bait because landleeches are in the working class side

>> No.49927963

you are a retard

>> No.49928142

>Working class is by definition someone who only makes money from wages. Someone who has an employer.
that's a too wide definition - it includes people no sane person would think of as "working class".

>> No.49928159

i always tip my landlord early in CASH so he doesn't have to pay taxes on it.

>> No.49928176

Opposite. Most service jobs will be extinct with the exception of some gigs serving "ultra luxury." No way in 20 years (probably less) people are still going to let mongruls who can't read 1st grade sight words handle their food, packages, and other items when the robots are so much better at it, and don't complain

>> No.49928197

based landlords providing for society
fuck commies

>> No.49928210

I'm a salarie just trying my best

>> No.49928866
File: 3.78 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20220609_073041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a service technican working 810 meters underground and my company is one of leaders in copper and silver production, so I guess that I'm a "real worker", but I have never felt any sense of pride or accomplishment from what I'm doing. I had fucked up with college and got the job solely thanks to my family connections, because it's hard as fuck to get here and I didn't have any experience with any mechanic work. It felt terrible and humiliating to see 18y olds after car schools laugh at me for not knowing how to hold a wrench properly, but I've managed to learn and I'm able to do my tasks alone now. Money is fine though and it can get actually pretty good for my standards, if you come on Saturdays and holideys, but I'm still spending my life doing something I don't really care about. I'm 29 years old now and I dont think I would be able to learn coding, learn a language or try getting higher education again.
I will have to think about going up the chain, maybe apply for foreman. Operators have chill job and work only for 6 hours due to heat, but it's boring af. After I hit 5 years of experience underground I can try applying for demolition brigade.
Pic attached is one of the machines I'm repairing.

>> No.49928959
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>a small business owner is more the bourgeoisie than a CEO, as the CEO still answers to the Board of Directors but the small business owner has no superior

>> No.49929011

>small business owner has no superior
his customers are his superiors

>> No.49929176
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You sound like a real human bean anon
I hope you make it

>> No.49929660

That is what working class always has been.

A CEO would be working class. Unless he owns stock in the company or another company. If he is purely employed and don't own anything then he is part of the proletariat.

It is what economists and philosophers mean with working class. A small business owner is often considered petit bourgeoisie and not pure bourgeoisie. Because they usually work and do labor and doesn't purely live off capital (money-making property).

>> No.49929678

I agree, landlords really jumps out as productive labor.

>> No.49929718

A fuckign plumber who lives and dies by the quality of his work and people's perception of him is working class, and there's no 'wages'.
Jesus fucking christ you guys are completely incapable of paying back the national debt and it's obvious.

>> No.49929830

weak bait

>> No.49930110
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Great thread

>> No.49930252

The fat guy should be corperations hyphen in subsidies and then you need a second nigger being feed the first niggers scraps for this to make sense. 4 out of 10 effort

>> No.49930292

fake and gay. Ground doesn't even go down that far. The earth is hollow and ruled by the mozle people but nice try lizard man.

>> No.49930340

>Plus most non-service jobs will probably be automated away in the next couple of decades
yeah it's surely easier to automate construction jobs than it is to automate a fucking barista lmfao cope retard
your "jobs" will be the first to go. nobody goes to restaurants when they're poor and can't afford rent or food. the only shit that will survive is bars

>> No.49930690

Working class is people who are employed and earn a wage. Not someone who owns their own means of production.

>> No.49930932

Absolutely. Waiters are useless. Just give me one of those vibrating beeper thingies and buzz me when my food is ready. I'll walk my way right into the kitchen and grab my food. Ill also give myself a refill while I'm there since waiters are so bad about it.

I really only feel bad for low wage retail workers when they're some college kid or younger just trying to get by. Its the fuckers that are in their 30s or older when it's just pathetic. How did one manage to go their entire 20s and not think "hmm, this low wage job with shit hours and no benefits is probably not a good long term solution"? I have zero ambition in life but even I saw my path in my late 20s and chose not to take the hard road in life. I work remote now and instead of 10 an hr, I make 42. Plenty of free resources online but some people just want to live in misery.

>> No.49930989

Nta but bars will be the first to go. Who the fuck wants to pay a premium on alcohol if they already can barely afford rent or food? Liquor stores will do splendidly, however.

>> No.49931186

I made sure to give my landlord the sloppiest toppy every concieved

>> No.49931245

>If he is purely employed and don't own anything then he is part of the proletariat.
This also goes for landlords, landlord revolution now. In Bidens amertica landlords are persecuted. When Trump comes back he will give landlords monthy stipend checks taken from the """"poor""""(no grindset) for all their hard work.