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File: 218 KB, 997x739, IMG_20220202_173702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49920605 No.49920605 [Reply] [Original]

Why is HR always purely women?

>> No.49920620

bc im a sadist. it brings me joy making people break down and cry

>> No.49920622

They are useless in pretty much everything and HR magnifies them into a catastrophe, since they're in charge of filtering resumes while having no fucking clue what they're supposed to be looking for

>> No.49920636

calls other people useless but cant spoiler x)

>> No.49920657

Somebody thank this brave nurse.

>> No.49920710

This board doesn't have spoilers you absolute fucking retard, that's the joke.

>> No.49920729

oops my bad you just arent very funny then ig

>> No.49920744

Did this guy end up dieing from the covid he had?

>> No.49920762

Almost, thank god he was protected from being double vaccinated.

>> No.49920766

Women love nagging and bitching

>> No.49920852

what is this? is this legit hospital stuff or some kind of fetish? he appears to have a pump on his dick.

>> No.49920871
File: 189 KB, 981x1512, this kills the globohomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think women are not useless because they are women.
They are useless because society allows them to be useless and get away with anything. Women basically can't fail in modern societies. They have so many options and will always have a roof over their heads.
We should end public social net and marriage laws and they would be forced to create actual value and be civilized.

>> No.49920922

God bless

>> No.49920943

He is a covid victim fighting for his life. You shouldn't joke about it. It could be you.

>> No.49920958

Stfu you stupid cunt and DIE

>> No.49920999

HR is just admin work.
Admin work akin to reception or data entry.

>> No.49921003

why so mad anon?

>> No.49921018

because it's an easy job with no real technical aspects.

>> No.49921058
File: 1.88 MB, 640x532, 1643938622717.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much time do you spend looking for pictures like this?

>> No.49921153

God I wish that was me

>> No.49921165

I interned at HR and these people do work like a robot they just forward resumes to the people that actually make decicions, manage meetings and write references. And yes soemhow it was almost all women but funny enough the higher ups were all men. One of the male middle managers was promoted to higher up on one of my last days and you could see the seethe in the owmen

>> No.49921168

Is that safe?

>> No.49921226

I wish I got into HR. HR whores make a lot of money relative to other departments and their only job is to make your job more difficult with their BS meetings and performance reviews.

>> No.49921243


Well considering that cum is literally brain fluid(there's a reason why porn is free) I would say no.

>> No.49921246

HR is only there so mister shekelberg can bang them, they literally add no value to a company

>> No.49921363


because they can smell and weed out the autism and shitlords more effectively than men can.

>> No.49921421

She is heroically pumping the covid out of his cock

>> No.49921452

>tfw no sadist girlfriend that constantly makes cry
why live

>> No.49921455

This... because you're all too retarded to gatekeep for a company producing no actual revenue while doing mostly nothing. Why are you letting the women make a comfy 6 figures instead of you?

>> No.49921499

because very few women are technical or even interested in tech in general. So the end up in human resources because they're inherently drawn to working with people.

>> No.49921580

This. Women have. 6th sense for insanity, insecurity and lies, even the insane women. That’s why when you apply for a technical job your first interview is a 5 minute casual chat with Rebecca. But yes they are useless in every other regard

>> No.49921641

our HR department sends out constant missives about "diversity" but every single person working there is a white woman

>> No.49921821

True but doesn't work that well all fields. for example, IT. 8/10 times HR opinion is disregarded.

>> No.49921946

who is She

>> No.49921983

Only if you're a moron. Women are easy to manipulate, if you're 6'3" like me ;)

>> No.49922015
File: 406 KB, 498x474, 1580146607101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women have. 6th sense for lies

>> No.49922208

yes for IT HR should STFU and hand me the cv

>> No.49922286
File: 5 KB, 250x185, ehhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He survived covid but got drained of all his nutrients by that succubus in the pic. He lost about 30 pounds of cum and is now withering slowly away.

>> No.49922366

Diversity means filling the place with attractive men, and less attractive than them women.

>> No.49922455

is he gonna be ok?