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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 1046x1046, HBAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49919010 No.49919010 [Reply] [Original]

>governing council:

Hedera is governed by a council which has the world’s most influential companies and institutions, including (but not limited to):
-Chainlink Labs
-Standard Bank

>HBAR foundation:

The above listed bodies (along with others) are constantly funding The HBAR Foundation with billions of dollars ($5 bn). In return, the foundation is allocating these funds toward attracting developers to build on the Hedera ecosystem


So far HBAR foundation has allocated more than $500 million towards expanding the Hedera network/ecosystem. Here are the allocations:

-$250 million allocated for metaverse development
-$155 million allocated for DeFi development
-$100 million allocated for sustainable project development
-$60 million allocated for Fintech development

> 3rd generation public ledger:

The Hedera proof-of-stake public network, powered by hashgraph consensus, achieves the highest-grade of security possible (ABFT) with blazing-fast transaction speeds and incredibly low bandwidth consumption

>Performance metrics:

-Transactions per second: 10,000
-Average fee: $0.0001 USD
-Transaction confirmation: 3-5 second (w/ finality)
-Energy use per transaction: 0.00017 KWH^^

>> No.49919265

HBAR generals are back?
is this is signal?

>> No.49919376

the signal has already been there

>> No.49919444

>transactions are being bundled, making everything on hedera more efficient
>nfts are cheap
>boomer ecosystem
>creator solves math problems with god's help
>sharting coming in Q4
>steaking next month

>> No.49919454

sell signal

>> No.49919478

extremely well written and informative general thread. every single general thread on 4chan is just a bunch of trolls of copypastas

havent seen one in a while bullish asf


very based and distinguished gentleman

>> No.49919599

how did they oboard so many huge companies?

>> No.49919613
File: 120 KB, 1658x874, image_2022-06-23_124133574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sad trumpet*

>> No.49919685
File: 575 KB, 1853x2910, 1655932465310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OpenAI told me 10k sui 100k make it,

>> No.49919705

cause theyre the only chain that suits institutional use

>> No.49919823

literally every other chart in the crypto market right now
you motherfucker really thought you did something huh

>> No.49920217
File: 30 KB, 472x471, 396a4ba9-9e3d-4a3d-85ad-e1a03b7e3460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy signal

>> No.49920355
File: 364 KB, 1080x2730, 1655984151309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not buying your bags Christopher

>> No.49920455

go buy ETH... oh wait gas fees cost a ton
go buy SOL... oh wait the network is down half of the time
go buy ADA... oh wait there are barely any dApps

i think at this point you should just rope instead

>> No.49920689
File: 66 KB, 866x1024, 36a6d987-2ed3-49e2-ba2b-f010d812908d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought
>pic related

>> No.49920774

In not selling a single hbar untill it's worth a bottle of wild turkey

>> No.49921321

Dude your coin is down LOL look at the price

Fun fact, anyone who bought last year past march is now holding at a loss. Heaviest bags on biz next to XRP. Does the tech really matter when you can't make any money, even with all the big corps on the GC?

>> No.49922404
File: 259 KB, 1307x1129, 1628761509930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, picrel
FTM is even lower btw

>> No.49922510
File: 207 KB, 1302x909, 1638883107689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49922682

Chart looks bullish. Your strategy is to buy after a coin has pumped? Top jej

>> No.49923789

Leading the witness.

>> No.49923942

>>sharting coming in Q4
I wouldn't say anyone agrees what "POS Sharding" is yet. The ETH2.0 people have some magic fairy dust idea, the Cosmos people are grounded in reality that sharding+POS doesn't work so they got for a Hub-Spoke model (layer-1 single chain, layer 2 spokes), and every other project falls somewhere in between. I have zero idea how POS's security doesn't degrade as a POS attempts to scale up. POS already has massive security problems that sharding exacerbates dramatically
With POW, the work done is pinned to an external reality (hash difficulty) which makes it quick for anyone to verify (rehash+count the zeros). With POS, the "proof" is pinned to an internal reality aka the stake.
Regardless, all sharded POS networks basically degrade to one of two models in practice: high-centralization w/ supernodes (ZIL/hashgraph) or hub-and-spoke.
POW doesn't have this issue bceause POW is pinned to the external world (you can validate a header's POW w/o having to download the chain) + POW is stochastic, which allows for a seemless production of blocks in parallel

>> No.49924876

>$0.26 v $0.7
LOL your coin was the same price as FTM once too bro you really missed out
(btw don't hold any ftm just using it since you chose to bring it up)

>> No.49924991

Imagine thinking you’re smarter than Leemon Baird a literal genius. He doesn’t need to wait for anyone to define it, as he alone already knows the optimal definition. Also sharding will in no way degrade the chain. Kys midwit.
>ftm bagholder
Nice try. No one except bagholders use FTM as an example.

>> No.49925053

Every day. Meds. Now.

>> No.49925404

since when is HBAR listed on coinmetro?

>> No.49925486

Waste of time

>> No.49925673

Prepare to be assblasted

>> No.49925864

Yeah a besrish one. Smug link schizo posting is back too. Bad times ahead.