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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49912910 No.49912910 [Reply] [Original]

This is the last fucking time I’m gonna try with crypto, I swear, the fucking last, so tell me anon, what do you have regarding metaverse?

>> No.49912949

You are pretty fucking retarded if you think that falling for a literal VC scam is gonna make you money but whatever. You do you with your money, faggot.

>> No.49912981

>This is the last fucking time I’m gonna try with crypto

>> No.49912989


First post literally best post and it's not even funny to me lol

>> No.49913015

Wait a few days for the fire sale

>> No.49913021

I'd suggest you stick to investing in stocks or something since you clearly don't know how to research stuff by yourself OP

Pink wojaks get old really quickly

>> No.49913033

>what do you have regarding metaverse?
imagine investing in the metaverse, the worst ponzi scheme of all.

>> No.49913042

they are a fucking excuse to sell nfts

>> No.49913054

what fire sale? do you mean buying meta stocks? that shit's old news nigga stop using internet explorer so you can keep up with what's going on around the world

>> No.49913070

There are metaverses where YOU can design your own designs, whether it's cars, whether it's homes, whether it's clothing, whether it's everything. And you can make money based on that. Like for example Elysian, it's a game very similar to Sandbox, with SIMS features, and it's a metaverse where everyone can make their own designs and earn money.

>> No.49913075

this thing is only good for investing when you're early and then getting the fuck outta there as soon as you can with what little profits you can get. Simple as

>> No.49913096
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>> No.49913101
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>yet ANOTHER fucking sims clone, as if there weren't like 9999999 trillion copies of that exact same premise already

>> No.49913109

basically, another roblox attempt.

>> No.49913112

I wonder if this faggot ever finished the game or not

>> No.49913116

Second Life already happened

>> No.49913117

unfathomably based

>> No.49913122

If you can make money on that shit, I don't care if it's the 1000th chink copy.

>> No.49913130

all new projects in cryptos are cringe.

>> No.49913134

Man imagine being able to get away with scamming a bunch of 14 year old girls with your game on Patreon. It's even better than having NEETbucks since you can milk that shit forever

>> No.49913139
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Firepin fire.io
Presal ends in a few days

>> No.49913138

all crypto projects are pure gamefi, metaverse and bullshit that only serve to steal our money.

>> No.49913141


My thoughts exactly

>> No.49913163

What's stopping you from making money selling 3D models?

>> No.49913204

just buy icp. Its literally that easy. Its just like buying eth in 2017 and btc in 2009. It is undeniabley "THE" next big thing. This is an internet computer computational certainty.

>> No.49914969
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>> No.49915048

people sleeping on icp will cause untold amounts of therapy in years
>I heard about ICP on a mongolian nose whistling forum but I thought it was a scam. No way I'd buy something called ICP

>> No.49915243

I used to have same notion but the concept of metaverse has evolved beyond what you know and this has given me a different pot of view, for example I am a big fan of any kind of sports so I got thrilled when I got to see that sports has also come to the metaverse and I will be able to connect with famous athletes like Amanda Nunes a UFC star who will be holding training sessions on how to fight in immersive 3D.

>> No.49916386

Hedera should be seeing a ton of metaverse money flowing soon now that HBAR foundation allocated more than $250 million towards expanding that sector

>> No.49917134

BitDAO's starting to build their metaverse ecosystem through their partnership with PleasrDAO so maybe check that out
They literally have the largest treasury in the market

>> No.49917280

Invest in BAYC Rhymeland.