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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49912475 No.49912475 [Reply] [Original]

Ok so i fucked up. Met a retired investment banker with a saviour fetish. I've been playing him like a fiddle, about how i was homeless, i dont eat food because im broke etc. He's fallen for me so hard.

Anyways we're in his lounge and I've connected my phone to his system so i can play my music. Long story short i accessed my bank account whilst it was connected because of pic related, and he saw my bank balance. 6 figs.

What do i do? He said i lied to him, and he see's me in a different light. Im crying in the bathroom, what do i say to him? He's too good to let get away. And his cat loves me. I want a happy life and its not fair he's angry at me. Pls help

>> No.49912496

wrong board and fuck women.

>> No.49912506


>> No.49912549
File: 298 KB, 1125x1125, 787BD3D9-2480-4085-ACD7-D236E6CA1F62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God shut the fuck up ywnbaw
Captcha too gay

>> No.49912556

I need help from someone with experience of older men, where else can i ask? Please help, been in the bathroom 20 minutes now

>> No.49912574

Not a femanon

Apologize directly to him and see if you can work something out. Stop lying to him.

>> No.49912595

If you think it's bad now, wait until he finds out you have a dick.

>> No.49912618

>be lying bitch
>surprised the person you tricked is mad when he finds out
Women everyone, they think it's harmless. LMAO. I hope he kills you

>> No.49912696

>Apologize directly to him and see if you can work something out. Stop lying to him.

Ok so I'll apologise and tell him i love him for him? And that i didnt mean to lie, i found myself caight up in something i couldn't control and because i care for him so much i didnt want to hurt him. It was hurting me each time to lie?

Im so fucking angry at myself how can i be so stupid. I wouldnt be surprised if he starts making me contribute now.

Wtf. He's not going to kill me, im just worried he'll cut me out of his life. I cant let that happen

>> No.49912705

Expert woman here

Given that he has a saviour fetish, and you have been locked in the bathroom for 20 minutes:

I would try to pretend you are drowning in the bathtub. Scream "help, help, I cant swim"

He will burst through the door to pull you out, and - if you play your cards right - he will experience what it is like to lose you. And in that moment he will cherish you and not want to risk losing you again

>> No.49912709
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>He said i lied to him
You did.
>he see's me in a different light
He should.
>what do i say to him?
"I'm a lying manipulative self centered cunt."
>What do i do?
Admit you are a bad person and move on.

>> No.49912724

My advice is kill yourself

>> No.49912740

Kek fucking great bait OP.

I myself am a /biz/ girl who holds 20k link. Ive had to sell a lot of it to help my black boyfriend buy a car... Parting with some link Is worth it for the good dick, his dick is like crack for me.
Girl my advice to you is Get you a nice strong black boyfriend and you wont even think about money. You'll be happy to give all your money to him. I get more dopamine being fucked by bbc then i do from getting big gains from crypto bullmarkets!

>> No.49912748
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women, everyone!
holy fuck

>> No.49912750

give him his money back hole
then let him poo on your face
then posts picks as repayment for wasting everyones time with this bullshit thread

>> No.49912755

are you dumb enough to think this is real?

>> No.49912783

stdh but still pretty funny

>> No.49912789


>> No.49912822

Nearly the same situation happened to me back in 2018. I deployed the easiest trick in the book; get pregnant.
You can lie at first, buy a positive test and then he'll be okay with finishing inside you since it's not issue.
Good luck

>> No.49912881

Did laugh a bit.

>>he see's me in a different light
>He should.

Fucking why though, im still the same person, i havent changed i make him feel good, i know etiquette and how to be have at a restaurant, how not to question what he orders for me etc.

Im the perfect fit for him. Its been 25 mins now, im gonna go outside and talk to him.


No one is actually helping. Im gonna just cry and hope he forgives me, remind him of the special moments and that what he felt and i felt was real. Hes a hopeless romantic (his words) so I'll tell him true love doesnt run smoothly. Hopefully he'll forget about it all and things can go back to normal

>> No.49912897

Your choice of music would make me dump your ass, not your six figures.

>> No.49912923

Fuck... actual advice. Ok im going to do this. Did you buy the pregnancy test online? Did things work out? Im on the implant but i can just say its failed and have it taken out

>> No.49912938

Give home the best sex of his life every day before he ask. Your only value is a cum dumpster

>> No.49912946

4chan is at least 75% larps

>> No.49912969

Let him fuck your ass when ever he wants, let him do whatever he wants to you. then he will stay.
>t. Insider

>> No.49912994

Hi femanon here. You're a bad person and he's right. If you've lied so bad and things have just started out, imagine the intricate web of lies you'd have constructed down the road. He dogged a huge bullet and you're toxic and manipulative.

Do better.

>> No.49913005

any /biz/ women here want to save me, im not lying like OP is

>> No.49913055

HAHAHAHAHAHA i type completely straight faced. WOMEN!!! XDDDDD Girls go to jupiter to get more stupider while boys go to mars to get more chocolate bars... Then i type "Wheeze... AHHAHAHAHAHA" again

>> No.49913066

There's plenty of sites that sell them online. I got mine from a friend at the time.
>Did things work out?
Yes! We're actually married now with 2 kids, but do you wanna know a little secret? The kids aren't his. Since you know you have him trapped, you can get pregnant from a guy with great genes and then your "husband" will pay for them and raise them.
It's a win win situation

>> No.49913077

are you okay, stacy

>> No.49913150

Too obvious you're not a woman. You dont even write like one you incel faggot

>> No.49913168


Last year I sat down and told my husband i did this with two of our kids (we have 3)

he looked down and said "the ol' reddit switcheroo...."

idk what that means but he cant leave as ill get the house and car

>> No.49913177

This isn't reddit. Take your cuck fetish shit elsewhere.

>> No.49913426

Me too, sister! Weve got them by the balls and the purse strings, tee hee!
Checked. So refreshing to be in a thread full of NORMAL girls doing normal girl things

>> No.49913859

So you girls /biz/ max? I love going on lavish trips to dubai. I usually get 30k and all expenses paid. Its really great and lets me invest in crypto.

>> No.49913878

>Fuck... actual advice. Ok im going to do this.

> It hurts me sooooo much to lie to him
> Oh good advice! Lemme lie to him!

This has to be a larp.

>> No.49914038


girl i was starting to date told me she was going to dubai as a guy had paid for her flights and accomodation in a fancy hotel

we were only having sex but it was looking like it would be more before she said that. i spitefully dmed her tagthesponsor.com and she ghosted me and i ghosted her

>> No.49914584

Imagine believing there’s girls on the internet kek

>> No.49914637

Girl, you got to give him the butthole and maybe your friend's or mom's butthole too.

>> No.49914638

Suck his dick retard

>> No.49914661

Cool story bro. Sounds like a real thing that really happened.

>> No.49914706

Tranny posting is getting a little of control.

>> No.49914744

>playing him like a fiddle
wrong board, fuck you, but what's to expect besides him dumping your ass since you played him for his money? who knows what else you'd lie about someday

>> No.49914761

you evil fucks need to chill itt impressionable idiots browse and will believe you kek.

>> No.49914785
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Holes giving actual advice to tranny larpers. Wow

>> No.49914787

Advice? How about charge your fucking phone

>> No.49914941

Everyone has been played at some time in their lives. Point is to learn from it. I can lay out step by step details (without having to be a piece of shit pregnancy larper). We’ll probably need at least some context into how you got yourself into this situation to begin with. Before that, we got to see some feet pics. This will prove your actually a woman.

>> No.49915493

kek holes thinking their holes don’t smell like shit

>> No.49915901

>you're toxic and manipulative.

No, im sincere and i do things for the right reason

Lol you're bad. The thing is things worked out for you, you have a good hubby and happy kids, it doesnt really matter who the dad is, as long as things work out. You're winning life.

I actually find this guy physically attractive as well as a good provider so i wouldnt mind having his kids. He's in really good shape. I genuinely havent cheated much, maybe two guys if that. Anyways i think things will work out for me.

>> No.49915944

>be me, good loooking dude in mid 30s, make 400k in finance
>randomly meet 20yr old girl who is fun
>know age gap too high, so told her she should find someone else
>she doesn’t want to let go
>slowly she demands I pay for more of her shit
>she tries to extort me saying she’ll report rape to the police (she has a rape fetish)
>say ok, don’t do it
>we are still together after a year, she has a job next to studying now, pays for her own shit

womenz who just try to use you are idiots, why I let thid slide is s mystery to me, should have jist ghosted her - you old sugardaddy should have thrown you out and got a restraining order. You prob tell him he shouldn’t touch you because you have trust issues.

>> No.49915973

you will never be a woman.
neck up tranny faggot.

>> No.49915988

You realise that you can't get pregnant right? You dont have the pre-requisites.
The only "baby" you are going to get from this guy, you are going to shit out shortly afterwards.


>> No.49915990
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>> No.49915992

Kys you disgusting whore. He sees you as the worthless degenerate dreg you are, there's no coming back from this.

>> No.49916005

Tell him you do double anal

>> No.49916044

Ok here's an update.

I sat him down, and started crying. I said i grew up so poor, and was always hungry. I told him how i was sexually abused for money, because i couldnt afford my rent at times. He really felt sorry for me. I havent mentioned the money in my account at all. I said i loved him, for him, and that i wanted a life with him and a family. I said i had something very important to tell them but that im going to make him his favourite breakfast first.

He's really curious. I told him something special has happened but I'll cook him breakfast first. He's asleep now. I havent slept all night but i feel things will work out.

Im nervous to lie to him but i know its for the best, we're meant to be together and im prepared to do anything to make that happen.

>> No.49916111

Fucking kek, I'd say this is shit bait but you've got a lot of replies OP

>> No.49916164

I went with an arab guy before, but didnt travel. Horrible experience. I felt degraded. He was literally eating pizza whilst i sucked his dick and made his sit around with his cum on my face all night. He kept telling me how much money his family had and that i was worth nothing. We watched this film together, 365 days. Was ok.

>> No.49916174

lmao jannies do your job you fucking retards

>> No.49916181

No, it hurts too much. Rest is disgusting.

I do that anyway

White lies keep things running smoothly. When he asks me his opinion on something i just agree, its easier. Once im settled then i can do things my way obvs

>> No.49916186

you are a collossal faggot buddy
>still together with a girl who threatened to tell the police i raped her :DDDD

>> No.49916195

Nice try to get feet pics

Its called being in love, yeah i know, weird concept lol

>> No.49916203

>lying in a relationship
Look, your personal finances are your own business, but larping as being a broke-ass bitch is crossing the line. For his sake I legitimately hope he leaves you, and failing that I hope he reads you the riot act about this and takes some time for himself so you can realize what a colossal fuckup this all was. Quit being a manipulative cunt and playing retarded teenaged head-games with people you like and care about, especially if they like and care about you. This is the kind of shit I would expect from a 17 year old thot, not a grown fucking woman. For your own sake you need to apologize sincerely to the guy and lay everything out there as the truth and the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and accept that even for having done so he might still tell you to fuck off for good.

You get what you deserve.

>> No.49916225

no one in this thread asking for tits, what the fuck you fags? hell with the trannies swarming online these days, might need to ask for vag pics too

anyways, tits and vag with timestamp or gtfo

>> No.49916226

>Its called being in love, yeah i know, weird concept lol
Given that you lied and used the guy, you are not in love. You are just self absorbed and cannot stand that the guy you were using found out you are a lying bitch.

>> No.49916271


>> No.49916315

>lay everything out there as the truth and the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and accept that even for having done so he might still tell you to fuck off for good.

Whats the point in being honest if it will lead to a terrible outcome? Genuine question. I want things to go back to normal, thats the outcome i want. Not the possibility he leaves me. I've put too much into this to give up now. How many attractive men with money exist? Not many. No, not gonna give up, gonna keep trying

>> No.49916336

Threads too gay for jannies to delete.

>> No.49916354

How have i used him? I've put the work into this, I've been at his beck and call, i just put his dishes in the dishwasher, im proving my worth. We had sex for hours yesterday. I have literally never said no to him. I do care for him, its only fair he commits to me as much as i have for him

>> No.49916371
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>No booba
>No timestamp

>> No.49916394

this is definitely not a woman

>> No.49916413

>Met a retired investment banker with a saviour fetish. I've been playing him like a fiddle, about how i was homeless, i dont eat food because im broke etc.
you realize that you wrote that, right?

>> No.49916423

I suggest the rope.

>> No.49916450

When i read this back it makes me sound like a cold bitch, but i dont think thats me. I felt genuinely scared and worried that i had ruined things. I felt scared, like in my stomach.

>> No.49916454

Im worth 3 million usd leave him and date me instead

>> No.49916472

well because we are finely distinguished gentlemen who hate women and we're not /b/

>> No.49916478

Creepy pasta

>> No.49916486

>I felt genuinely scared and worried that i had ruined things. I felt scared, like in my stomach.

Well, the trust in your relationship is gone. Not to want to burst your bubble even further, but there are small lies, medium lies and then there are foundational lies. You were doing a foundational lie and the guy found out randomly.

The trust is gone. It is gone pretty much forever.

>> No.49916498

nice bait kike kys

>> No.49916515

What a load of crap. Like you need him if you have 6 figs, which is probably bs.

>> No.49916520

If you do the fake pregnancy test bullshit you're actually the worst person alive because it's just lying to double down on a lie. Quit fucking lying and tell the truth, you will get what you deserve.
>I want things to go back to normal
You have BPD and need to see a counselor and find God. Your normal is at best disingenuous and at worst literal mental illness. Figure it the fuck out, and playing with peoples lives and emotions like this is how they end up calling some hardass pipe-hitting motherfuckers to deal with you one day with you ending up dead and eaten by pigs or rotting in the desert or a cave as applicable.

>> No.49916523

You're a man

>> No.49916545

>Like you need him if you have 6 figs, which is probably bs.
6 figures is not much. If dude has 8 figures, she can still be a gold digger. Plus, he has a cat.

I am a mid-7 figures guy and as explained above, my gf tried to play me for a while.

>> No.49916553

This. The literal only solution is telling the truth and hoping the other person can find it in themselves to start things over from the beginning. Continuing the lie will only make things worse, period, end of sentence and end of story. Also - if this is a larp then I hope OP breaks multiple toes on their way to the fridge for more mountain dew and hotpockets tonight.

>> No.49916569

Thumbs-up for original screenplay. It's refreshing to read something other than the edgelord neet stuff.

>> No.49916573
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damn right this is bollocks. no actual female ever starts out with "I fucked up." it's never their fault

>> No.49916691

>The trust is gone. It is gone pretty much forever.

This isnt reassuring i feel fucking angry at myself, i just wanted to play my music and now its caused issues. He's asleep now and im just cuddling him as we speak. I think we'll get past it.

He has his own home. I rent, i cant buy a home on my bank balance. Plus he looks after me, why wouldn't i want to be with him?

Listen i want things to be normal. Thats it. How am i being a bad person for wanting us to be happy? We got together well, we have chemistry, it just works. It just feels right. I dont WANT to lie, i want things to be as before where we just cuddle and watch movies, none of this horrible awkwardness. Anyways we'll see when he wakes up, im going to cook his fav breakfast.

Not a larp, hes right next to me now. I told him how handsome he looks and he just said "thanks". I didnt like that response, its not like him

>> No.49916799

>I think we'll get past it.
Send him this archived thread - that would be a show of trust.

Not even larping here.

>> No.49916804

Post tits and timestamp and then fuck off

>> No.49916837

Men care for integrity and you have none. If you somehow manipulate him to continue the relationship you will get caught lying again and end up shot dead in a shallow grave. We do not forget.

>> No.49916905

you can't do this to men you crazy witch! tell the truth and then fuck off.

>> No.49916960

Lol why would i send him to this weird board, i only came here randomly and becuase its anonymous. Someone linked /tv/ sub on facebook and then i came here because i was interested in crypto and stocks. I know no one here actually is racist or hates women, its just a joke.

No, i do have integrity. I really fell for him, and i did what i had to do to make sure he fell for me. I didnt do anything wrong when you realise i did it for a good reason. It was like a dream the way he said... "is that your bank balance", i just looked at the TV like what the fuck. It didnt feel real.

What was i supposed to do? He wanted to take care of me, i wanted him to take care of me. He should love me for me, the way i do him. Im still the same person.

This is our song and im gonna play it to him tonight after i make him his fav drink.


>> No.49918055

Kek get fucked. U deserve it u lying piece of shit. You're going to get doxxed here and all of the posts will be revealed to the rich faggot and you're going to get cut off 100%

>> No.49918109

OP was posting for 4 hours straight. Ppl still took the bait and fed his LARP.

>> No.49918137


You're so full of shit. You don't think I check this board? Didn't think I'd catch you lying? I'm an investment banker. Don't you know that all successful, rich, giga-chads use /biz/ and it's def not a board for poor loser wagies to get burned by ponzi schemes?! BAKA

lol like the other anons said, women NEVER take responsibility for their actions. Why do you think they vote the way they do? They're honestly parasitic and fucking commies by nature. You really think expressing genuine remorse for a wrong doing is something a woman is capable of? If anything, it'd be she's sorry she got caught. Even then, they're not sorry until there's a gun to their head. They'll keep grifting till the end. You get nothing in return btw.

>> No.49918169

low quality bait

>> No.49918277

>i didnt mean to lie, i found myself caight up in something i couldn't control
even when it's your fault you're searching for ways to say it's not your fault, no attempt to admit fault, no attempt to repair the damage

>> No.49918761

Roastie gonna roast

>> No.49918764
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First of all tits or btfo
Second of all, I will play into your larp
So why did you lied to him? If some bitch did this to me I would be done, looks like you are a gold digger for me. Pretending that you have nothing, so that he will pay for you while you have your 6fig stack.
No thanks, eat shit cunt.

>> No.49918818
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lying whore

>> No.49918865

Honestly this, some autists here don’t realize a single female hadn’t posted in this topic. It’s a pretty well crafted b8 thread though, will go over lots of peoples heads.

>> No.49919184

ngl pretty funny

>> No.49919208

good luck with that

>> No.49919277

how can yu even tell whats bait anymore
i am rather inclined to believe this

>> No.49919385

It is either real or a really well elaborated bait thread. OP dodges the questions like a woman would.

>> No.49919407

>oh noo, my lies caught up to me, what ever shall i do, i know, ill cry and lie even more
it really does sound like a woman

>> No.49920133
File: 70 KB, 1200x737, DB033AC0-096B-4554-87A2-24E5115A01FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I know no one here actually is racist or hates women, its just a joke.

First, most people here are women and you know that. Second, it’s not racist to want a future for white people in white people’s countries - it is pretty much exactly what all other races are saying of their countries.

>> No.49920590

You're really starting things off on the bad foot by lying. One lie leads to another which leads to another lie which leads to more lying. Eventually you will have to remember each one of your lies, and the more complicated it gets, the more you will need to remember. Be completely honest and come clean. It will be better for the both of you.

>> No.49920700

>Whats the point in being honest if it will lead to a terrible outcome?
Jesus christ save you.

>> No.49920779

>>>/r/eddit, all of you /tg/ niggers

>> No.49920953


>> No.49921197

Eat shit and die roastie trash.

>> No.49921341

Really low effort larp. And you don’t even know how connecting phones to cars work.


>> No.49922076

>I know no one here actually is racist or hates women, its just a joke.

>> No.49922099

I've never gotten with older men before. Try /lgbt/.

>> No.49922132
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>this thread
some incel larping as a woman

Is this normal in the bear market?

>> No.49922192

See these
These posts are why women get viciously murdered and their children lit on fire for absolutely no reason at all.
Their husbands just snap and you have a tragedy become a comedy

>> No.49922202

Big larp and touch grass

>> No.49922347

Nightmare fuel.
Remind me to never trust women with anything.

I can instantly recognize liars, but still.
I hope not everyone is like you.

>> No.49922443

>And that i didnt mean to lie
But you did.

>> No.49922487
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>> No.49922669

Those are dudes larping feeding into incel faggots on this board. It happens but in a very small fragment of the population mostly lower class and niggers. And for every situation like this there's a dude that leaves his trad wife with no skills other than raising his 3 kids for his 20 year old secretary, which this board loves to applaud for being "Chad" because they all hate women since Stacy didn't tunnel through their basement to invite them to prom while they were busy playing MapleStory.

>> No.49922773

the amount of people itt who believe this is startling. You incels are so fucking gullible

>> No.49923027

>what do I do?
Show us your fucking tits and go away

>> No.49923200

Based OP baiting all the /pol/ tourists we need more of this so they leave the board

>> No.49923700
File: 41 KB, 619x500, EE214B6E-6906-4587-9CA3-C74D8D104B46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself walking hole

>> No.49924191

What sex are the kids, their ages and what is your profession.... asking for a friend......

>> No.49924266

Schizo larp

>> No.49925035


>> No.49925199

OP here, my ID changed. Heres an update.

He kicked me out his fucking place. We were supposed to spend the day together and he kicked me out. Im legit upset. Furious actually. Really angry. Its not right, we had a plan and hes treated me like this. He said he wants time but we'll meet tomorrow.

Fuck him, in so angry. I even called him and he decliend the call. I didnt let on how angry i was and just said oh ok, blah blah im a dumb bitch. Im so angry. Spent the afternoon drinking, so now im drunk and FUCKING .MISERABLE. really sad.

Really sad. Really sad. I dont want to die alone and i want him but hes a complete dickhead who thinks he can do what he wants. Well you know what I've muted his notifications and thats it, im not gonna message him for ages now his loss.

Im at home now and im that sad i dont want to be around anyone else. Im gonna message him and say its HIS baby he should've thought twice before fucking me, im not gonna give up just watch

>> No.49925684

Stop dodging questions you fucking tranny

>> No.49925918

lol this is an elaborate LARP. I Imagine it is of the brown hands origin as well:
"dooth, someday I'm going to be super rich crypto million Rupeeaire! Then all womans with bob who deny with bob will be sorry! I will throw them to loo street like bitsch call me slumdog! They will see who is technologically mad! Do the thankful and buy crypto, sers. Thank you. Thany you very very much"

Some brown pajeet got sick of scamming zoomers and stupid wagies and decided to LARP as some woman he beats the fuck out of in his imaginary future. She's white and, "super super sad, doothes", because, "she lost a gud Rupeeaire with hair of head!"
Sorry Pajeet. It's not like Bollywood. Women are fuckers and lie, cheat, steal and manipulate BUT NEVER EVER- under any circumstances- will take responsibility for their actions. How do you think we evolved from monkeys without the selective pressure created from selfish bitches?