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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49904652 No.49904652 [Reply] [Original]

Hi anons, whale here.
Excuse me guys, buy how do you do it? how is this board always the first to find the best projects?
I have a team dedicated to prospect for opportunities and I now for a fact that they use this board to search for bargains. These are Ivy League educated young men, getting outsmarted by some internet randos posting as anons.
I'll repeat, HOW?

>> No.49904679

>Ivy League educated young men
there ya go

>> No.49904785
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>Ivy League educated young men
You mean transsexuals, right? Pretty sure there's no "man" coming out of universities anymore.

>> No.49904815

I remember this same post from 3 years ago

>> No.49904823

>getting outsmarted by some internet randos posting as anons.

I have a PhD and two advanced master degrees in engineering and business, including one from Cambridge and one from Columbia.

I make half a million in my wagie job right now. Your "kiddos" who are being told to randomly search projects don't know jack shit, so they come here.

>> No.49904890

2 years

>> No.49905155
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I understand universities accept just any nigger off the street, but why are you monkeys frequenting this board?
Shouldn't you be out there multiplying like microbes?

>> No.49905840


>> No.49906140
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just lucky i guess

>> No.49906194

Obvious troll. This board is months behind.

>> No.49906317

post nose

>> No.49906339

>some internet randos
skitzos minds are a hell of a drug my men

>> No.49907951

autism is a hell of a drug. Found link and quant on here, really thankful for the anons posting these 2017-2018. A lot of noise but still, a lot of brainpower in here sometimes.

>> No.49908523

such a thing called tunnel vision when you have a small team doing research versus an internet community of thousands of people all over the world.
Honestly your post makes me think this is a larp because anyone with half a brain could figure this out (if it were true)

>> No.49909173
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>how is this board always the first to find the best projects?
They dont? The only good project posted here so far has been Chainlink.
Possible contenders may be Rubic, Gooeys, NFTB, and ApeSwap. It depends on how the next bull run pans out.
But right now, there is exactly one. Everything else was a jeet rugpull.

>> No.49909489

never underestimate the power of concentrated autism.

>> No.49909522

you hired people that interviewed well so they could get a job. they'll do fine, no matter what they do.
these are all hideous autists with a future of poverty and suffering if they can't make it.

>> No.49909590

Goddamn you are so ignorant…..how many times was Core forked anon? Do you know about Delta?? ffs….you autistic fucks made me rich and now I hate all of you.

>> No.49909603

It's a larp, it's a larp. I don't know why people do this but it is 100% larp. OP is a larp, that guy you quoted is a larp - larp, larp, larp. Is it possible that some actual smart or financially successful guy or two come here sometimes, yes of course. There's another anon remarking that this is larp not even original but 3 years old.

/biz/ NEVER finds and shills any good projects anymore, never. This could be some pajeet setup before they shill their latest project (of course noone's buying shitcoins now so the board isn't full of them as usual but it could still be one). Other than that who knows, for amusement to see what happens. There are trolls online who invent things and persist at them for years that you would never dream of in your wildest imagination someone would be ridiculous enough to make up.

>> No.49909674


It is called wisdom of crowd, retard.

>> No.49909682

>Ivy league
american education fren it's a scam

>> No.49909725

I'll save you the brain cells: buy as much LINK as you can

>> No.49910158

The trick is that there's no actual "insight" to be had regarding the crypto space, just get into things early and ride the pump from the Fed, and focus on projects that can be used to mint other ponzis.

>> No.49912334

There have been quite a few good ideas on this board, but it is diluted by a lot of garbage so normies can't find it.

But you are right - those who are financially successfully do not post here. They lurk for 10 minutes and move on.

>> No.49912875

1) shitty larp
2) /biz/ is far from the best source. It's mostly shitty TA, scam shitcoins, and LINK (A great pick in 2017 but shitty price action recently)

>> No.49912890

/biz/ shills everything so the winners of the bullrun are obviously going to be shilled here. Look in the archive for Fantom and Solana. There were about 5 anons shilling solana and fantom had a huge following here from 2018-2019

>> No.49912914

Of course shib was shilled here but so were a million rugpulls.

>> No.49912980

i got big in shib and d0gevb0nk. i figured fantom would be big, but after searching the ticker on twitter, i decided i could never invest in such a name

>> No.49913159

Fantom was heavily fudded here for a long time. To be fair things weren't looking good until Andre became a big name with yearn.