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49893656 No.49893656 [Reply] [Original]

Have pity on your fellow human. I hope you don’t act like this in public.

>> No.49893687

I throw peanuts on the floor at texas roadhouse
it's considered good clean fun
so why isn't it at the movie theater

>> No.49893703

Fucking niggers

>> No.49893715

>(((Fellow human)))
Go back kike nigger wagie

>> No.49893725

unironically this

>> No.49893764

Diversity is our biggest strength.

>> No.49893820

this, you learn how things really are quickly when you work in the service industry

>> No.49893846

Imagine still going to theaters when streaming exists

>> No.49893881

>Niggers see white usher
>Make a mess
>Post twitter cap about it on nazi underwater anime basket weaving investment board

>> No.49893894

I will never understand how vile you have to be to enjoy acting like a nigger and to put extra work on other people. Doenst matter if they are "wagies" or not. I hope people like >>49893715 rot in hell

>> No.49893989

just ban joggers, problem sovled

>> No.49894005

We all know the demographic that does this.

>> No.49894016

do people seriously watch "movies" still?
cinema ended with the last lord of the rings

>> No.49894025


It doesn't "kill ushers" you get paid hourly. Its literally you job to clean up. If anything it hurts the theater because they might need to hire more ushers/cleaners. But it doesn't hurt the employees, they clock in and out the same time anyway.

>> No.49894044

This is not how wage slaves operate. Everything falls onto them, they are the bottom of the pyramid.

>> No.49894087
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>I will never understand how vile you have to be to enjoy acting like a nigger and to put extra work on other people. Doenst matter if they are "wagies" or not. I hope people like >>49893715 rot in hell

>> No.49894097
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get fukd wagecuck

>> No.49894109


yeah it is how it works. They are not allowed overtime. And if it is approved, then they get paidx1.5 so most wagies actually like it.

But what happens is the wagies clock out and if they couldn't clean everything up then there is probably some salaried manager that works there who will finish the job. If it happens enough times he will get pissed and hire another cleaner.

>> No.49894111

>Post twitter cap about it
stop typing like a Nigger

>> No.49894241

You must be at least 18 to post here.

>> No.49894424

To the service wagies who deny the nigger question, why?

>> No.49894516


>> No.49894534


>> No.49894549

based empathy possessor

>> No.49894568
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clean it up janny

>> No.49894584

>People learn how to behave themselves like the Japanese
>employees looses job because they are longer needed
Kek would be pretty funny to see their reaction.

>> No.49894618

/biz/ catalog after BTC down 5%

>> No.49894668

just get rid of niggers and this never happens, i live in eastern europe and i never see shit like this. if anybody acted like this they’d get confronted and forced to clean it up. i once saw a teen get stuffed in a trash bin by an older fellow for littering at the train station and refusing to pick it up.

>> No.49894669

I've been a janny wagie at a cinema before and OP's pic looks average desu. Would be a lot worse if you replaced floor soda with puke or nacho cheese, or maybe if soda was all over the seats instead. That kills the janny.

>> No.49894706


Or they could just execute the people who act like this and save society millions in future welfare payouts and crime reduction. Fucking retarded broken glass theory adherent.

>> No.49894749

They should force mongoloids to clean their own mess after the movie is over. Talking doesn't do anything when their IQ is 0

>> No.49894751

Or white suburban teens, or older asians, or teenage latin kids etc. you see this at every theater except dine ins ironically

>> No.49894979

nigger apologist

>> No.49895018

In america maybe, because your country literally worships niggers.

>> No.49895039

This was most likely done by white frat boys.

>> No.49895088

You'll never be a woman.

>> No.49895166

Fuck off kike

>> No.49895257


You don't understand Jannie if they wouldn't do that your job could be made redundant as they could use half the jannies for the same multi screen Cinema.

>> No.49895294

This is every movie theater after showing a kids movie. It's expected, and sweeping popcorn isn't that hard. Now puke is another story.

>T. former cineplex odeon employee.

>> No.49895297
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west deserves everything thats coming

>> No.49895399

>movies finishes.
>take my trash to the bin
>the ONE (AND ONLY) BIN near the exit is overflowing with trash
>baka, throw my trash in the rough vicinity on the floor.
>people laugh
Tell your bosses to supply more bins or shut the fuck up and pick up my trash.

>> No.49895426

Kek not in the slightest.

>> No.49895453

People here posting wagie all are wagies lol

>> No.49895465

If you do this at a theater I'd beat the shit out of you lol

>> No.49895490
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>> No.49895636

Also not how it works and the situation you describe with the manager would only happen at the very last showing of a movie. If this happens during prime hours they typically only have 15-20 minutes to clean before the early birds are waiting outside the theater (less likely for the theaters with assigned seating as you dont need to fight for a spot)

>> No.49895641

Why Americans are like this?
I was in US 3 times, and 2 I went to a cinema, and everyone was clapping from time to time.The first time I tough I had bad luck, and got a session with a group of mentally handicapped people.
Not only this, but fat fucks apparently go to cinema just to eat and take pictures. One fat girl was even recording tiktok, and the feet. Holly shit Americans are so filth, they put their foots over seats. Is like the whole country is a pigsty.


>> No.49895711

Nah, accidents would still happen.

>> No.49895742

>creating jobs
be thankful, op.

>> No.49895791

I worked at a theater for years so I have expert knowledge here. Black people and young children made the biggest messes by far, teenage boys were the most confrontational, old white women (when travelling in packs especially) were the most likely to bitch and ask for the manager

>> No.49895793

I worked at a movie theater in high school in suburban Texas in an area that was majority white so I know what I'm talking about. it was the worst during kids movies no matter what race because kids are fucking messy and drop things everywhere. the soccer moms had enough to worry about getting their kids out of the theater let alone the trash they left behind they knew we'd clean up. the next worst was teen films because teens dont care. The best films were the adult ones because adults tend to pick up what little trash they may make.

as far as being loud in the movie or yelling out predictions midscene, yeah mostly blacks did that

>> No.49895796

HoHols are even worse retard.
Using your logic why don't we gas jewKraine while we're at it

>> No.49895811

>get a job
>complain about your job because you have to work
You just tell that to your boss and you or someone find a solution to this issue. You don't complain on any social media.

>> No.49895815
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>intentionally make a mess in city cinemas staffed by niggers and mutts
>keep rural cinemas staffed by white teenagers clean

>> No.49895831

The last time I went to an american cinema, one guy wearing a baseball cap AND SUN GLASSES sit next to me. He keep his sun glasses on during the whole movie.
Is this a normal thing in america?

>> No.49895855
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>Me when I see you fucking wagie acting up again.

>> No.49895875

If I ever have to see a movie, I do it in the morning on a weekday when everyone else is at work. Thanks to COVID, the theater is always all to myself and I can avoid other filthy human beings.

>> No.49895924

Look! He posted a webm of a mentally ill man thinking he had the right to park a bicycle inside a store! And he's being a real tough guy and beating up an old man. I'm sure the anon behind this post is a real tough guy!

>> No.49896146

This. Fuck niggers.

I'll take my 3 days again Janny. Fuck you, tranny nigger lover.

>> No.49896200
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>> No.49896203

>Everything falls onto them, they are the bottom of the pyramid.
Not my problem

>> No.49896301

asians never do this and act like fucking animals

>> No.49896540
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not my problem

>> No.49896593

>in america maybe
>i worked in texas so i know what i'm talking about
why do burgers struggle with reading comprehension in their own language?

>> No.49896613
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fuck you wagie

>> No.49896619

>Everything falls onto them, they are the bottom of the pyramid.
And we should care... why exactly? If the job is bad, they can look for another one.

>> No.49896624

You will never have sex with a woman.

>> No.49896659

It's the faul of your cheap ass cinema. Those plane plates are do not even have a cup holder, are you supossed to be holding your cup the whole movie?

>> No.49896718

wagecucks absolutely btfo

>> No.49896739

Actually I work at a theatre in a black area of town and they are very respectful and kept clean it’s the white redneck conservative types that leave everything in a mess

>> No.49896807

Leaving behind cups/wrappers/etc. on the seat is one thing, it literally just takes a few seconds for the wagie to put each of those in a garbage bag so I don't care
But wtf at those popcorn and drink spills.
And yes I realize sometimes people accidentally spill/drop their food, but in that case you should make some kind of effort to at least clean that shit up yourself, since it's a lot of waste on the fucking floor
And let's be honest: sometimes there are nasty assholes who purposely throw that shit on the floor

>> No.49896810

Post nose

>> No.49896886

>older asians
Disregarded immediately, one may hate Chinamen with a burning fashion, but why lie?

>> No.49896906

t. niggers

>> No.49897277
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>normalniggers justening wagieniggers
something is oddly strange about this obscure weirdness

>> No.49897524

Wtf nobody struggled. how is me quoting that post a struggle? all I did was confirm. stop being so dense you try hard

>> No.49897576

really? have literally seen older asians shit in the bushes in rosemead california. travel more.

they may not spill but they certainly leave all their trash in the seat and cup holders versus the giant trash cans at the theater exit

>> No.49897858

I always finish my popcorn and drink because I’m a fat pig, but to make up for this I always make sure to take 2 extra cups of butter and then I’ll pour them all over the seats surrounding me so I have my own section. I make sure to let people know there’s butter on the surrounding seats so they don’t sit by me. One time I was leaving the theater and could hear in the distance an usher shouting “aww what the fuck” after seeing my buttered up chairs. They now charge $1 per butter cup since those incidents but that doesn’t stop me.

>> No.49898237
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>you have to have had sex with at least 18 year olders in order not to be reported as an incel here

>> No.49898296
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>based muddo

>> No.49898421

They’re negative IQ animals. Apes are what they are, there’s no point in questioning why they act like an ape.

>> No.49898655


It's not just Ukraine. The whole Eastern Europe is like this. If you go to some small town it's immaculate. Meanwhile if you go to the UK half the places look like a rubbish dump.

>> No.49898719


>> No.49899318

>pay for the theater membership at my local kinoplex
>get free popcorn with my membership
>order a large bag
>dump it on the floor in front of them
>oh man, that's embarrassing. Sorry about that.
>order a second bag of popcorn
>maintain eye contact with the employee as I dump that one on the floor too
>walk through the popcorn back to the concession stand
>A third bag of popcorn please
>they already know what I'm going to do
>I'm a member
>they can't refuse me

>> No.49899339

Fuck wagies. Clean up the mess wagie.

>> No.49899443

there should be dustpans or something and bins in the area so you can actually do it efficiently and quickly and have a place to dispose it right away, I'm not gonna collect all the popcorn/nachos etc with my hands. the cups, etc. are easy to take with you and dispose of though

>> No.49899673

>Diverting blame from niggers
Incredibly jewish

>> No.49899713

redditors are not human

>> No.49899765

Maybe try selling cans/bottles instead of your overpriced cup shit.

>> No.49899863

>wanting canned soda over fountain
found the world's biggest retard in the world

>> No.49899914

Not my problem.

>> No.49899964
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>> No.49900012
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>> No.49900023

He’s a nigger, their IQ is too low.

>> No.49900032

They don't do it for free

>> No.49900043

>15 cents has been deposited into your account, remember to thank the JIDF when you go to bed.

>> No.49900049

I’ve always argued that black bus drivers in urban centers are some of the most redpilled people.

>> No.49900063

kek i have a hole webm folder of black bus drivers beating the shit out of other black people.

>> No.49900077

I see niggers constantly throwing trash in the open street.

>> No.49900093


It's so obvious.

In the UK I only go to the cinema very rarely, and when I do go I go to the more expensive cinema that has the proper comfy chairs with recliner seats and you can make it into a sofa style thing with whoever youre with.

People there always clean up or at least don't make a huge mess.

>> No.49900097

Those people deserve the worst

>> No.49900128

Im not black

>> No.49900136

At least 50% of Reddit is just bots and AI I swear, I would argue the same for 4chan but the karma system makes it even worse over there.

>> No.49900262

People in finland clean up after themselves in every theatre, no matter if cheap or not.

>> No.49900271
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who was in the wrong

>> No.49900331

Clean it up wagie

>> No.49900372

Finland has less non-whites. I go to the expensive one cause it's mostly white people.

>> No.49900468

>in america they'll serve you a cup of melted butter
the mental image has me in tears of laughter
thanks anon

>> No.49900494

Cycklists deserve to be executed. And grandpa should have been packing heat.

>> No.49900557

literally not my job to clean up after myself, i paid the ticket price which includes theater's service such as cleaning

>> No.49900589
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the wageslave was in the wrong. While the punishment was brutal, under no condition should the wageslave touch or pick up a free man's property unless he is the owner of the store or the manager. Even though the manager is himself a wageslave, he may touch free men's property because the owner is allowing him to act in his stead. Any other employee that does so needs to be punished severely to maintain wageslave discipline, otherwise the wageslaves will get way too uppity.

I know it sounds like I am a bleeding heart liberal, but even this wageslave should be able to get his job back when he has shown proper respect for authority by having a sign that alerts the free men that he apoligizes for the incident and will allow any free man to shit directly in his mouth without getting the company's uniform stained.

>> No.49900606

Not my problem

>> No.49900780

Same as in my 95% white town in canada, i went to a movie in toronto once and was absolutely disgusted by the way these "people" were treating the place

>> No.49900824

It’s way better. Fountain soda is disgusting n watered down.

>> No.49900835

Post it bro.

>> No.49900897


>> No.49900940

>nearly murdering someone cause they touched your bike

fucking hell what is wrong with people

>> No.49900963
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i worked at a budget movie theater, it was my first great redpill

little kids movies: at least one spill somewhere, but otherwise not that bad

teenager movies: lots of stuff left behind but rarely a mess that needed any time to clean up

white people movies: little to no mess at all, everything thrown out

black people movies: trashed every goddamn time; outside food brought in, once there was a KFC bucket i have no fucking idea how they got it past the ushers since it's actually quite easy to tell

i hate niggers so much its unreal