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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4989252 No.4989252 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4989506

You do not really believe that /biz/ will grasp the XRP potential regarding the next 6 months? Forget about that, OP

>> No.4989735


The same people who say "supply is too high for it to moon" about xrp, are the same people who say "we're gonna see 1 satoshi = 1 dollar"

Same people who say "durr they can just issue more coins" are the same people who don't care that Bitcoin is run by a chinese cartel.

The market is in bubble mode right now, and when the game of musical chairs is over, the coins with a real use case and regulatory integrity will stay.

>> No.4989758


XRP and ripple's shitty business tactics are on their death throes.

>> No.4989780

Most based comment on a xrp thread since I don’t know when. You get it.
But I still believe that /biz/ can get educated to a certain amount

>> No.4989801

But I got crippled by Ripple last time

At least Stellar >>4989758 let me walk again on my own two feet

>> No.4989805

For you I am sorry that you don’t get it. What makes me even more sorry is the fact that I have to say this to you as I am also heavily invested in XLM.

>> No.4989821

XLM is a great coin too, I own both. Great scalability, and overall a good hedge in case Ripple majorly fucks up.

But you gotta admit that everything Ripple's criticised about, XLM is just as bad (if not worse).

Node/validator diversity? -- XRP wins over XLM (look who runs XLM nodes)

Coin supply? -- XLM is inflationary, XRP is deflationary

Inequity of supply? -- XLM owns over 80% of coins (no escrow); XRP owns 65% (escrowed)

Partners and use case? -- XRP is way more established in this field; yet they're targeting the same users. XLM being about the community is a dumb meme (but im invested in it because i think idiots are easy to influence with memes)

Working with banks? -- Look at IBM's roadmap with XLM

>> No.4989839

What company would go XRP over XLM? Ripple charges them for using their infrastructure. XLM offers a global network for _free_. Not to mention Ripple is not dependent on XRP, and their business model doesn't focus around it, it focuses around implementing private payment channels (which is a tiny market compared to a global public payments channel). Not to mention XLM has the potential to challenge ETH as the go-to token platform. XRP is not competitive.

>> No.4989875

The USA has clamped down ICO's.

We will see at 1430 when the exchange opens.

>> No.4989917

Just read David Schwartz‘ Twitter posts and his contributions to xrp chat on xrp price, the banks won’t use xrp bs and the xrp usecase in general. He also recently stated that he would be so glad to be allowed to share two household names (not banks) that work with ripple and use xrp.
If anyone claims that this man-who is undoubtedly one of the most legit persons in the crypto space- does not know what he is talking about, you should leave this whole crypto thing and let it go for good.

>> No.4989923

At least anybody can run XLM nodes. Assuming global adoption, centralization is guaranteed to not happen, not more than with BTC or XRP. XRP is in the hands of banks, XLM will be in the hands of corporations, but also any civilian who wants to run a validator (faster, no fees, there's real motivation to run a node).

XRP is basically inflationary as long as Ripple owns majority of the coins and might decide to keep dumping again at any given moment.

XLM owning the majority of coins might be a problem ofc. But I'm not sure that still applies. I remember reading about it a few weeks back, most of the coins should be going around freely by now

XRP mostly has banks as partners. XLM already got some 30 banks in fraction of that time, and they have Satoshipay (which can be incorporated with Visa and Paypal), could be very big.

I don't see how working with banks is a good thing. I might buy some XRP if it dips (Friday's the announcement, right?), but even if out of pure principle, I'm gonna keep my majority in XLM.

>> No.4989951

There was a misconception that there will be an announcement regarding xrp partnerships. There will be no announcement. Schwartz stated that via Twitter yesterday....

>> No.4989994

Welp, guess I'll not FOMO into it at the current prices then.

But still, you gotta admit, XLM would be a better thing for crypto, and they also have more potential to grow even if XRP remains the king (XRP going up would be good for XLM too).

Governments would also be much more likely to work with a non-profit BTW. The inflation is good, since if it aims to become a global currency, it needs to have some inflation. I'd say everything is set for XLM to skyrocket, XRP could go either way for now.

>> No.4990043

enjoy Jed's cock when he dumps it down your throat

>> No.4990068

Maybe I'll invest in both XLM and XRP and enjoy a threesome

>> No.4990076

You'd be dumb not to be invested in XLM, for sure. I agree. But civilians running XLM nodes is a meme. Like Ripple, the validators everyone cares about will be banks, companies, universities, governments. Quorum slices are a bit better than Ripple's unique nodes list in that sense, but at the end of the day, citizens will be a drop in the bucket.

Working with banks and major payment providers is literally the reason why you WANT to be invested in these coins. You're a fool if you think that's not the end game for stellar as well. Banks are going to be a thin layer on top of crypto assets in the distant future (they're never going away), so get in on the ground floor with XRP/XLM.

Also Friday announcement was a joke that blew up out of context. But there will be 2 announcements this quarter with companies (household names) using XRP (just not Friday).

Read this: https://ripple.com/insights/q3-2017-xrp-markets-report/ (last paragraph)

>> No.4990099

The one thing that Ripple as a company was doing from day one was to stay in touch with the ones in charge when it comes to regulation. They know that banks are dependent on everything compliance related and that they have to follow certain regulations ruled out by governments.
You can argue that dealing with banks etc is not what this whole crypto space was intended to do in the first place, but you definitely can’t say that ripple don’t know what they’re doing. 2018 will be the absolute make it or break it year for the company as well as for xrp. But I have no doubt that a lot of people will be surprised and butthurt when they see how successful XRP will become.

>> No.4990098
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as always, XLM is superior, undervalued, great news to come, FREE software and humanitarian (muh bcash), doesn't have a fidget spinner for logo and a retarded name (pic related). Also Jed's true vision amarite.

>> No.4990192

True, but at least we can run the nodes. Even if for the ideals.

Yes, I know that there's unbelievable amounts of money in the banks and payment providers, but at the same time, there's massive amounts of money outside of them too, and Ripple are really playing themselves out of that. Plus, if you think about it, these players only care about gains. What's to stop all of them from building their own blockchains, with or without Ripple, with or without XRP? I hear Visa is already doing that. There's also assumptions that banks will be less of a dominant force in the future. Just look at the development - you don't have to go to a bank to get a loan, you can keep your savings in stocks or crypto or low-key banks, psd2 is happening. Banks are losing their grip.

Thanks for the info about announcements though, friends! I'm not saying XRP isn't very undervalued right now. Just doubt that it's gonna grow up as much as XLM, and hope that XLM will prevail over it in the end.

>> No.4990351

>not going for max comfy and holding both

>> No.4990429

I don't know about you, but the moment I can put my crypto assets into a bank and let them store it for me, I will. Fuck everything about setting up wallets with private keys. I'm a software engineer and even I get so nervous I'll fuck something up and lose my funds.

Extend this to all the boomers, all the grandmas; hell even all the people not tech savvy enough to use crypto. Crypto was made to get away from banks, but ironically it created tools that would give banks even more power and efficiency. You're saying to look outside of banks - to whom? The unbanked? Crypto is letting banks get a piece of the pie they couldn't before. Look at what the Gates foundation is doing with African banks and Ripple with Mojaloop. Guess what Stellar's going to be doing with IBM.

The "banks are sweating" meme is just that - a meme. Banks aren't going to be overthrown any time soon. They can hire the tech professionals to implement crypto technology and act as an interface between normies and crypto.

>> No.4990536

That's a good point. Personally I'd favor using cold wallets and storing my seeds encrypted in USB sticks in a couple of different locations, but I'd expect most people are better off just storing their funds in a bank. Ripple does have good things going for it because of the things >>4990099 pointed out too. I'd just much rather the winner be XLM. They have banks in their pocket too, you know. The poor countries are a surprisingly good business, lots of volume.

>> No.4990659

IBM has very major European banks. Ripple has East Asia.

>> No.4991049

Too right

>> No.4991179


>> No.4991328
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>> No.4991351

yeah no one's even heard of XLM. Ripple on the other hand is fairly well known in the crypto space.

>> No.4991427

Just because you don't have to pay to use XLM, doesn't mean people won't still choose XRP. It's like when businesses buy computers: they don't have to pay to use Linux, but they're still probably going to use Windows.

>> No.4991461

This. My grandmother and her husband have began looking at crypto over the past few months because they were interested in learning more after talking to be about it. They actually invested in some fund tied to btc price. Anyways, about a month ago they stopped by my office and they were talking about crypto and they said the one they are most interested in and wanted to get involved with was ripple xrp. My 72 year old rich granny wants xrp. Mind blowing. Should have sold her some bags.

>> No.4991480

>My 72 year old rich granny wants xrp.
She'll be dead by the time XRP moons, if it ever does ha

>> No.4991529

Pretty neat savings tool on Ripple's website. Crazy to see how much money banks would save.


>> No.4991540


>> No.4991548

Not a fair comparison. The fact is that Linux is less usable for the common person and has less dev support than Windows. Same doesn't apply for these two cryptos here.

Geez, didn't know about the European banks yet. I thought it was all rumors at this point? I've mostly been holding for a while.

>> No.4992265

TFW sold all my XRP to chase the LTC pump
feels good senpai :)
XRP price will be loyally waiting like always so I can buy even more after this pump.

>> No.4992281
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A new dawn will arise soon.

>> No.4992298

With XRP, you have enterprise support from the company Ripple. With XLM, like any other open source thing, you're on your own.

>> No.4992326

for the haters:

How did Cashing Out of or transacting with BTC go for ya this week? With your 1 to 3 your wait. Or those network fees?

How about that IOTA dawg? Ya know the super low latency instant transactions which in reality took HOURS when you tried to shift into a Korean exchange or just out of your wallet to take profit?

Or how about that "seriously who cares insert alt coin name here" which we are all buying and selling just to make more money.

Ripple XRP is the future.
-Japan banks ready to go online early 2018
-Instant transactions for ANY currency or crypto
-Coins burn to accomplish every transaction (read this again and think marketcap)
-Goodbye swift
-65 to75% Major banks will be on XRP by years end
-55 Billion XRP locked in Escrow now
-Bank of America
-American Express

Buy now. Sell when green buy more when red this year. multiple moon missions ahead.

That is all.

Be well and profit well+++

Me no looky at this thread anymore. Bubbye.

>> No.4992341


IBM will be the support for Stellar.

>> No.4992421
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>> No.4992452

1- invest in BTC, wait for pump
2- cash out to XRP

>> No.4992480

I know this guy says he doesn't look at these threads after posting this pasta, but he really needs to update it. It really bothers me that it says
>1 to 3 your wait
It needs to say hour.

>> No.4992837

I'm gonna do that with LTC

Hopefully it will reach 500 today

I will spend half the profit on XRP and the other on XLM