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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49890869 No.49890869 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49891109
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>> No.49891338

BAT has brave browser and it already has over 7million users and counting

>> No.49891405
File: 10 KB, 318x158, DEV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DEV Protocol

Ticker DEV
400k marketcap.
Doxxed japanese team.
Tapping into the creator economy but with a twist.
FRAME00, the parent company, has ties with Microsoft Japan and key players of the music industry.
Staking mechanism with 40% APY, but what differs from your run of the mill staking is by staking with a creator of your choosing, you will also get rewards with perks/NFTs/or tangible goods. The staking dapp is stakes.social

>> No.49891741

a web 3 project?

>> No.49891854

DOT, get in early

>> No.49892044

I know Polkadot is a project active in the web 3 development

>> No.49892069

>I need projects with on-going or incoming products, would like to get in early

you can look up Tacen hybrid dex, it is yet to go live but has amazing features for smooth trading experience

>> No.49892680

go shill your shit elsewhere retard

>> No.49892681

Any project that have to do with web 3 is a good to look into anon

>> No.49893164

well, there's still shit like vita inu, it's still more tempting not to pay fees for fucking dogs lmao

>> No.49893328

>he thinks he will get early because an imageboard full of retards told him so
oh jeez

>> No.49893339
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this post is the proof we needed
biz is dead

>> No.49893366

MEV Repellent. Legit team that keeps delivering. Went from 7mil to 300k mcap

>> No.49893716

who TF buy into the likes of inu

>> No.49893727


>> No.49893739

RLC you're welcome.

>> No.49893935

too late. it's been out for a while dude.

>> No.49894226

would rather put my funds on projects like TXA whose product would likely get a chance to see the light of the day and if it doesn't i know i tried

>> No.49895115


>> No.49895293
File: 735 KB, 966x980, 0AE4CB6D-CE70-4C54-83E1-634313F7FED7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BearBadges look no further.
>$10 a piece
>entry to big brain Crypto OG private chat
>represents the year of the next halving and bull run.
>get a cool badge for surviving the bear market

>> No.49895593

Wtf is this faggot

>> No.49895617

Go for exchange token then

>> No.49895647

I don't think so jeets

>> No.49897297

I holding ORE which connects web 2 to web 3 identities, does this means it's a good one??