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File: 41 KB, 500x500, sergeynazarov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49880856 No.49880856 [Reply] [Original]

We trusted him and he spent all the funds on Big Macs and lube.

>> No.49880874

it's okay if a white man steals my money

>> No.49880966

I am convinced 99% of crypto dudebros are either in the closet homosexuals or just people with no father figures. There is just no fucking way you go into tech otherwise. Like literal sausagefest.

You trusted your bros with your life and he let you down? Oh no bro fuck that guy bro we got you bro ye i got you bro...mmm ye bro...damn let me pump your stock bro.. ye mm diamond hands let me hodl it bro...mm yee you so inflated bro mmm

>> No.49880981


>> No.49881221
File: 20 KB, 220x308, cain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked but i think these thoughts are reflections of your own repressed urges, fella. Most crypto dudebros are just socially inept retards, the only people who can stand to be around them are OTHER socially inept retards

>> No.49881312

Nice projection.

>> No.49881484

Would you unironically suck sergeys cock for 1000 LINK?

>> No.49881598

it was just a shit post dummies

>> No.49881614

There are too many white cucks these days to have that view. A white man who cares about a functional society and inspired monoculture however, I'll gladly support.

All progress in this world is the result of good men coming together to tackle a problem.

Is there a difference between ironically and unironically sucking dick?

>> No.49881917
File: 8 KB, 214x236, 6DEF4D14-0512-48C4-95EA-94333151A17C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be at the chainlink yacht party
>see the richest people in the world having the time of their lives
>see them drinking the finest champagne
>see them eating the best food
>see them dancing to the best music

>be the janitor
>clean up after the party
>get paid in chainlink

>> No.49882047

Ironic dick sucking: youre not doing it Seriously, its just done as a prank for shock factor, youre doing it for lulz, usually this is done by bros just for fun and laughs, ironic sucking doesnt make you gay

Unironic dick sucking: basically you are taking it seriously, your heart and mind are in it, you act like a cock lusting sorority girl and do a good job at it. Unironic sucking makes you actually gay