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File: 855 KB, 2704x1300, 1630340384524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49878760 No.49878760 [Reply] [Original]

anon we should remodel the kitchen

>> No.49878789

you guys need to stop spending so much time online

>> No.49878814

dude go talk to a woman and she will bitch about the kitchen.

>> No.49878848
File: 433 KB, 1813x1000, 1628163219002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon we need to remodel the shower

>> No.49878878

i spend a lot of time in the kitchen, i would love to have a more polished workspace for something i spend around 3x a day at.
same reason i own a herman miller chair
same reason i buy good quality clothing
same reason i own a high quality chef's knife

the kitchen renovation is about as important as having a good bathroom renovation. it's a nice place to feel nice.
now that's fucking stupid and a waste of money. remodeled kitchens/bathrooms without fail raise the value of a house. period.

>> No.49878880

whats wrong with a granite kitchen top? you guys are insufferable losers online and in real lfie

>> No.49878896

wtf is that sink

>> No.49878910

Granite is so outdated.

>> No.49878929

Quartzgang rise up

>> No.49878933

sorry sweetie but the money goes toward building a big garage.

>> No.49878944

Herman Miller gang

>> No.49878945

That's a good kitchen. Anon.

>> No.49878979

sorry sweatie but if you want to actually sell your house one day 5 TV mounts and a powercage with a beer tap will only make 99% of your clients asking "why can't they just drink beer and work out like a normal person?"

>> No.49878981

i bet you enjoy sitting on stools too

>> No.49878987

disturbing faucet design i am scare

>> No.49878989

well, real granite is now way more of a luxury good than ever before. the mixed-material synthetic ones are better in every way. they don't require resealing anywhere near as often, they don't get insta-fucked by heat, and they're both easier and cheaper to repair if there's big dents and chips, plus the repairs come out better blended.

>> No.49879020

im sure whomever you marry will enjoy her silicone ring and her linoleum floors too

>> No.49879022
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my mother inherited $150k from my grandfather and he stated in his will that it should only be used for my college education
instead she used it all to remodel the kitchen and i couldn't afford school without joining the army
why do women do this shit?

>> No.49879185

Both the kitchen and college are awful investments. You were born in a family of retards, Anon. I'm sorry you had to find out like this.

>> No.49879186
File: 112 KB, 640x815, 1652569767188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you WILL buy me an authentic 50k diamond ring so i can brag and make my friends jealous even though neithor i nor them can tell the difference or i'm going back to my mother's!!!

>> No.49879466

The mcmansion special
>shitty white granite
>shitty tumbled travertine

The covered in mold contemporary look
>garbage escarpment marble floor, worst material ever
>brick pattern mosaics that absorb soap and mold and are impossible to restore once ruined

t. A stone master, happy to answer any stone related inquiries.

>> No.49879501
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Fuck you, whore.
The kitchen stays.

>> No.49879504


Growing up, i've noticed that women genuinely feel that the men in their life's money is THEIRS. I think it come from way back when men went out hunting and women made decisions what to do with the catch.

>> No.49879508

Shut up whore

>> No.49879549

Nice tiles

>> No.49879555
File: 7 KB, 300x300, s-l300[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is a super eco animal loving hippie, refused to let me buy her even a tiny diamond. I wanted some tradition without getting ripped off.
>contact folk in antwerp who cut raw diamonds
>but 1 carat uncut stone for peanuts compared to a cut and polished junk diamond locally
>local artisan makes tree branch ring out of gold, perfect set.
>tfw she loves it

feels good.

>> No.49879625

Isnt that illegal?

Why didnt he just put it in a trust for you anyway?

>> No.49879733

I've always pictured the perfect bathroom and kitchen just being everything in industrial brushed stainless steel complete with floor drains. Easy to keep clean. No bullshit.

>> No.49879737
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It’s a middle class boomer mental disease, occupying so much mental energy to endlessly “remodeling” their 80’s McMansion into some shit “the wife” saw on fixer upper. And boomers (being the retards they are) either pay out the ass for lowest-bid quality work, or put it in the endless list of “projects” that include ripping out a bathroom and leaving it unusable for a year before half-assing it into some hokey (now outdated) finished “rustic” style.

>> No.49879778

why don't you just buy a house with a functioning kitchen

>> No.49879807

What should I look for in a modern house to know if it's a quality purchase? Who can I talk to for a second opinion, people like you?

>> No.49879842
File: 99 KB, 500x556, pat-construction-worker-pepe-2714362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your preferred interior design, mr. stonemaster

>> No.49879942

If I want to remodel my bathroom/kitchen in the future, is there a word for "as few cracks as possible so no food/water gets trapped in them forever"? This is my goal, as many solid pieces with as few cracks for stuff to get stuck in as possible.

>> No.49880035

My mom hired lawyers to get the money my dad left me and my brothers. Luckily my dad was too based for this world and knew my Mom couldn't be trusted with money so he left it with his best bro who guarded it well.

My Uncle passed away and is leaving money and my Mom is already salivating over it depite the fact my brothers and I are all grown men who like our dad don't trust her with money.

That shit sucks for you though anon. At least your learned the most important lesson of all. Lock your wallet around women.r

>> No.49880059

does brushed steel end up with water spots? i fucking hate water spots

>> No.49880072

I didn't read the rest of the post but I agree with the Man Cave part. My home is my "man cave" and it is my wife's job to ensure I enjoy my time there. If she can't do that she can at least get out of the way. If she can do neither then she is an ex I haven't finished my assets away from yet.

>> No.49880108

Depends on how hard your water is. But short answer is yes, brushed steel and chrome will show water spots more than tile.

>> No.49880118

I am a stone expert, so I do consult on use cases and expected performance for stone specifically and that's it. I've been in construction for a long time though.

For a home you will want to hire an inspector, but they are not going to talk about quality, only look for issues with the home relative to your building code. Some mega red flags are anything to do with mold, soil contamination, water migration around your lot, age of the electrical/pluming and your foundations.

Modern homes built by a builder will always be bare minimum code and often similar in quality, it doesn't matter if the finishing are nice or garbage quality. Always just up to code and bairly that for subdivision construction. The finishings, (things like drywall, paint, flooring etc.) will vary builder to builder, some will choose higher or lower quality products based on the segment the home is going to be "presented" as. Some treat workers so poorly they can only get the worst of the worst trades to work for them.

To sum it up, one way or another, there is no such thing as true quality in mass produced housing, shitty homes vs high end homes are built the same, only difference is sq footage and the final finishings. To get a good quality home you have to build it yourself and target above code, at the same time not ignore things like solar orientation, roof pitch angles for shade, basement ceiling heights, catching every air leak, installing non required hardware like an air exchanger etc.

If buying new, try to get the bare minimum finishings and do the rest with a reputable contractor over several years. This means getting carpet, crappy baseboards, arborite countertops etc. The only thing I'd say not to ignore is rough ins behind walls (central vac, networking etc.) as well as flat cielings since popcorn sucks to remove.

Am I making sense? I sort of rambled there.

>> No.49880143

No. Wills are only binding insofar as the initial transfer of property. You need a trust or an extremely trustworthy person you could transfer property to in a will who would actually follow your direction without the need for a trust.

>> No.49880230
File: 183 KB, 1074x922, modern-rustic-interior-design-antiques[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally like functional design that has very little paint or personality, it should be a calm backdrop for art and other things while feeling like a home. picrel I guess.

Go with an artificial material like Caesar stone on your countertops, a floor pan in your shower (ugly but easiest) and slabs or tiles on the walls. Seal all porous materials including grout thoroughly. Avoid all stone unless you can afford natural quartzite or granite OR can afford a restoration specialist to come in every 4-5 years. I do a lot of slab work where there is no baseboard, no edges, no gaps, just straight slabs of stone, but the cost is astronomical (I'm talking 30-40 million dollar homes). You'd have to be more specific.

>> No.49880236
File: 34 KB, 700x400, 16406140618730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can any man take seriously a woman, who has "6 feet and over" as a requirement on a dating site? I mean for a long term relationship.

>> No.49880258

>having a wife unironically
It's your own damn fault. Women are meant to be for fun and we gave them way too much ground.

>> No.49880280

Eh yeah. Everyone has their preferences at the end of the day. Do you want to date a hambeast land whale?

>> No.49880296

Sounds extremely thoughtful of you anon, excellent job. Pic of the ring? Sounds pretty looking.

>> No.49880297

You should only have a deck chair, a small lcd (low power), a chipped Xbox 360 for vidyea and microwave for ramen. Carpets, renovations and all that other junk is just a waste of money. Stop the consoooom already.

>> No.49880308

A "man cave" is essentially forfeiting space in your own home lmao

>> No.49880354
File: 495 KB, 600x797, 1655848046670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49880364

>Depends on how hard your water is
I've been living in apartments with hard water for a couple years but my future kitchen reno is always something I've had on my mind.
My boss just redid his and they installed an undermount sink which I'm not convinced is the right choice but to each their own I guess
>as well as flat cielings since popcorn sucks to remove.
had to google that, I never knew people called it that it's always been stucco to me but either way you're right it sucks both to remove and just in general it looks dumb

>> No.49880389

I dunno, there’s something comfy about old worn things.

>> No.49880388

Based dwemer. Do you have any pictures of bathrooms/kitchens that look good and won't become moneypits?

>> No.49880418
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Every surface will show water spots if you have contaminants in the water. The trick is to just wipe your countertops with a microfiber and the right product. My big gripe with stainless is that it can't easily be cleaned up with a razor blade, at least with granite or fake stone you can just shave whatever is on the surface with a clean blade, stainless... FUckkk it gets scratches or scuffs or your buddy takes the green side of a sponge to it when hes stoned and marks the surface forever and you stare at it every time you get a glass of water but are too fucking lazy to re-sand the whole gd thing so you regret it every single day... true story.

It would be a total dox if I showed the ring. It looks a lot like picrel but less twig and more diamond as well as pretty clear/white blue diamond (I think it was E - F color). I carved a wooden box for it, big ass flower on the top. I'm cheesy. She was happy, is a good wife.

>> No.49880456

very pretty ring anon

>> No.49880465

The mcmansion psyop really hurt you people, huh?

>> No.49880474

but she probably can't even cook

>> No.49880488

This, they're never happy

>> No.49880504

Very homey

>> No.49880508

That is a really nice custom kitchen, well above a normie woman's taste palette.

>> No.49880543
File: 1.58 MB, 3339x1827, 06bdd57998c8d2a6428b252e017548de96b5199c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we should honey.
Remodel it to look like this, that is. A true kitchen of Sovl.

>> No.49880611
File: 119 KB, 1500x1119, Unbelievable-Rustic-Kitchen-Design-Ideas-01-1-Kindesign[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's the leaf name for it I guess. I recently did mine and it was easy to remove but soooo messy, had to dexter the entire first floor with plastic then hire someone because no way I have the skill to pull plaster flat on a well lit ceiling.

I have been in thousands of mansions, penthouses, luxury cottages etc. Truth is, if you have soul, and you know what you like, somehow the space will *feel* timeless. If you are a magazine shopping soulless consumer, it will not age well. I would say a mix of contemporary neutral + natural materials is timeless, then your decor fills the gaps to set the tone. Walnut wood + white or taupe is pretty much as timeless as it comes, you can add things to make it your own. Colors like cherry, mohogany etc go out of style, where pine and other, lighter wood will be timeless if joined with white.

>> No.49880645
File: 46 KB, 564x815, e6ffa8e7bb2664c1204c41eba658d004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how will you remodel your kitchen when you make it?

>> No.49880676

Imagine thinking about, learning and building that shit. Just live in apartments.

>> No.49880781

Very honey

>> No.49880827

>sorry sweatie
Are you ESL or is that a subtle joke about the powercage?

>> No.49880828

i did. it's quite functional, but i would always like a kitchen renovation. my oven is not on the wall at standing loading height. i could use an extra sink. id like a larger refrigerator space. the cabinetry could be a bit more well thought out. when the house was built nobody could buy a sous vide on amazon and pressure cookers were scary.
based. this is my situation as well. i don't feel the need to escape my wife.
>get the bare minimum finishings and do the rest with a reputable contractor over several years
thanks for the reinforcement anon
starting at the beginning of the pandemic ive had a contractor come out every 3 months to do a big job. i thought covid would be a great time because nobody's coming over, im work from home so i can easily leave or work around them and the place is starting to look like a nice house.
>Am I making sense? I sort of rambled there.
to someone who doesn't own a home, no, you rambled and didn't make much sense, but to anyone reading this that owns a home you're spot on.
popcorn ceiling technically refers to asbestos era textured ceiling
housing built past the asb ban are commonly referred to as TEXTURED which are significantly cheaper to remove given the hazmat reality of asbestos dust vs essentially paper-plaster mix.

>> No.49880860

>just be victim to your condos ever increasing fees, poor air quality and no access to land to grow food.

No thanks

>> No.49880903

>land to grow food.
Stupidest meme.

>> No.49880906

pressure washer reels on all walls, 2000 psi; all dinner ware and plates are stainless steel and can be thrown on the ground and blasted. Drain in the floor is a gnarly disposal, with strong mechanical and electrical interlocks so you don't fall in and grind your foot off.

>> No.49880910

Thank fucking God, it's a fireplace without a fucking television mounted above it.

>> No.49880924

It's not like you were going to do any dishes or drain pasta or whatever in that kitchen.

>> No.49880925

You're the newfag here
>sell the house
>raise the value of the house
So you add a bunch of shit you don't want so you can sell it to somebody else? What's next, moving to another house so you can add shit to that one and sell it?
If you're that strapped for cash, get a job you lazy bitch.

>> No.49880958

Good for you anon, you probably helped a few contractors who had a big slow down during covid. Somehow my business went crazy during covid and hasn't slowed down, I've pulled all ads and marketing I'm basically booked until fall for now.

>popcorn ceiling technically refers to asbestos era textured ceiling

I didn't know that, everyone up here calls it popcorn.

I literally grow a ton of food and live in a subdivision, not everyone is useless or enjoys spending $5 on a head of lettuce. Need more land because orchard trees and perennials, not a meme.

kek yeah it's sad the center of every living room is a fucking fireplace mounted TV now days, what happened to just chilling in the living room. I have a monitor I bust out for when we want to watch a movie, otherwise no tv's just laptops/ipads.

>> No.49880968

>height is the same as weight

>> No.49880994
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Yup. perfect for militant utilitarian pragmatists and serial killers alike!

>> No.49881033


>> No.49881044
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Could always be worse

>> No.49881071
File: 936 KB, 1439x1085, Screenshot_20220621-172210_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically just did a kitchen remodel and saving to do the bathroom. I've painted the sliding door and put a faucet in since this pic. Switch plates too.

>> No.49881075

Retracting screen with a projector is where its really at.

>> No.49881089
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are houses that have been built in the last five to ten years so ugly? I've been comparing houses in my area and the ones that were built in the 2000s/2010s/2020s are so much worse looking than the ones built in the 1940s/1950s/1960s.

>> No.49881100

Absolutely no one gives a fuck any longer, and I don't blame them.

>> No.49881105
File: 553 KB, 1439x1083, Screenshot_20220621-172456_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before. Guess why I want to do the bathroom next.

>> No.49881114


>> No.49881116

Looks so soulless

>> No.49881122
File: 239 KB, 600x600, image_2022-06-21_172649177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>herman miller chair
This is a psy-ops right? There is no human being in the world that spends 1000 dollars on a fucking office chair.

>> No.49881136

My sisters father recently died a millionaire, and guess who got allllll the money?
His new wife. No, you can't see the will, its not been filed with a probate court even though its more than six months since his death.
All three houses go to her, too. Was the will changed to exclude her when he was all doped up on pain medication after crap surgery the only hastened his demise? You can guess.

That sounds fun, did it feel like you were inconveniencing them or were they happy to do something different for a change? Or was it just another transaction for them?

>> No.49881148

Builders minmaxing for profits, charging outrageous sums for dollar store lumber, cheap plumbing and an illegal immigrant build team. All of these homes won't last 30 years before being demolished and replaced.

>> No.49881150

Nice remodel. That granite in particular is prone to absorbing oil/moisture. It's much more porous than other granite families. I suggest a food safe solvent based penetrating sealer now then every 2 years. If your backsplash was recently grouted, get in there with some translucent silicone before it gets all cracked up. You may also consider gaskets for the wall plates if you get crazy with your cooking. Overall, tasteful reno. That before photo holy shit.

>> No.49881156

Those are poor people thoughts, anon. Don't bother.

>> No.49881171

If you spend your whole day sitting in a chair coding, drawing, or writing, it's what you call a business expense ;)

>> No.49881183
File: 724 KB, 1439x1083, Screenshot_20220621-172826_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism test too. See if you can spot the big change between the two. Look at the curtain. By bathroom is still this ugly. Gotta save like 15k. Just blew 6k on a retarded Element and kayak this year.

>> No.49881184

Nobody cares about your mentally ill bitch of a wife.