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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 481 KB, 804x1440, Screenshot 2022-06-21 at 8.15.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49877529 No.49877529 [Reply] [Original]

>how can I profit from this?

>> No.49877878

you can try to listen to her calls as an experiment.

>> No.49877919

How many of them do you think have tried it and been succesful?

Is it worth taking the risk in this market?

>> No.49877992

Should be burned at the stake for witchcraft

>> No.49878077

what happens after new moons

>> No.49878094
File: 1.09 MB, 1170x1428, DC13BEF5-51FD-4CC1-967A-2A0E74D859FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god please @marenaltman I know you browse this board please be my wife I fucking love you so much. Your beauty is unparalleled, your stunning features sculpted after the goddess Aphrodite herself. You are absolutely divine, your jaw-dropping looks make my heart pound and leave me speechless. Please, you don’t even have to be exclusive to me, you can date and sleep around with other men whenever you like, but I promise on my mother’s grave that I will always be exclusive to you, for why would I ever desire another woman when I already have the perfect one in all the world, nay, the universe. I will cherish you, never take you for granted, be at your service and always be at your beck and call. I promise to be the lighthouse that guides your way during stormy seas, the fireplace to keep you warm during the coldest nights, your home where you can rest when you feel weary. You are the love of my life.

>> No.49878218

>not profitting off of witchcraft

>> No.49878245

Just came here to ensure this was posted

>> No.49878313
File: 1.95 MB, 2556x1441, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Travel to Dubai
>find the Oracle sheik
>get pooped on

>> No.49878406

wow amazing she can predict the future down to the exact day, but only with financial markets specifically

what an unusual ability! amazing! She must be a billionaire too

>> No.49878972

How and why would I know - all I care about is wanting to make money. You tell me if it works or not?

>> No.49878996

It's scary these people control the job market.

>> No.49879485

Short everything you see until tomorrow, cause if it does stand and her words do hol up - then you could blindly trust her. Over the last few months, she's easily been able to identify the patterns of how to pick up and how to easily drop down everything and hasn't been wrong, except for the one time last month.

So trial and error might be your only way

>> No.49879505
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name one single person who takes her seriously

>> No.49879553

You can't.

>> No.49879735
File: 20 KB, 300x300, jewish toilet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're an arab man she pays you to shit down her inbred jewish throat
t.arab man

>> No.49879767

this bitch is so ugly yet you faggs still simp for her. pathetic

>> No.49880114

>you can try to listen to her calls as an experiment.
I can save you time, she doesn't know shit and calls both positions and pretends to be right

>> No.49880199
File: 219 KB, 735x414, 1620431396967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maren didn't predicted BTC's drop
Maren didn't predicted ETH's death
Maren didn't predicted the huge NFT bleed
Maren didn't predicted the rise of memecoins
Didn't even mentioned QOM killing her fave coin, SHIB

Maren is a scam, stop hearing her

>> No.49880684


>> No.49880840

When the charts are looking uncertain she will be vague and essentially say "it might go up or down". When the chart looks obvious for a pump or dump, she will make a clear prediction and still be wrong half the time. But when she's right, she'll take a screencap of her own twitter post and create a thread on /biz/

Mods ban almost all other forms of self-promoting so I don't understand why they don't ban this cunt

>> No.49880890

jannies for anything /biz/ related are paid off
on discord, telegram, 4chan, all of the jannies don't do it for free, they get bribes and kick backs

I'm in the process of moving money around to make a purchase offer on this website. I suspect it will take a while if it does go through but if it does I will be doxxing every janny on this board.

>> No.49880916

Maren what are you stacking?

>> No.49880951

She only dates rich
guys who are rich that she can peg even though she hates it and them.

>> No.49880970

It doesn't. When she gets things wrong (90% of the time) she doesn't get spammed here.

>> No.49881008

>I'm in the process of moving money around to make a purchase offer on this website.
please no just let it die so I can be free from this scourge.
4chan is the only social media (yes it is social media get over it) that I still visit.
once this one is done I will be free.

>> No.49881062
File: 172 KB, 487x854, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she posts all her trades on telegram. shes just been scalping moon micro signals recently, no long term trades

>> No.49881087

Didn't know about this. Ty anon I'll check out.

>> No.49882545

I wanna sniff her ass bros...

>> No.49882570
File: 20 KB, 400x400, txL9iMGa_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks like someone i should be getting financial advice from

>> No.49882605

cryptofags give thots lots of money to be poo'd on

>> No.49882626

I bet she has more money than everyone on /biz/ combined.

>> No.49882637

this when it's a full moon and she's ovulating. It will take place in a clearing deep in a forest at night. She will be completely nude crawling on all fours and I will be blindfolded and have to find her upturned ass by scent alone.

>> No.49882654

Post on her Twitter

>> No.49882667

your queen has spoken

>> No.49882668

I bet she has had more poo on her face than everyone on /biz/ combined.

>> No.49882701

At the cost of her dignity. She never leaves s the place she's being fucked in dude lol I'd rather enjoy my life then be a sex slave and get literally shit on because I get paid big bucks for it. I wonder how much drugs she does to stay sane

>> No.49882723
File: 488 KB, 1558x868, fuckthisnoise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They only allow faggotry. They allow the shibaggie tranny to post but he/they are the only one allowed to make a shib thread on this board.

>> No.49882772
File: 42 KB, 589x356, pooface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now i can't trust if people will poo on me keep it a secret

>> No.49882838
File: 200 KB, 256x350, 1655154560350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49882882

I want to sniff her brapper

>> No.49883022

she said her networth was like 3k in 2020

>> No.49883049

>oh look its another young white girl normie retard who's using loosely gained knowledge of occult/spiritual/hinduism bullshit that she read in books and youtube videos and making an identity and fashion out of it

anybody who even considers listening to her calls should die in a fire desu

>> No.49883118

Genuine question why does anyone take someone like that seriously?

>> No.49883145

Nutjobs are drawn to eachother. There are hundreds of examples of legit schizos who have a relatively small cult following of likeminded schizos, her included

>> No.49883163

shes right tho shes fucking someone at alameda or something probably bc a lot of people from there like trabucco follow her on twitter and theyre all jewish

>> No.49883204

Whats her telegram

>> No.49883223

Shes not white shes jewish, unlike wh*te women, jewish girls are actually smart and financially savvy.

>> No.49883252

maren messages

>> No.49883266
File: 42 KB, 500x744, d1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx. Gonna shoot my shot wish me luck bros

>> No.49883322

i think she only dates saudis

>> No.49883368
File: 755 KB, 1078x1845, Screenshot_20220621-172204_(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly she is based. Good to see she can take jokes about her jewishness instead of the 99% of typical neurotic schizo jews

>> No.49883392

The channel doesnt let anyone else talk. Gay

>> No.49883432

Based jewess witch

>> No.49883502

well she’s certainly scamming people but I’ll leave the morality of that to the philosophers
>is it natural to be scammed if there are both scammers and chumps
>is being smart scamming chumps
>is scamming an art or are you just tricking people out of their money
>is that useful to society if tricking someone out of their money was going to happen anyways…
can I just jizz on her tits?

>> No.49883597

whats in that deleted tweet frens

>> No.49883679

holy shit this is probably happening. some of the non orthodox jews are into occultism too so it makes sense. and she's probably right often because those fags are manipulating the market.

>> No.49883699


>> No.49883718

She lurks here no cap

>> No.49883894

Bro even Michael Saylor follows her on Twitter. That doesn't mean shit you meathead

>> No.49884020

hes a retard tho so he probably believes in that shit or something. the people at alameda arent retards

>> No.49884793
File: 170 KB, 768x960, 1654849634980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't she call the bottom on that blood moon weeks ago and it kept right on dumping since?

>> No.49884829

How sad and desperate are you?