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49875780 No.49875780 [Reply] [Original]

I really don't get what problem crypto solves. Seems like a ponzi to me

>> No.49875946

It solves poverty by making us rich. Simple as

>> No.49875982

Decentralized world currency. Btc is a better store of value than gold.

>> No.49876027

Nice buzzwords. Now why don't you actually tell us what problem it's solving?

>> No.49876058

untrackable money

>> No.49876068

the problem of being poor

>> No.49876081

>value stored may drop 75% at any time

>> No.49876146

You like banks taking your money or your government taking it without your consent? You like middle men taking a cut of your deals for nothing? You like banks taking your money for transferring your cash to yourself in another country? You like that this takes some days in some case instead of being instant? You like that clearing your derivative contract takes 3 days instead of a smart contract doing it instantly? You want to have a personal bank account only you control? All these things and more can only be. Solved by crypto

>> No.49876148

As Steve Wozniack pointed out there is no valid reason to have untrackable money. If you spend a huge sum on something, you should be able to stand by that. It doesn't have to be specific that you bought extra large blacked dildos, but if you're moving ten million dollars somewhere, there is no legitimate reason to have it completely private.

>> No.49876170

Don't buy then faggot.

>> No.49876216

Most are ponzis. 99% of crypto is scam. Even BTC.

Bitcoin was valuable for a few reasons such as:
- enormous scale ie able to replace VISA, Mastercard and Co for cheaper, faster and more secure. That is very valuable!
- Traceability: Criminals asking for ransom on Bitcoin can be traced by law enforcement and most who tried so far have in fact been caught. This is really valuable for fighting crime and corruption overall. BTC works to remove traceability by moving transaction onto layer 2's where coins can no longer be traced to the original user, so money laundering becomes possible again.

>> No.49876242

>doesn't understand something. Assumes no one else does.

You are a retarded faggot. Simple as

>> No.49876277

you can fuck off on the other side of the globe with all your wealth without no one knowing

>> No.49876316

Inflation is at like 11% and the governments solution is to print more money out of thin air to hand out to people with student loans for free but yeah crypto solves nothing

>> No.49876323
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>As Steve Wozniack pointed out there is no valid reason to have untrackable money. If you spend a huge sum on something, you should be able to stand by that. It doesn't have to be specific that you bought extra large blacked dildos, but if you're moving ten million dollars somewhere, there is no legitimate reason to have it completely private.

>> No.49876335

Every economic mechanism in history has been a Ponzi, midwit.

>> No.49876345

It solves the fact that I don't have money when it goes up

>> No.49876353

It's like owning money, but it lives in the quantic dimension, you double or half every time you look at it

>> No.49876396
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two words: unbanked africans

>> No.49876496

>As Steve Wozniack pointed out
Is he an expert or something? Why don't we ask Di Calrio or Clooney or someone else?

>> No.49876519

without crypto many underground entrepreneurs would be unable to do transactions

>> No.49876574

Those are actors without experience in technological and cultural advances and changes. Wozniack has had world-leading positions in lifechanging technology for his entire adult life and is involved with a crypto himself.

>> No.49876999

It's going through an evolutionary phase to ultimately produce the true value of blockchain. Think about the dotcom boom. Millions of startups trying to figure out the way that the internet would be used in the future. Ultimately very few survived and we were left with Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, etc. At the time nobody knew how it would shake out

>> No.49877075

Yeah but I should be able to charge you for what you know and you don’t about me.
Not a monerofag but your arguments are pure retardation

>> No.49877104

Poverty bruh? Just look at HBAR and the foundation. Look at this shit. Absolutely crushing it. How the fuck are you not going to get rich off this???

>> No.49877135

Why would I want the government to know what I'm buying lol retard

>> No.49877252

You own nothing that there isn't an official record of you owning it.

>> No.49877286
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>I really don't get what problem crypto solves
Send money to a guy in Russia right now.

>> No.49877319

It's too hard to open a trad bank and scam all your customers. Crypto solves this problem.

>> No.49877352

Removes money from the control of government which is obviously a problem if you have been paying attention to the world's economy over the past 15 years.

>> No.49877591

This is about finances and politics, not technology. Wozniack is nobody.

>> No.49877726

Crypto is here to cause problems and disrupt traditional markets.
If you want problems solved go take math.

>> No.49877857

I love this straight answer.

>Now why don't you actually tell us what problem it's solving?
I dunno what you're expecting, but it's giving me the opportunity to earn on P2E games, the kogs slam free mode at that.

>> No.49877891

Solves the lambo problem. Cryptobros when moon?

>> No.49877920


>> No.49877973

it transfers wealth from morons to me

>> No.49878002
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>ICP id

>> No.49878027

not an answer
average people literally don't care and will never ever use it for these purposes. the demand from the .0001% of the population that might actually need this is so miniscule compared to what the market cap of crypto assets actually suggests.

if something isn't understood it's probably because it's retarded

>why lose 8% a year to inflation when you could lose 8% a day?

uh, no. because things with value have an end user who can derive value without having to find a greater fool to buy it from him for a higher price.

>> No.49878407

Crypto derivatives and tokenized forex and stock pairs are a trillion dollar invention. Non kyc can only be sufficiently safe with an immutable blockchain that is decentralized. I will never trade stocks or forex again on the jew platforms

>> No.49878510

again, joe 6 pack has no idea what you're talking about and couldn't care less. he will believe whatever the TV tells him as long as it doesn't interfere with his daily life.

>> No.49878518

KEK, it's a literal glownigger, sage.

>> No.49878551

Why do you even think that crypro should solve any problems? If you don't like the idea then fuck off and don't use it.

>> No.49878576
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>why should things that cost money have value?

>> No.49878604


Solves the issue of security ponzis being illegal

>> No.49878736

Thanks for uploading your selfie, but I knew that you were brainless without it. Value is artificial, some people value something, others don't. If you don't like something then leave, it's better for you.

>> No.49878801

ok brilliant point. guess you forgot that no one, including yourself, values crypto and everyones wants to offload their worthless bags to a great fool someday.

>> No.49878938

The last time I checked market values crypto. BTC is $20K. How can you say that money is worthless? It just makes no sense at all.

>> No.49878939
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They lied to you, crypto only makes us crazy and dangerously optimistic and we love it.

>> No.49878975

By now you should know people dont care that much about privacy or XMR, that shit aint moving nowhere even in a bullrun.

>> No.49878984

BITCOIN solves this problem:
Imagine you want to store value outside of the current financial system with no intermediaries, your current options are:
A. Carry around gold/silver bars in your backpack
B. Carry around a piece of paper with your Bitcoin seed phrase on.

>> No.49879013

i can say it's worthless because everyone on earth would feel like they gained nothing at all if they were forced to hold their crypto for eternity.

why? because crypto is intrinsically worthless

>> No.49879015

Anything that doesn't pay you dividends is a ponzi scheme at the end of the day.

>> No.49879049

not quite. it's anything that doesn't have a use outside of selling to a greater fool.

>> No.49879069

Look at far right activists. A lot of them are banned from literally all payment services so they have to use crypto. And it works. So it does solve some problems
You can also buy illegal stuff with it and do some other shady stuff. Terrorist organizations nowadays use crypto for their operations

>> No.49879073

>there is no valid reason to have untrackable money.
>those who demand privacy, msut eb criminals
You realize where you are? Fucking kill yourself.
Crypto has at least two values.
>Untraceable Transactions
Fuck your gay opinions on it's necessity. Market disagrees with you. Which means you are wrong. If nothing else, i want my data to be unavailable unless i decide to sell it personally. These big data companies deserve the rope for selling my data with pseudo or blackmailed consent.
>Transparent Ledger
Absolutely necessary for banks, companies, politicians, insurance schemes etc. Unless you want the bankls to continue their mass fraud.

>> No.49879091

But what merit does it convey? Please tell me how would you benefit if someone made you to hold dollars for eternity? It has value now, you can exchange it now, but after 30 years? We really can't tell. It's only here and now in reality. Answer me honestly.

>> No.49879101

What problems did cars solve? We were able to get around by walking and horseback werent we.

What problems did ovens solve when we could just cook over a fire?

>> No.49879113

Its because most people getting into crypto are dumb zoomer retards.
Crypto is decentralized digital currency, not digital gold or some other bullshit.

>> No.49879172

yes, fiat is also intrinsically worthless, aside from the fact that it's a convenient medium of exchange and is needed to pay taxes

>> No.49879195

Quite literally nothing.
But if you see in the grand scale of issues it seems to solve one basic thing in common - having an alternate way of living where nothing can be controlled by one major organisation - be it Alternative currency, alternative governance, service provision, products, earning scope or even an alternative world - Metaverse.

All people want to know is that is there a way to live without fear, without having to worry about how some rich white faggot would control our way of living, how much we can afford and the difficulties that come.

No wonder why Metaverse is so popular.
Everyone wants to live in an alternative world that doesn't seem all that difficult eh?

>> No.49879234
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I care

>> No.49879291

So that's what crypto is - just another volatile currency. The whole economy is smokes and mirrors. Even our society. Honestly if we want to search for a logical explanations of things we can literally go insane.

>> No.49879320

look at jews printing infinite dollars

>> No.49879370

From your perspective I guess only Defi is worth investing in and crypto projects/products assisting the growth of defi are the solutions crypto presents. I recall reading about a platform called Tacen; combining centralized and decentralized exchanges to give more perspective and features to traders, something that can only happen with cryptocurrency.

>> No.49879420
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>Allows funds to be sent anywhere in the world virtually
>Provides access to a global speculative market
>Allows people to escape the control of Jewish lenders via decentralized lending
>Allows people to have a greater degree of freedom by giving them full control of their finances (i.e. no need for a bank)
>Provides alternative methods of gaining revenue through advertising (BAT)
>Access to decentralized hosting (ICP)
You haven't thought about this very hard have you, nigger?

>> No.49879492

>Fiat currency manipulation and banker control of the world
>Big Tech censorship
>unjust taxation
>smart contracts
>international commerce free of exchanges and tariffs and sanctions BS
>financial deplatforming

Crypto solves a lot of problems - arguably some of the most important problems we face today - but it can only do so when people care enough about their own slavery to try to free themselves. In the meantime it is nothing more than a casino.

>> No.49879572

But the problem is that there's been no significant Metaverse project that has been able to prove that there's an actual value proposition.

Which renders every met averse and crypto overlap as useless.

>> No.49879641

It's a budding technology. People said the same shit about the internet when it first came out. 20 years after it became accessible everyone and their mums were using it.

>> No.49879847

Unless you learn of LoveLace - it's probably the only crypto project that has been able to easily make money off the Metaverse without being caught up in the loop of useless jpegs and has secured a Meta investment.

>> No.49879854

>Uhhh well joe doesnt care about tradfi either guess its worth zero dollars!

>> No.49879883

gold that's more easily divisible, custodial, and transferrable. guess you were just pretending to be daft

>> No.49879908

find me an asset that doesn't do that. even gold became illegal to own in the US at one time.
houses go bust.
farmland can run out of water.

>> No.49879950

>be me
>want to donate money to a political candidate
>woke staceys at work find out
>no reason for untrackable money
you're glowing

>> No.49879989

which crypto is not a scam?

>> No.49880101

It’s just finance based PvP
Better luck on ladder season 4

>> No.49880151

It solves the janny problem by keeping crypto schizos contained in /biz/. Now /g/ jannies dont have to clean it up for free

>> No.49880152

It solves the problem that I'm poor

>> No.49880164

KOLnet will be decentralizing marketing for early stage crypto projects. Got locked in on this one long-term

>> No.49880204

It just all about patience, the world will come around but personally I aint backing out and still holding unto my bags both BTC and alts(ETH, MATIC, DOT, UNI and TXA).

>> No.49880260
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Not saying it is but I went from $420k to 69k, so yea crypto is not scam.

>> No.49880326

Most crypto are use for passive income via staking, while some uses it to settle bills, I'm using xpress to pay for my flight in travala ticket

>> No.49880386

Technical indefeasibility of financial transactions, quickly and at low cost. Nothing else presently does this as well.

>> No.49880391

>gold that's more easily divisible
oh no I lost my password
Nobody gives a fuck about transferring a store of value. Gold's biggest problems are the premiums and slight inflation so at least it solved that (at the cost of potentially losing 80-100% of its value).

>> No.49880657
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Based take

>> No.49881225

You are just so correct, and this is why I'm stacking up on good alts like DVDX, UFI and XPRESS, which I believe will pump hard in the next bull cycle

>> No.49881254
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Not just to make us rich but the joy and the fun it brings to the table. Look at RFOX and its metaverse utilities as a case study.

>> No.49881269
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>look at jews printing infinite dollars
Wrong. That doesn't solve currency inflation either. Since Cryptos are valued against normal-currencies, you buying BTC and then currencies(like the $) being ""printed"" doesn't make your BTC more valuable.
If you have 1 BTC, and then 1 Trillion $ are printed, guess what? Do you think that makes your BTC even more valuable? No, it doesn't. Because BTC's value is measured against the $.
This is what people don't understand. A house is not valued at how X.xxBTC's. A car is not valued at X.xxXMR's. Sure, you could supposedly buy those things with crypto. But guess what? A house, a car, or whatever are still going to be sold based on how much the crypto is worth in $$$. You're not going to say "Yeah, I'll sell this car for X.xxBTC". You're going to say "Yeah, I'll sell this car for $.$$, but will accept BTC based on however much BTC to U$D is worth".

So, haha, surprise surprise, that doesn't solve anything. Basically the economy is FUCKED by anyone who has access to """money printers""". This could be foreign countries who can print their own monies, banks who give out "loans"(who don't actually have money, but earn money by people paying them back money that the bank NEVER EVEN HAD), etc. If the Federal Reserve never printed off money, the fact that banks are allowed to loan Billions$$(even if the bank only has $100) means money can get all sorts of fucked up.
If I wanted to start a business, I could get a bank loan for $1Million. Ok, great. Then I could start another business, and get another loan for $1Million. Nothing wrong so far. Now I could use that loan from the first business to pay back my loan from the 2nd business. And I could use my loan from the 2nd business to pay back my loan from the 1st business. What do my companies actually do? Well, my companies just exist to pay back the loans I "borrowed". The bank doesn't care; the bank is making money.

>> No.49881354

Gold? I dont think so, besides talking about custody i'll still pick crypto instead, do you even know anything about DEXs? You got your assets under your control at anytime.

>> No.49881416

Sounds like some of the trading solutions Tacen's hybridDex is bringing to the cryptospace.

>> No.49881429

It doesn't solve that problem, it just creates another class of people who benefit from money printing and another class of people who lose

>> No.49881444

>But guess what? A house, a car, or whatever are still going to be sold based on how much the crypto is worth in $$$. You're not going to say "Yeah, I'll sell this car for X.xxBTC". You're going to say "Yeah, I'll sell this car for $.$$, but will accept BTC based on however much BTC to U$D is worth".

That's because the US military says I have to. This isn't some big "gatcha" like you think it is.

>> No.49881463

>my highly volatile digital asset with no practical application is just as stable as gold and land
we're reaching cope levels we've never seen before

>> No.49881498
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>Crypto is decentralized digital currency, not digital gold or some other bullshit.
Digital gold is not different from crypto and its all bullshit.

>> No.49881510
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They’ve got something better, faster, and more reliable.

>> No.49881548

48 KB

This is one of those extra retarded threads Plebbitors make here to take screenshots and then post over on their home board for pussy outrage and asslicker points.

>> No.49881563

it will never be safe because there are no refunds and scheming slavs would steal credit cards to buy crypto. A workaround could be a long holding period where you can’t withdraw funds for new users, but even then it wouldn’t be enough.

>> No.49881602

Sounds nice but Centralized exchanges have the liquidity, so what's your point?

>> No.49881647

This is going to be a huge hurdle if we ever plan on having mainstream adoption of ANY crypto. What happens in the event of a fuckup, either from the owner's end or the bank's end?

Right now, if I fuck up a transaction or do something shaddy or use my card in a bad store or have my identity stolen -- the bank says "okay, no worries, we got you covered!" and we're all good. Same thing happens if the bank fucks up. My money is in my account still.

This doesn't happen, at all, with crypto. Once a fuck up occurs, that money is gone forever. Fuck ups happen all the fucking time. You can't sell people on this tech if your grandma is losing her entire savings because she typed in the wrong cryptographic address.

>> No.49881668
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Lol good idea, I might unironically start doing this from now on.

>> No.49881677
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>> No.49881738

>solves the Central Banking problem
>solves the liquidity problem
>solves the sanctions problem

>> No.49881756

Why would any country want these things solved?

>> No.49881789
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>That's because the US military says I have to.
Yes, EXACTLY. Hey retards, do you think the US military cares that BTC went from 70k down to 20k? NO, it doesn't care. Do you think the US military cares about Zimbabwe-bucks' value crashing? NO, it doesn't care.
1$ = 1$ because that's what the US military says it =.
>This isn't some big "gatcha" like you think it is.
I promise you, it IS. Now, that doesn't mean you "can't" make crypto "appear" more valuable than they are. If you had $100Million, and used that to trade one of your shitcoins around, maybe first setting its price at $1, then gradually trading it at higher, and higher prices to make people THINK that its value is "increasing", you can spoof the system that way.
But that's still purely an "arificially inflated value". The US military isn't going to start bombing nations because BTC tanked.

>> No.49881803
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They dont, as they are structured now, which is why there will be mass amounts of revolutions over the next few decades.

>> No.49881876

1) The point of decentralization and an internationalized community is that it's not for the nation state to decide on whether it's allowed to exist.
2) They can benefit from it by taxing capital gains and centralized exchanges. If your country has the biggest exchanges then your government is also receiving the biggest slice of the tax pie from crypto trading. Similar to how a government benefits from making drugs legal and taxing it.

>> No.49881903

It is a possible solution to have a decentralized currency, that is, a currency that doesn't depend on a central authority to manage. It is actually pretty interesting how it works and it is a very good solution to the problem, but it is laughable to think it will in any sense be used as a proper currency. It is the perfect example of a bubble and it is amazing just how delusional crypto investors are.

>> No.49881981
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Not the place to show how retarded you are. What then can you say about yield farming or the privacy gap these projects are fixing up

>> No.49882065

Dude is a fucking brainlet for shit positing this board. kolnet will offer real value to holder and stakers on the platform. my call for financial freedom

>> No.49882077

Lmfao take your erc20 and fuck off , miserable idiot. Dero is the only privacy coin

>> No.49882093

I can see you've got eyes for good projects.

I'm also holding Xpress, and I intend to buy more of it when BTC drops to 12K

>> No.49882129

>2) They can benefit from it by taxing capital gains and centralized exchanges.
Not going to work nor is there any incentive to make it work.

>> No.49882148

>next few decades

Just two more 10 year periods, bro. It'll happen, I promise! Just gotta wait a lil longer.

>> No.49882184

What the fuck are you talking about? That's literally how it already works and always has.

>> No.49882195

Crypto is great as a concept but human stupidity and greed is gonna is never gonna make it fly off. 90% of the people here are not in this for the service but for the ponzi and everyone who says otherwise is a huge fucking hypocrite. You just need to check the catalog to confirm this.

>> No.49882250
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>1) The point of decentralization...
Haha, the system was ALREADY decentralized. The fact that there are multiple currencies means things were already decentralized... Again, do you think the US military is going to start bombing people because the Ruble or Yuan crash? Nope.
The fact that there are multiple banks means things were already decentralized, which, ironically is the problem.
Cryptocoins are literally just money printers that people use to take money from people.
> ...and an internationalized community is that it's not for the nation state to decide on whether it's allowed to exist.
That literally makes NO sense. If everything is "centralized" to an international community, then how the fuck does that make it decentralized? And I don't disagree that things should be centralized to one universal standard, that's actually what needs to happen. Because if different nations are allowed to print their currencies, then they can fuck over other currencies. But you're either being disingenous or just stupid if you think a centralized currency is somehow "decentralized".
And what's even more funny, having multiple ""decentralized"" currencies just makes the economy exponentially fucked up. It solves absolutely nothing.

>> No.49882253

You know blockchain is always a step ahead. Combination of features of both exchanges is already available, a hybridDEX built by Tacen to the delight of traders.

>> No.49882347

>implying unique lines of code have value

>> No.49882356


- peer to peer electronic cash
- immediate transactions
- fee is 1/100 of a penny enabling a microtransaction economy
- smart contracts
- apps
- complies with existing laws in the US and many other countries

>> No.49882362

Kills central banks

>> No.49882455

>What the fuck are you talking about? That's literally how it already works and always has.
Im sure retards such as yourself have ALWAYS been posting dumb shit on the internet as well.

>> No.49882456

It's alternative to the debt system

>> No.49882491
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>Kills central banks
This is why people who create cryptocoins are about to find themselves deemed terrorists by various governments. But the funny part is, it DOESN'T even kill central banks. It literally just fucks over the working class who had to work for their money, and creates a minor annoyance for ""central"" banks(too bad banks aren't even centralized to begin with though!).

>> No.49882519

In that case, Monero is what? It is obvious who the miserable one is

>> No.49882526

>And what's even more funny, having multiple ""decentralized"" currencies just makes the economy exponentially fucked up
and there it is
>It solves absolutely nothing.
You're an advocate of money printing so of course you would say that.

>> No.49882544
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>It's alternative to the debt system
What the fuck are you talking about? NO, it fucking doesn't. I just can't even tell if people who say shit like this are so stupid that they actually believe it, or if they are aware it's just a grift. It's hard to tell these days, there's just too many idiots.

>> No.49882548

>It literally just fucks over the working class who had to work for their money,
explain how

>> No.49882549

hahaha absolute state of crypto “investors”

>> No.49882620
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*solar flares in you're path*
*heh, nothin personelle*

>> No.49882651
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>there is no problem at all when the system is centralized and a small group of people prints money infinitely for themselves and the faggots in their pyramid of power beneath them

>> No.49882672

If you kept a global ledger of who owes who, bought in a little to have some in the pot, made the ledger public knowledge and fully transparent of who owes who and who has what, and just worked off the ledger and debt, then we wouldn’t need cash or coins, we would have the public ledger. If I owe Charlie $5, but Steve owes me $7, I technically have $2 in profit, so I can still lend $2 even if I don’t have it. Makes centralized money obsolete, that’s blockchain, well sorta.. Bitcoin itself isn’t a scam. Literally every other thing in the crypto world is. Smart contracts and non-fungible tokens have serious potential, but trying to flip receipts of ownership when all the contract says is “I own this” and the receipt looks like some stupid jpeg then yeah, thats a scam. If you build non-fungible tokens and smart contracts into the ledger system then you have the foundations for a global currency that doesn’t depend on governments. To answer your question OP, yes and no.

>> No.49882732
File: 61 KB, 736x876, McFuckingDone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and there it is
There what is? The fact that there's "1 Trillion$ worth of BTC" doesn't mean you've added 1Trillion$ worth of goods/services to the economy. It means you've stolen 1Trillion$ from the economy.
>You're an advocate of money printing so of course you would say that.
What the fuck are you talking about? People who make crypto coins are literally just money printers themselves!
>inb4 nu-uh, they have a set amount of how many coins are created!
Ok, so the few people who got in on crypto early and accumulated a stash of coins are extremely wealthy compared to everyone else still. You're completely missing the point. It doesn't solve the "money printing" problem in the slightest. It just creates a new class of "money printers".
Someone who creates a crypto and then becomes a Billionaire$ doesn't solve the problem of people getting rich without working, does it?

>> No.49882755

>explain how
See >>49882672
>The fact that there's "1 Trillion$ worth of BTC" doesn't mean you've added 1Trillion$ worth of goods/services to the economy. It means you've stolen 1Trillion$ from the economy.

>> No.49882783
File: 20 KB, 275x503, 98ru89ur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You own nothing that there isn't an official record of you owning it.
tell that to my shotgun, I can buy a storage unit or bid on a lot and own the contents and you aren't allowed to know what it actually is unless I say so.

>> No.49882799

they buy the top
>but that's their own fault
Sort of, but they didn't choose to be stupid and impulsive. If they were smart they'd have a well paying job and wouldn't need bitcoin as a magical golden ticket to prosperity.

>> No.49882812

i dont get what problem the usdollar solves seems like a scam

>> No.49882853


>the most track able currency ever created

Are crypto chuds this stupid?

>> No.49882877

I've read every post in this thread.

Literally no one answered what problem it solves. If I'm being dishonest, link me to the post.

>> No.49882945

You are correct, and it is for this reason that I am accumulating FUFU in thisbearish market in order to become rich.

>> No.49882984
File: 2.20 MB, 3312x2916, UNlam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont get what problem the usdollar solves seems like a scam
It created incentives for people to innovate technology, creating goods/services, so they could become wealthy by creating something valuable or performing important services(like building roads/houses) that other people would want.
Yes, civilization is a scam. You're not wrong. But crypto just adds another layer of "scam".

>> No.49883001

>There what is?
You want the central bank to babby you by printing money and directing it to your favorite industry otherwise the economy get "exponentially fucked up".

>>You're an advocate of money printing so of course you would say that.
>What the fuck are you talking about? People who make crypto coins are literally just money printers themselves!
1. That is whataboutism which is a fallacy.
2. Here's whats funny, you are literally advocating for money printing here >>49881269
> If the Federal Reserve never printed off money, the fact that banks are allowed to loan Billions$$(even if the bank only has $100) means money can get all sorts of fucked up.
3. It literally doesnt matter which crypto is inflationary because theres a theoretical unlimited amount. Obviously. The important thing is people can choose which currency to use and assign value to things from their cell phone instead of being pegged to a central bank at birth.

You're also attempting to assign the value of things in dollars like it really matters when what really matters is the ability to retrieve how people value things. None of this shit needs to be done in a physical sense anymore so it wont be.


>> No.49883003

Poverty is caused by stupidity.
>I am accumulating FUFU
And you're stupid. Why not accumulate used toilet paper while you're at it? lol

>> No.49883040

Crypto currencies have always been digital currency - a protocol for payments.
Bitcoin was created to solve a very specific "double spend" problem. It essentially offers a way to use a single payment log on multiple distributed systems without the need to for complicated methods to resolve conflicting payments on different systems. Etherium is Bitcoin with smart contract features and Monero is Bitcoin with privacy.
What it isnt supposed to be is digital gold or asset.

>> No.49883043

A global leader of account that doesn't need the backing of a state or a military

>> No.49883072

Thats literally the result of money printing, brainlet. Attempt to wrap your brain around why there was demand for chuck e cheese tokens in 2010 to why there is now an exponentially higher demand for it.
>uhhhhhhhhh ppl are just dumb and gambling trillions then!

>> No.49883084

Same as with crypto I already explained - nobody will know about your blacked dildos with extra vibration but they will know you made a purchase.

>> No.49883095


You've basically de incentivised violence by orders of magnitude

>> No.49883106

Great. What happens right once you withdraw the money?

Can someone give me an honest answer?

>> No.49883111

gm butiful send bobs and vagene

>> No.49883219

Is this a joke OP? some alts are literally called utility tokens for a reason. Its a bear market you've got time dyor on LINK, HBAR, XMR, TXA and see for yourself.

>> No.49883243

>Sort of, but they didn't choose to be stupid and impulsive. If they were smart they'd have a well paying job and wouldn't need bitcoin as a magical golden ticket to prosperity.
BTC wouldnt exist if there wasnt money printing. If it wasnt for money printing, more people would have well paying jobs; or at least they would be more readily able to discern why they dont have one instead of having the central bank needing to force artifical recessions when the printers run too hot.

>> No.49883247
File: 218 KB, 1669x941, WHOsmoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You want the central bank to babby you by printing money and directing it to your favorite industry otherwise the economy
Yeah, kind of. I don't mind if valuable industries become wealthy. I don't have a problem with people who make computers, or cars, or whatever are allowed to be wealthy. That seems like a fair deal to give people money if they advance civilization.
People who create important things should be allowed to live comfortably. The problem is, people who make shitcoins are basically accumulating massive wealth just by marketing, and not creating anything. People who create CPU's/GPU's and other electronics are for some reason worth LESS than people who make some shitcoin. It's fucked up.

OPEC nations are allowed to accumulate massive wealth because """their""" country happens to exist on top of oil reserves. So other nations are """forced""" to give them Billions$ in gibs, thanks to the international community. Because according to the international community, those desert-donkeys "deserve" to be paid for oil in the ground. It's everyone else's responsibility to give them money to be allowed to come survey, drill, and process the oil.

The UN is basically a terrorist organization if they advocate that nations should pay countries in the Middle East $ for oil, instead of just allowing countries to take the oil for themselves.

>> No.49883265

>be me
>be usa
>tell world we are printing 10 dollars for every 1oz of gold
>countries put up with this for 40 years
>want a full audit of fort knox
>all of a sudden unlink dollar from gold
>to stop "speculators"
couldn't be done with a btc back dollar, everyone would know exactly how many we have, and also you can't stack fake bitcoin.

>> No.49883281

>even gold became illegal to own in the US at one time.
That could happen to crypto under this administration. And once it gets converted to fiat, the gains could be taxed. Its a pretty convenient instant revenue switch for the government if you think about it

>> No.49883317

I did see:

>> No.49883377

It's supposed to work similar to cash, most being digital and replacing fiat. supposed to.

>> No.49883387

Central banks and money printing are still alive and well, bitcoin did nothing about it.

>> No.49883414

>1. That is whataboutism which is a fallacy.
It's not some "logical fallacy", it's just an objective truth.
>2. Here's whats funny, you are literally advocating for money printing here
Yeah, kind of. Certain industries are important to civilization, so I don't have a problem with keeping them afloat.
>The important thing is people can choose which currency to use and assign value to things from their cell phone instead of being pegged to a central bank at birth.
Except they don't. They assign how much it should cost in BTC/XMR/etc based on the exchange rate of the U$D.

> None of this shit needs to be done in a physical sense anymore so it wont be.
None of what needs to be done in a physical sense? If I wanted to buy something from Amazon, it's not like I went to the Amazon store and gave them $10 in cash, or $10 worth of gold...
>None of this shit needs to be done in a physical sense anymore so it wont be.
Huh? That

>> No.49883421
File: 2.18 MB, 952x732, suez.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, kind of. I don't mind if valuable industries become wealthy.
People like you are the cause of the problem you are complaining about. You're enthusiastically whining because you know deep down its true.

>People who create important things should be allowed to live comfortably. The problem is, people who make shitcoins are basically accumulating massive wealth just by marketing, and not creating anything. People who create CPU's/GPU's and other electronics are for some reason worth LESS than people who make some shitcoin. It's fucked up.

The funny thing is thats all a part of the dollar denominated economy bro so why not blame the U.S. Dollar??? Its a literal chuck e cheese token that just has a verifiable supply over the internet. Imagine getting dabbed on by glorified steam coins or whatever lmao.

>OPEC nations are allowed to accumulate massive wealth because """their""" country happens to exist on top of oil reserves. So other nations are """forced""" to give them Billions$ in gibs, thanks to the international community. Because according to the international community, those desert-donkeys "deserve" to be paid for oil in the ground. It's everyone else's responsibility to give them money to be allowed to come survey, drill, an
Just stop demanding energy in oil then brah. Or continue advocating money printing to buy said oil which in turn drives demand for chuck e cheese tokens who's price is partially driven by said energy. Also limited supply. Good luck.

>The UN is basically a terrorist organization if they advocate that nations should pay countries in the Middle East $ for oil, instead of just allowing countries to take the oil for themselves.
And there it is.

>> No.49883460

Okay, so my point stands - there's nothing it solves
You can't buy anything useful with Crypto and when you want to convert it, you arrive at the same problem of fiat.

So what does it solve?

>> No.49883494

You don't just have to accumulate FUFU,you can also stake the token to increase your earnings.

Its various stake programs are quite profitable.

>> No.49883503

>there's nothing it solves
some people just don't have vision, and gouge their eyes out when the light comes to them.

>> No.49883576
File: 104 KB, 640x640, 1622173998061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Central banks and money printing are still alive and well, bitcoin did nothing about it.
A literally blind anon. Thats new.

>It's not some "logical fallacy", it's just an objective truth.
And i didnt even disagree, you're were just attempting to deflect from the fact that you're an advocate of money printing which later on in the post i showed how.

>>2. Here's whats funny, you are literally advocating for money printing here
>Yeah, kind of.
You cant even just outright admit it.

>Except they don't. They assign how much it should cost in BTC/XMR/etc based on the exchange rate of the U$D.
Then why are arbitrage bots a thing.

>None of what needs to be done in a physical sense? If I wanted to buy something from Amazon, it's not like I went to the Amazon store and gave them $10 in cash, or $10 worth of gold...
Exactly. The absolute state of NPCs. You're sure you paid with usd, right?

>> No.49883599
File: 79 KB, 850x400, quote-the-game-of-speculation-is-the-most-uniformly-fascinating-game-in-the-world-but-it-is-jesse-lauriston-livermore-99-2-0257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give up anon

>> No.49883610

>some people just don't have vision, and gouge their eyes out when the light comes to them.
And some people just have an overactive imagination, and starting imagining things when they aren't really there.

>> No.49883614

there's like 1000 bagholders for everyone who got rich

>> No.49883623

>Thats literally the result of money printing, brainlet.
No, not necessarily. You can "print" money by taking out a bank loan, and then taking out a loan from a second bank, and using that loan(from the 2nd bank) to pay back the 1st bank.

Let's say there are 2 banks. Each bank has 0$, but they are allowed to "loan" money to people. I could ask Bank1 to loan me $1,000,000 for my "business". Then I could ask Bank2 to loan me $1,000,000 for my "business". I now have $2,000,000, and just have to make monthly payments to each bank. Each bank sees that I am making payments, so they don't care what my "business" does, as long as I'm making payments to them. So Bank1 is happy that I'm giving them money that Bank2 loaned me, and Bank2 is happy that they're getting money that Bank1 loaned me. But the funny thing is, NEITHER of them actually had any money to begin with. They just loaned each other money, and then "poof", they magically have money!

>> No.49883698

yeah bro i watch george gammon too

>> No.49883724

Nice job ducking the straightforward question, you useless faggot

I'm asking a simple thing, you imbecilic nigger. State the problem and state how crypto solves it, or critique any of my specific challenges to other specific answers

>> No.49883749

bitcoin solves it, other pointless cryptos do not

>> No.49883761

>Create a ton of shit from various agencies like DARPA
>Create strong military so you can tell people to fuck off while you're busy innovating technology
Who cares about how much gold you have? What, are you going to build an entire country with gold roads, and gold buildings?

>> No.49883771



>> No.49883781

Literally what the fuck are you even trying to say here dumbass? Capital gains have always been taxed. Centralized exchanges have always been taxed. Explain yourself or shut the fuck up.

>> No.49883815

what value is it storing? that implies i can do something with it other than hold it or trade it, which isn't true
-stocks have value because it's ownership of a company and all their assets, own enough stocks and your vote influences company decisions
-gold has value because it's timeless, you can take gold that the romans mined and use it for electronics, jewelry, etc.
-oil has value because it's energy that i can use for any number of productive tasks

>> No.49883836

Okay. Let's start with your first point: central banking.

What happens the moment I withdraw crypto?

>> No.49883879

Define how many years "always" encompasses. Everyone always used to write letters too, dumbass. Did everyone always post on the internet as well?

The internet and crypto have introduced tech that have made the government unable to enforce taxing policy. Also the government is broke and people will increasingly avoid paying them because of their ever increasing deficit and debt. The funny thing tho is the government just mentioned tax receipts have NEVER been higher so im sure all that is just shizo talk.

>Capital gains have always been taxed.
>Centralized exchanges have always been taxed.

>> No.49883890
File: 1.16 MB, 2244x1368, EUROvax2030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People like you are the cause of the problem you are complaining about. You're enthusiastically whining because you know deep down its true.
Know WHAT is true? What the fuck are you talking about?
>The funny thing is thats all a part of the dollar denominated economy bro so why not blame the U.S. Dollar??? Its a literal chuck e cheese token that just has a verifiable supply over the internet.
Chuck E Cheese doesn't have a military that will bomb you just because the Chuck E Cheese exchange collapses.
>Just stop demanding energy in oil then brah. Or continue advocating money printing to buy said oil
No, I'm advocating to stop paying them and just confiscate the Oil for ourselves. I'm unironically advocating for WAR against them, yes. The global superpowers should team up and just tell the Middle East to FUCK OFF.
>And there it is.
You're fucking retarded, you don't even know what that means.

>some people just don't have vision, and gouge their eyes out when the light comes to them.
And some people like you are just unhinged schizos.

>> No.49883903

Withdrawing how and to where and into what? Are you talking about selling and withdrawing to a bank?

>> No.49883961
File: 46 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen multiple people on /biz/ literally argue that you can really buy anything with crypto, because some kyc exchanges offer a visa debit card where you can buy stuff in fiat using your crypto account.

>> No.49883968

Okay, let's say I want to buy property and I want to withdraw my $1m of bitcoin into cash. How does that work without facing all the issues of centralized gov?

I will literally concede and say I was wrong if you honestly answer that.

>> No.49883996

>You cant even just outright admit it.
I literally do admit it. What's your point?
>Then why are arbitrage bots a thing.
Probably because grifters gonna grift.
>Exactly. The absolute state of NPCs. You're sure you paid with usd, right?
Is their an IQ limit for shills like you? Like, if you can tie your shoes by yourself, are you disqualified from being a shill?

>yeah bro i watch george gammon too
Idk who that is. Again, what's your point? Are you agreeing with me that you're wrong?

>> No.49884022
File: 564 KB, 900x590, 1602953339822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Know WHAT is true? What the fuck are you talking about?
Your avocation for central banking and for it to money print results in people demanding shit like btc. Its literally why it was created in the first place. Remember? 2008-'09? Remember???

>Chuck E Cheese doesn't have a military that will bomb you just because the Chuck E Cheese exchange collapses.
And there it is.

>No, I'm advocating to stop paying them and just confiscate the Oil for ourselves. I'm unironically advocating for WAR against them, yes. The global superpowers should team up and just tell the Middle East to FUCK OFF.
And there that is....
>You're fucking retarded, you don't even know what that means.
Bro, i hate to inform you but youre the typical NPC. All the shit you posted is obvious its why btc was created and why there is demand on the international stage. You. Are. The. Cause. Imagine pointing a gun at someone and literally expecting them to do nothing about it until the heat death of the universe because "thats how its ALWAYS BEEN!!!".

>> No.49884032

it's easier to troll an angry commie than to reason with them.

>> No.49884062

Another duck - answer my simple question with a straightforward answer.

I'm already replying to someone who is attempting to give me specifics. Go back.

>> No.49884108

>bitcoin solves it, other pointless cryptos do not
BTC solves WHAT? Can you please explain WHAT it solves?

It solves none of those things you moron.

>Also the government is broke
HAHAHA. HOW is the government broke? You are absolutely retarded if you think this. You think the government cares about "being in debt"? They're just going to say "Huh, yeah, about that. Anyway..."

>Withdrawing how and to where and into what? Are you talking about selling and withdrawing to a bank?
How about buying groceries at the grocery store.

>> No.49884144

They'll never answer you straightforwardly. Always ends with ducking or cop-outs.

>> No.49884152
File: 43 KB, 696x522, 1623798409827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I literally do admit it. What's your point?
>>You're an advocate of money printing so of course you would say that.
What the fuck are you talking about? People who make crypto coins are literally just money printers themselves!

>Probably because grifters gonna grift.
So you dont know and youre too scared to say you dont know in an anonymous internet argument.

>>Exactly. The absolute state of NPCs. You're sure you paid with usd, right?
>Is their an IQ limit for shills like you? Like, if you can tie your shoes by yourself, are you disqualified from being a shill?
You're attempting to deflect again. To make it easier on you, you can literally hold crypto and have debit cards automatically sell for usd right now. Going forward, there will be increasing less incentive to hold and transact in usd if the currency inflates against crypto/chuck e cheese tokens thereby rending the currency printing you admited you are in favor of increasingly less effective.

>> No.49884161

If we’re all using the ledger system then the concept of buying something is somewhat irrelevant. It’s like going from steam to diesel trains. You’re going up to a diesel engine and asking where do I put the coal…

>> No.49884233

>It solves none of those things you moron.
It does. Tell you what, brainlet, explain how it doesnt. I'll wait.
>You think the government cares about "being in debt"?
Enough to get Jerome out of bed to lie to you that isnt taxing you through inflation to stem the tide.

>How about buying groceries at the grocery store.
Crypto automatically sold for usd which is then given to the grocer. Theres transaction costs there. Those transaction costs experience price inflation.

>> No.49884253

Bitcoin does not have to do anything, defi will take over the banks soon enough, DEXs are springing up and doing the job including the tacen's hybridDex with no kyc, full privacy and full control over assets those are features the central banks cannot offer.

>> No.49884261

>If we’re all using the ledger system then the concept of buying something is somewhat irrelevant
Great, so you admit it solves nothing until we're all on that ledger system, right? No vendor who has anything worthwhile to sell accepts that ledger system. If you said "Crypto would solve a lot if everyone just accepted payment in it and if it didn't need to be converted in to fiat", I'd agree. In the last 7 years and even at present, however, it is useless and solves nothing.

>> No.49884295

That anon just explained to you the utility of BTC. You must be a midwit.

>> No.49884320

It doesn't

>> No.49884336

You're a midwit if you found his answer sufficient. How does it solve centralization when the moment you withdraw it to convert into cash (given no one sells anything worth a damn in BTC form), you run in to all the same centralization problems? You're retarded.

>> No.49884356

>there is no legitimate reason to have it completely private.
Okay and?

>> No.49884408

>Okay, let's say I want to buy property and I want to withdraw my $1m of bitcoin into cash. How does that work without facing all the issues of centralized gov?
You "withdraw"/sell btc for an asset and then money launder it back into the system in a way where its more profitable to do all of that than it is to simply pay taxes on it. $31 trillion debt, AND RISING and all. Property taxes are going to go thru the roof because millenials and zoomers will demand it if the fed insists on monetary inflation and continuing to push up property values along with the debt.

>> No.49884444

>Your avocation for central banking and for it to money print results in people demanding shit like btc. Its literally why it was created in the first place.
Good thing BTC never printed any BTC. Oh, wait. IT DID. That's why there's BTC available to trade in the first place.
>And there it is.
You need to stop saying this, because you have no idea what it means.
>All the shit you posted is obvious its why btc was created
I don't disagree with the fact that a new economic system is needed. I'm just saying BTC hasn't solved any problems except for making transactions easier in grey/black markets.

>You're attempting to deflect again.
no u

>Crypto automatically sold for usd which is then given to the grocer.
Why would the grocer want U$D? Isn't U$D basically toilet paper? How come people don't say a $ = X.xxx BTC? How come people measure how valuable a BTC by comparing it to the U$D? If I wanted to buy a house with BTC, you're not going to say "Yes, this house is worth X.xx BTC". You're going to say "This house is worth $X.xx, and $X.xx = X.xx BTC".

>> No.49884475

You are retarded anon.
If you don't see how crypto and the larger blockchain is going to change the world, you are one of the midwit masses who will fomo in later.
I work in the blockchain industry and is convinced that the technology will be pervasive in the future as I am seeing industries fomo in on it. The sheer amount of money and talent thrown into the industry will all but garantee that you will be interacting with blockchain in your day to day life in the near future.
That said, majority of crypto is full of useless amateurish projects put hacked together to cash in on the hype. These scams need to be flushed out. That remaining few autistic projects biz loves will be the projects that have real world utility in the next run up.

>> No.49884488

>just do a ton of completely illegal and risky shit bro.

>> No.49884502

>How about buying groceries at the grocery store
k back to the ledger example you keep ignoring me over. Again think of it like a record of who has what and who owes who. If I owe Charlie $5, but Steve owes me $7, I technically have $2. With crypto, I instantly have and can trade that $2 of ledger debt. With fiat, I physically need to collect that or somehow transfer it. With cryptocurrency the ledger debt is public knowledge, so my $2 of ledger debt is good in everyone’s books.
It’s a single system of payment money through the management of ledger debt. Im still trading ledger debt for real world goods like groceries, but the owner of the goods can trade my ledger debt and the ledger debt from everyone else and use that to restock goods with. The take home point here is that technically everyone can see who exactly bought what and for how much, and no cash was exchanged, and the grocery store owner has an instant record of sale for every piece of good that’s exchanged hands so knows exactly what to restock.
You’re not thinking this thru by saying “I can’t spend it like a dollar” that’s like asking where to put the coal in a diesel train engine

>> No.49884579

I honestly think you're retarded. Everyone can conceptualize the issue with dividing money infinitely or multiplying it infinitely and how a static system would be better. The issue is you can't buy groceries with Crypto. Okay? It solves nothing if people don't adopt and use it. Do you get that simple point?
>it solves the centralization problem as long as you risk prison time you guys
Okay, how does it solve centralization if people have to do illegal shit? That makes centralization a threat within its use, dummy. Take a logic class.

>> No.49884635
File: 286 KB, 1080x1351, youwakeuptothiswdyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Good thing BTC never printed any BTC. Oh, wait. IT DID. That's why there's BTC available to trade in the first place.
Where can i retrieve the REAL inflation numbers?

>You need to stop saying this, because you have no idea what it means.
and there it is

>I don't disagree with the fact that a new economic system is needed. I'm just saying BTC hasn't solved any problems except for making transactions easier in grey/black markets.
It solves the (you) problem. Of course (you) dont see (you) as a problem. Naturally.

>Why would the grocer want U$D? Isn't U$D basically toilet paper?
You care but i dont.

>How come people don't say a $ = X.xxx BTC? How come people measure how valuable a BTC by comparing it to the U$D?
Only brainlets do. Nice way to out yourself. Imagine a place where instead people use, for example, yuros to pay for goods. Those prices are all in dollars going by what you are implying, right? Its just all converted from "the USD price", right?

>> No.49884737

make it projects? what's going to stay?
what do you think the blockchain space needs right now? that no project is doing?

>> No.49884755

>Okay, how does it solve centralization if people have to do illegal shit? That makes centralization a threat within its use, dummy. Take a logic class.
A threat to who? The government? The government whose power is derived from The People, right? Because if the government has to have said people directing all their wealth towards an ever increasing debt then, idk, what happens then after a year, or five years, or a decade, or a generation. Look up the guy in this pic >>49881803 and tell me how he died.

>> No.49884818

Centralization of government is a threat to citizens. Having to commit illegal acts to finesse crypto purchases means crypto hasn't solved decentralization.
>what happens then after a year, or five years, or a decade, or a generation
You're not adding any insight. I already agree fiat is retarded and I already agree a solution to centralization would be amazing. I'm just disputing that Crypto is a solution; how can it be if government still waves its guns over it?

Crypto solves nothing

>> No.49884846

>With fiat, I physically need to collect that or somehow transfer it. With cryptocurrency the ledger debt is public knowledge, so my $2 of ledger debt is good in everyone’s books.
What? How is it public knowledge if you have debt in crypto? If I go randomly look at some TX on the blockchain, I have no knowledge if someone is "in debt". I just have knowledge about the transaction occurring. That tells me nothing about their debt...

>Everyone can conceptualize the issue with dividing money infinitely or multiplying it infinitely and how a static system would be better. The issue is you can't buy groceries with Crypto.
Idk, that's actually not the problem. The problem is that people who already "made it" in crypto/accumulated a lot of crypto would be "wealthy" if every other currency in the world suddenly disappeared tomorrow. So then we're just right back to where we started with a small minority of people with wealth, with arguably even more problems than before.

>Where can i retrieve the REAL inflation numbers?
You think BTC is some static currency? You do realize BTC lost 2/3 of its value in a few months, right? Oh, that's just because U$D printed money, right? It's ONLY because the U$D prints money, right? It isn't because other countries do that same shit...
Let me guess, if every other currency magically disappeared, then everything would be solved right? The ONLY people that benefits from that situation would be the current crypto-bagholders. Everyone else would be FUCKED. So now you have a bunch of people who think its bullshit that the cryptofags are extremely wealthy compared to everyone. Obviously the bagholders would benefit from everyone else's wealth be wiped out, but that doesn't actually solve anything...
>It solves the (you) problem. Of course (you) dont see (you) as a problem. Naturally.
>You care but i dont.
You are beyond retarded if you legitimately believe what you say.

>> No.49884853

bait thread

>> No.49884958

>Having to commit illegal acts to finesse crypto purchases means crypto hasn't solved decentralization.
The only need for finesse is because you mention purchasing land which by definition involves The State which defends said land and they will want proof of income so that they can tax it. Most everything else doesnt need The State as a party to the transaction and therefore there is no incentive to pay they a fee if they are never privy to it. Theres no longer any physical stores and physical employees out in the open to shake down.

>> No.49885003

>A threat to who? The government? The government whose power is derived from The People, right? Because if the government has to have said people directing all their wealth towards an ever increasing debt then, idk, what happens then after a year, or five years, or a decade, or a generation.
How are you going to trade crypto when society collapses and there's no electricity to trade your shitcoins? What, are you going to bribe the government to turn on the electricity/internet by paying them BTC? Are you going to say "You can't use the $ anymore, you can only trade with my BTC!"?

>> No.49885076

Goddamn you assume a fucking lot and yet the only questions you ask are rhetorical and you insist on harping on BTC as if its the only crypto in the space. Im talking about crypto in general. I dont mind arguing about BTC but your tone deaf ass insists on equating crypto w/ BTC as if its 1 to 1 synonymous.
>Let me guess, if every other currency magically disappeared, then everything would be solved right?
Im arguing for the freedom to create an infinite number of crypto. You arent reading. Tone deaf.

>The ONLY people that benefits from that situation would be the current crypto-bagholders. Everyone else would be FUCKED. So now you have a bunch of people who think its bullshit that the cryptofags are extremely wealthy compared to everyone. Obviously the bagholders would benefit from everyone else's wealth be wiped out, but that doesn't actually solve anything...
>It solves the (you) problem. Of course (you) dont see (you) as a problem. Naturally.
NPC Red vs Blue, Me vs Them mindset. Brainlet tier.

>> No.49885088

>The only need for finesse is because you mention purchasing land which by definition involves The State
>Most everything else doesnt need The State as a party to the transaction
Thank you for making my point for me - for the things that are actually worth a damn, the state will wave its guns at you, because they have incentive to (even according to you).

Laughably, even the things the state isn't incentivized to pull out guns over, the common vendor won't accept Crypto.

So what does crypto solve exactly? In one case, you get a gun pointed at you; in the other, you're told to produce a different currency.

Are you purposely being retarded?

>> No.49885090

Bitcoin solves the problem of where to park your money.

>> No.49885143

Monero, however, for that same reason, it is not a good investment.

>> No.49885213

there's no point using facts to argue with cryptoids, especially disingenuous one who claim it's a store of value.

>> No.49885279
File: 114 KB, 334x334, 1567778380166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thank you for making my point for me - for the things that are actually worth a damn, the state will wave its guns at you, because they have incentive to (even according to you).

Yes, I alluded to as much in my first post in this thread. What you're convienently leaving out is that the state pointing guns at the electorate then leads to revolutions. Its literally my 1st post if you scroll up.

>Laughably, even the things the state isn't incentivized to pull out guns over, the common vendor won't accept Crypto.
It doesnt matter because the crypto, the underlying technology, enables the transaction to be done anyway. I explained it in some other post i cant be bothered to find.

>So what does crypto solve exactly?
It incentivizes the destruction of Central Banking, for one.

>Are you purposely being retarded?
People only post this when they want the argument to end. Start a new thread ill be hear all night...

>> No.49885298

>Im arguing for the freedom to create an infinite number of crypto. You arent reading. Tone deaf.
Ok, so everyone in the world should just be allowed to create their own crypto right? There should be 7 billion different cryptos, so that way EVERYONE is rich, right? Solve poverty by just giving everyone infinite money.
I'm honestly surprised governments have allowed crypto to go on as long as they have. I can't believe all of these crypto markets aren't just put on Terrorist lists. It's actually mind blowing that governments seem to be intentionally collapsing themselves.

>NPC Red vs Blue, Me vs Them mindset. Brainlet tier.
What are you talking about? That's literally the argument against "le money printers", is it not? Isn't that why you want crypto? Because its "us vs them"? Of course you don't see it as a "us vs them", when YOU are the "them". If you have 1,000 BTC because you got in early, OF COURSE you're going to say we should just get rid of every other currency in the world. Obviously you would just say "It's everyone else's fault for not getting crypto over a decade ago!"

Cryptofags don't have ANY intention on making "society" better. They don't focus on anything besides spamming their shitty memes about how valuable their coin is. If cryptofags actually cared about making society better, they wouldn't use their time shilling shitcoins so they can get rich.

>> No.49885374

>unironically uses cope and has poor reading comprehension

>> No.49885377

>Yes, I alluded to as much in my first post in this thread. What you're convienently leaving out is that the state pointing guns at the electorate then leads to revolutions. Its literally my 1st post if you scroll up.
Great, so crypto will only have use once people kill all the pedophiles, RINOs and leftists in the government. They've replaced you with immigrants, stolen your free speech, taken away your guns and turned the kids into trannies without anyone doing anything btw. But sure, it's the same as saying never paying taxes is the best option -- since the gov pointing guns at citizens who never do would encourage a revolution. So absent the ingredient of a revolution (which is the present case), crypto is useless, right?

>> No.49885387

>Yes, I alluded to as much in my first post in this thread. What you're convienently leaving out is that the state pointing guns at the electorate then leads to revolutions. Its literally my 1st post if you scroll up.
What the fuck are you talking about? So people are going to stop pointing guns at each other if the U$D disappears? Do you hear how retarded you sound?

>Are you purposely being retarded?
>People only post this when they want the argument to end. Start a new thread ill be hear all night...
People like you deserve the rope. Because you're being either willfully disingenuous in what you say, or you have the sentience of a rock and serve no purpose to society other than being a delusional moron.

>> No.49885405

>Ok, so everyone in the world should just be allowed to create their own crypto right? There should be 7 billion different cryptos, so that way EVERYONE is rich, right? Solve poverty by just giving everyone infinite money.
What are you talking? Have everyone rich? "Solve" poverty? Thats your narrative. Apparently. lease try to stay coherent.

>I'm honestly surprised governments have allowed crypto to go on as long as they have. I can't believe all of these crypto markets aren't just put on Terrorist lists. It's actually mind blowing that governments seem to be intentionally collapsing themselves.
the sarcastic seething npc

>What are you talking about? That's literally the argument against "le money printers", is it not? Isn't that why you want crypto? Because its "us vs them"? Of course you don't see it as a "us vs them", when YOU are the "them". If you have 1,000 BTC because you got in early, OF COURSE you're going to say we should just get rid of every other currency in the world.
Those are your words. Who cares if the USD stays or goes outside of brainlets?

>Cryptofags don't have ANY intention on making "society" better. They don't focus on anything besides spamming their shitty memes about how valuable their coin is. If cryptofags actually cared about making society better, they wouldn't use their time shilling shitcoins so they can get rich.
bitching, whining, moaning, and complaining
get a tampon

>> No.49885407

and? don't join the conversation if you can't stay on topic

>> No.49885430

There is no real problem solved by crypto. That's the truth most people don't want to talk about.

In fact, the vast majority of things that make a good financial system are totally absent in crypto.

However, crypto fits nicely with the capitalist hellscape, where hype and adoption matters more than things actually solving problems. So I'm on board.

We don't live in the smart world. We live in the stupid world where worse money gets pumped and Trump was the president. You're just going to lose if you bet on good and useful things exclusively.

>> No.49885449
File: 39 KB, 686x915, guillotine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So absent the ingredient of a revolution (which is the present case), crypto is useless, right?
You tell me. You are here complaining about it.

>> No.49885465

>We live in the stupid world where worse money gets pumped and Trump was the president
Just curious - out of the available candidates, who should have been elected?
No straightforward answers to simple questions yet again. Pathetic nigger.

>> No.49885470

maybe you'd be more comfortable over at seeking alpha

>> No.49885491

>What the fuck are you talking about? So people are going to stop pointing guns at each other if the U$D disappears? Do you hear how retarded you sound?
You know what? You're retarded and dumb.

>People like you deserve the rope. Because you're being either willfully disingenuous in what you say, or you have the sentience of a rock and serve no purpose to society other than being a delusional moron.
Rocks dont have sentience; read a book for once, kiddo.

>> No.49885504

true but it's marginally better than gold. it's still a metal i need to weigh and divide vs something digital. silver is merely less valuable and therefore you need a larger amount to transact making it easier to divide
oh no i lost the combination to my safe. oh no i forgot the password to access my gold certificate.
>nobody cares about transferrable
except everyone does. go get me a gold bar. i'll wait. oh you have to charge me a 20% premium above spot because it's a pain in the ass? nevermind.

also gold can live alongside bitcoin. no idea why people defend one while trash on the other like a store of value is highlander.

>> No.49885507

>Rocks dont have sentience
Neither do you

>> No.49885522

>No straightforward answers to simple questions yet again.
Click the catalog button. Theres people discussing demand for crypto. Simple but the answer you refuse to accept unless you can reason it away with "gambling" or some other excuse 13 (thirteen) years later.

>> No.49885524

to clarify, i was referring to crypto (bitcoin) being like gold but better in the following ways...

>> No.49885565

I asked a simple question. Why can't you give a straightforward answer, duck?

>> No.49885610

Because you're implying crypto is useless right now and im obviously arguing it isnt. Then the argument devolves into me attempting to teach you about the crypto space while you ignore it because you are butthurt.

>> No.49885628

>What are you talking? Have everyone rich? "Solve" poverty? Thats your narrative. Apparently. lease try to stay coherent.
So what does crypto solve? Does it solve the problem of taking away power from "the rich"? That's what you want, right? You want to be able to take power away from """them""", right? You want to transfer power from everyone to a select few in crypto, right?
Why can't there be 7 billion different cryptos? Why is it fair for a few cryptos to exist, but not others?
>Those are your words. Who cares if the USD stays or goes outside of brainlets?
The US government probably cares. Let me guess, who cares if the US government disappears, right? Ok, then there's still every other government with money printers. So guess what, you haven't actually solved anything. Or, let me guess; just make every government in the world get rid of their currency, right? Then civilization would be perfect as long as there's just a few wealthy people who have a ton of crypto. Oh wait, that doesn't actually solve anything does it?

>bitching, whining, moaning, and complaining
>get a tampon
You cryptofags are getting real nervous, I can tell. You guys are about to get the ol' "fuck around and find out" treatment from governments around the world. Personally, I like being able to buy drugs with crypto, I like that. But the second governments make drugs legal, that will be the end of crypto.

>> No.49885634
File: 53 KB, 1079x1007, Snapchat-1472965758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God everyone here is so retarded. Only /g and biz can understand Bitcoin, but you can't have only one or the other. All altcoins are scams, and centralised pow coins like eth which costs 3000$ to run a node are also terrible. Bitcoin is the only way. Hfsp

>> No.49885654

>Because you're implying
Another duck trying to justify not being able to answer a simple question.

What use does crypto have before killing a bunch of pedophiles in the government? Really simple question.

>> No.49885707

>So what does crypto solve? Does it solve the problem of taking away power from "the rich"? That's what you want, right? You want to be able to take power away from """them""", right? You want to transfer power from everyone to a select few in crypto, right?
Rhetorical questions, again. I directly gave a few problems crypto solved.

>The US government probably cares. Let me guess, who cares if the US government disappears, right? Ok, then there's still every other government with money printers.
>he doesnt know

>You cryptofags are getting real nervous, I can tell. You guys are about to get the ol' "fuck around and find out" treatment from governments around the world. Personally, I like being able to buy drugs with crypto, I like that. But the second governments make drugs legal, that will be the end of crypto.
Im just quoting this to highlight how much of an idiot you are.

>> No.49885736

bitcoin solves several issues with the banks. Imagine if you took every physical bank (it's workers, IT departments/cyber security, vaults, ATMs etc) and digitized all of that into a computer program. Now imagine it was 100x more secure and could not be censored, the banks could not create more money, and the money that existed. Now imagine on top of that software you could build other applications like Microsoft's project ION which has the potential to get rid of all other forms of online identification and put your idientify back in your hands (no more emails/passwords/usernames etc). Now imagine there is about 15 use cases just like that built on top of it like lightning network, notary services etc. It solves a lot of problems but most people are just sick of central banking/being censored/not having easy access to gold/PM.

>> No.49885737

>What use does crypto have before killing a bunch of pedophiles in the government? Really simple question.

Transaction of value. A very simple answer. Have you ever tried to transfer 5 figs as fast as possible?

>> No.49885805

Great, so we've written off the decentralization point since government will wave its guns at you.
>Have you ever tried to transfer 5 figs as fast as possible?
Sure, I'm an accountant. Wire transfers are annoying, banks are annoying. Speed is good. Do you think a BitCoin is worth $20,000.00 USD because it's quick?

>> No.49885830

it's worth 20k because like how amazon digitized every brick and mortar store/book stores into a website bitcoin digitizes every bank into the world into a mobile/computer app. It's not hard to understand.

>> No.49885875

>pretends bitcoin is decentralized
>says bitcoin digitized every bank into an app
Banks are not decentralized, you room temperature IQ dummy. lmfao

>> No.49885886
File: 14 KB, 200x200, internet-serious-business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin’s value comes from it being the first unhackable value transfer system without a middle man.
Decentralized and secure.
It’s essentially become the native currency of the internet, created and living on the internet.
It’s a giant experiment in cryptography and value.
An experiment that the banks can’t shut down.

>> No.49885908

/biz/ is SUBSTANTIALLY worse than r3ddit. /pol/ has significantly better /biz/ threads than /biz/.

>Rocks dont have sentience
That's why I compared your mental capacity to a rock.

>also gold can live alongside bitcoin. no idea why people defend one while trash on the other like a store of value is highlander.
You honestly don't have to have a currency backed by anything other than "because reasons". You just need to create a system where people aren't allowed to arbitrarily create money out of thin air like Banks loaning Banks money that they never had. See >>49883623

>Click the catalog button. Theres people discussing demand for crypto.
Yeah, those are called shills.

>Then the argument devolves into me attempting to teach you about the crypto space while you ignore it because you are butthurt.
No, every argument you make devolves into you calling other people names without answering anything.

>> No.49885914

>Decentralized and secure.
Really? What happens the moment you withdraw it/convert to cash, since no one takes BTC as payment for anything?


>> No.49885915

I never said it was you are responding to the worng person. Look, i've worked as cyber security consultant for most of the major banks and the company (fiserv) that designs all the banking software for every bank in north america. I know what i'm talking about. It's fine. You dont work in cyber/application security/IT etc Invest in what you understand. If you want to argue that bitcoin is less secure than fiserv/bank of america/wells/cap etc where i have found fucking sql and command injections in all of their flag ship sites then go ahead.

>> No.49885944

>Great, so we've written off the decentralization point since government will wave its guns at you.
Never conceded but feel free to believe so if it makes you feel better.

>Sure, I'm an accountant. Wire transfers are annoying, banks are annoying. Speed is good. Do you think a BitCoin is worth $20,000.00 USD because it's quick?
I think its part of the reason although, to be very frank with you idiots, I dont really care about bitcoin (ticker: BCH) in itself. Nevertheless, I know personally ive done so through the banking system and i am no longer in demand of your retards' services to do so.

>> No.49886003

>Never conceded but feel free to believe so if it makes you feel better.
You didn't respond to it without cowering, pussy. I'll take it as a concession or you can keep ducking simple questions.
>I think its part of the reason although, to be very frank with you idiots
Okay, so a significant part of why Bitcoin is $20k is because it's fast, even though no one accepts it for payment and even though once you convert it to cash, you face all the same centralization issues. you're retarded holy shit LOL

>> No.49886007

we are still early

>> No.49886034

>another /pol/tard
>muh reddit
You dont get it you're newfags. Think of what you define as new. Now push it back 10 years.

>Yeah, those are called shills.
Irrelevant; they're throwing capital at it. This is why you /pol/tards remain poor.

>No, every argument you make devolves into you calling other people names without answering anything.
Deal with it you soft retard. I am lmao.

>> No.49886040

do you have any idea how much bank of america pays i IT staff, cyber security staff, blue team tools, security products, developers, penetration testing, code reviews, firewalls/hardware appliances etc and they still have issues? Thats not even physical security. You really cant see how getting rid of all that has value? Not even SOME value?

>> No.49886043
File: 49 KB, 445x398, Laughing Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom gladly exchanged her rump for a night at a rate of 0.01 Bitcoin per hour, so I would say that i got my 'money''s worth

>> No.49886130
File: 155 KB, 1080x1074, 1587537581309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You didn't respond to it without cowering, pussy. I'll take it as a concession or you can keep ducking simple questions.

>>I think its part of the reason
>Okay, so a significant part of why
See this is why i dont take you retards seriously and devolve into just calling you retards. You generalize too much just as a matter of being an npc. I dont even think you;re trying to be disingenious ive come to accept that your thought process literally automatically equates the two because its easier to think about it that way.

>> No.49886177

>Rhetorical questions, again. I directly gave a few problems crypto solved.
No, you just made up imaginary solutions to imaginary problems.

>The US government probably cares. Let me guess, who cares if the US government disappears, right? Ok, then there's still every other government with money printers.
>he doesnt know
No, I don't know. Could you please tell me?

>Im just quoting this to highlight how much of an idiot you are.
Thanks for doing that instead of actually explaining how much of an idiot I am. My feelings would have gotten hurt if you actually did explain anything, so thank you for avoiding that.

>bitcoin solves several issues with the banks. Imagine if you took every physical bank (it's workers, IT departments/cyber security, vaults, ATMs etc) and digitized all of that into a computer program. Now imagine it was 100x more secure and could not be censored, the banks could not create more money, and the money that existed. Now imagine on top of that software you could build other applications like Microsoft's project ION which has the potential to get rid of all other forms of online identification and put your idientify back in your hands (no more emails/passwords/usernames etc). Now imagine there is about 15 use cases just like that built on top of it like lightning network, notary services etc. It solves a lot of problems but most people are just sick of central banking/being censored/not having easy access to gold/PM.
Thank you for this explanation, as I agree with the principle behind it. In theory, I think it sounds like a good idea, unfortunately, I don't think it's actually a viable solution in practice.

>Banks are not decentralized
But they kind of are, aren't they? The fact that there are different banks in one country means things are decentralized in that country. The fact that there are multiple currencies means things are decentralized on an international level. Crypto is literally a centralized currency.

>> No.49886184

I asked you several times how it's useful without killing all the pedophiles in government. Not once did you give an answer.
>I think its part of the reason
>Okay, so a significant part of why
I asked why you think it's worth 20k. Why even BOTHER giving a contributory reason unless it has any significance? You're the kind of retard who would advise drinking green tea to reduce weight. You failed your first reason (decentralization) so pardon me for thinking you'd want to pick up the slack by coming up with a good answer to justify the price. Instead, all you give is green tea. Fat retard.

>> No.49886243

>No, you just made up imaginary solutions to imaginary problems.
>imaginary problems
..........And there it is...

>No, I don't know. Could you please tell me?

>Thanks for doing that instead of actually explaining how much of an idiot I am.
Its obvious.
>So what does crypto solve?
>Personally, I like being able to buy drugs with crypto, I like that. But the second governments make drugs legal, that will be the end of crypto.

>> No.49886245

>ctrl + f trustless
>0 results
guess we're still not at the bottom..

>> No.49886338
File: 3.21 MB, 560x315, youregay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I asked you several times how it's useful without killing all the pedophiles in government. Not once did you give an answer.

Your previous post here >>49886003 says that i did, but it was while "cowering".
Diagnosis: Brainlet

>I asked why you think it's worth 20k. Why even BOTHER giving a contributory reason unless it has any significance?
Because i was asked for 1 reason and personal stories typically work well with illustrating a point to brainlets (such as yourself).

>Instead, all you give is green tea. Fat retard.
Novel. Dont mind the random gifs and pics im only including them to make the thread slightly more entertaining.

>> No.49886386

>response harnessing only cowardice entails substance
No, you responded to my post with a dodge of the information I asked, and you're still doing it you pathetic nigger.

Why can't you answer a simple question with a straightforward answer?

>> No.49886433

>An experiment that the banks can’t shut down.
So it's similar to Runescape gold? I understand that's not the best example because there isn't some PUBLIC transaction-ledger. But I don't think its radically different.

>Look, i've worked as cyber security consultant for most of the major banks and the company (fiserv) that designs all the banking software for every bank in north america. I know what i'm talking about. It's fine. You dont work in cyber/application security/IT etc Invest in what you understand. If you want to argue that bitcoin is less secure than fiserv/bank of america/wells/cap etc where i have found fucking sql and command injections in all of their flag ship sites then go ahead.
But that's a separate issue from the problem(s) people say crypto solves...

>I know personally ive done so through the banking system and i am no longer in demand of your retards' services to do so.
Then why the fuck are you wasting your time on /biz/? If you "made it", why would you spend your time on this shit hole?

>muh reddit
You're the one who told me to "go back to r3ddit" you retard.

>Yeah, those are called shills.
>Irrelevant; they're throwing capital at it. This is why you /pol/tards remain poor.
It's not irrelevant. If someone buys a car, and then that car turns out to be a picture of a car, not the actual car, then there should be consequences for the douchebag who sold the "car".

>Deal with it you soft retard. I am lmao.
No doubt. I'm sure you're used to being a soft retard, comes naturally.

>> No.49886448

Anyone can make their own crypto. The top price of any coin is capped by the development cost a company would have to put out to replicate the tech.

>> No.49886480

Because I did. You can literally buy anything using crypto, now, including land if you dont mind the federal government harassing you about the funds... IF they need to because you dont enough assets otherwise to explain said land purchase.

Allow me to think for you for free.

>> No.49886508

>including land if you dont mind the federal government harassing you about the funds...
Crypto solves decentralization how, then?

>> No.49886531

>Then why the fuck are you wasting your time on /biz/? If you "made it", why would you spend your time on this shit hole?
Who the fuck am i going to have this conversation with IRL? At the very least I'd have to tone down the name calling and that isnt fun.

>You're the one who told me to "go back to r3ddit" you retard.
So go back.

>It's not irrelevant. If someone buys a car, and then that car turns out to be a picture of a car, not the actual car, then there should be consequences for the douchebag who sold the "car".
Pretty sure this is a fallacy. I cant argue about what crypto in general is with you without teaching you and i cant be bothered.

>No doubt. I'm sure you're used to being a soft retard, comes naturally.
Your mom agrees.

>> No.49886549

Decentralization of what? The monetary system?

>> No.49886652

>Because i was asked for 1 reason and personal stories typically work well with illustrating a point to brainlets (such as yourself).
Your "1 reason" is "because reasons". No one cares about your personal stories except brainlets(such as yourself).

>You can literally buy anything using crypto, now, including land if you dont mind the federal government harassing you about the funds... IF they need to because you dont enough assets otherwise to explain said land purchase.
You don't pay the government in crypto...

>You're the one who told me to "go back to r3ddit" you retard.
>So go back.
You literally just said "muh r3ddit", and now you're telling me to go back to r3ddit? It's crazy how hostile you crpytoshills have been lately. I wonder why that is...

>> No.49886702

It allows globalist bots to scrape everyone's investments and gobble up the entirety of the monetary supply with no legal recourse.

>> No.49886765
File: 319 KB, 1510x704, UNtaxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decentralization of what? The monetary system?
Idk, you tell us what "decentralization" problem it solves. Because the current worldwide monetary system isn't exactly "centralized". Again, I don't think the current system is working either, but the way crypto functions today is NOT the answer.

>It allows globalist bots to scrape everyone's investments and gobble up the entirety of the monetary supply with no legal recourse.
Sounds about right.

>> No.49886824
File: 309 KB, 1164x679, cryptotradealerts_com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold for self-sovereignty and stateless money. speculate for lambo. trade for fun and games.

>> No.49886841

>Idk, you tell us what "decentralization" problem it solves. Because the current worldwide monetary system isn't exactly "centralized".
Its centralized more than it needs to be. Your point (i think it was you) about banks loaning out more than they have is an interesting point until you remember, if you can, the '08 bailouts and that it would still exist if the government didnt get on national t.v. trying to explain why they had to save teh banks.

>Again, I don't think the current system is working either, but the way crypto functions today is NOT the answer.
Of course not its called a work in progress that draws speculation and investment. Not complicated.

>> No.49886843

>I don't get what problem telegraph solves
>I don't get what problem telex solves
>I don't get what problem fax solves
>I don't get what problem email solves
>I don't get what problem https/SSL solves
>I don't get what problem crypto solves

>> No.49886865

*wouldnt still exist

>> No.49886961

>The issue is you can't buy groceries with Crypto
My post explains exactly how

>> No.49887385
File: 120 KB, 1548x1468, 1427320981639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 1 post by this ID

the crypto problem solves the issue of being forced to transact in dollars and give the synogogue of satan its blood money. By doing jobs for Bitcoin as opposed to dollars or even gold, you have something the government can not take away. They can garnish your wages, bank account, and confiscate your property, but not your Bitcoin. You can make a moral argument about it but unless the government stops cock blocking me from getting a white teenage virgin, I will not care.

>> No.49887445

its electronic peer to peer money, you can use it online without needing a bank account and it's really new so it will make you rich if you just hold it

>> No.49887455

most people still thinking you can't buy things directly with a crypto debit card is extremely bullish

>> No.49887547


Seriously. Transparent ledger or not. These are what Crypto is solving and every glownigger is pushing a psyop to obscure that shit. Have your bank account frozen once, have a transfer canceled because the jew at office that day decided that, and fuck you. It's all real. THE PROBLEM I that finance and banks control what happens and it is A CLOSED FUCKING CIRCLE. Crypto is freedom. Nothing more real than my BTC & XMR vs fictitious controlled unreal shit fiat dlave currency

>> No.49887780
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>its electronic peer to peer money
What is digital banking?
>you can use it online without needing a bank account
Ok, that's kind of neat I guess. Wait, why is having a bank account a bad thing?
>inb4 because the government can take money from it
Yeah, that's good. Well, unless there's legitimate reasons why your money should be confiscated. For example, stealing someone's assets and claiming them as your own is probably a good reason to have your shit confiscated. Misrepresenting a product you sell is also grounds to have your shit confiscated. I suppose if you are in the business of being a lying con-artist, then having a system of irreversible payments would be in your best interest.

>most people still thinking you can't buy things directly with a crypto debit card is extremely bullish
Most people who say shit like this is extremely evident that crypto is just a worse-than-worthless scheme.

So, basically slavery?
>THE PROBLEM I that finance and banks control what happens and it is A CLOSED FUCKING CIRCLE.
How is it a closed circle when there are multiple currencies, multiple exchanges, multiple money-printers, etc...?

>> No.49887924

I fucking got the best deals for gaming tokens, AXS, GALA and WAX. Grabbed the Honeyland genesis bee collection ahead of game launch.

>> No.49887932 [DELETED] 

I fucking got the best deals for gaming tokens, AXS, GALA and WAX. Grabbed the Honeyland genesis bee collection ahead of game launch.

>> No.49888539
File: 21 KB, 640x628, 1647966989165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you consider about sports metaverse that is connecting general fans with some chance to meet and interact with sport stars. That may not appear like a solution to a moron like you but I know a lot of people that will give everything to have that

>> No.49888568

>Value jumps all over the place with barely any way to estimate it.

Great currency you got there if youre a fan of rollercoasters.

>> No.49888582
File: 100 KB, 625x726, 7617E38F-BF25-40CC-80B4-37F26F10D59D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instant cross-border transfers. That’s literally it. Does it justify the price? Heck no.

>> No.49888597

OP is probably myopic in his thinking. Crypto is bigger than Defi or chasing pumps or high apys. It comes with certain experience such as engaging with actual people in the virtual world. DeFi, metaverse, GameFi etc. it's all in the bracket of crypto

>> No.49888610

It allows you to do your own banking, eliminating the jew from the equation. You do realize that banks are businesses, right? And that they are making trillions by fleecing the populace. With crypto we still get fleeced by fees but the difference is that anyone can get in on the profits, not just a central jew bank. If you can't see the world changing outcomes that will occur because of this you should go read some books and become more literate because that is the only way to boost your consciousness to be more aware of things, you must become an observer of life instead of a reactor to life.

>> No.49888643
File: 330 KB, 2048x1366, 293646486584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point where you realize that you can get access to tickets to literally watch the world cup, thanks to crypto. If everything still seems like a ponzi to you, I have just one word for you- NGMI

>> No.49888664

>Wait, why is having a bank account a bad thing?
to put it simple, banks are faggots, i dont want to deal with them and their fees for every bullshit

>> No.49888678

>So, basically slavery?
>a public network aka good, usable by anyone without permission is slavery
what? nigger are you retarded? dumb? censorship resistance is.. what?! slavery? lmao are you literally a glownigger?
>How is it a closed circle when there are multiple currencies, multiple exchanges, multiple money-printers, etc...?
I have no other answer but YES. The how is barely important. Fact is, there is only 1 main system and it's fully centralized fully controlled and abusive. I know it, by fucking experience.
>multiple money printers

>> No.49888703
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Well, the possibilities that comes with it are the things I find intriguing. Until now, I never knew that just by holding an asset, I can get my fuckin speak and interact with Nas. It's a crazy thing to think about. I believe there are more possibilities to see

>> No.49888842

>What do you consider about sports metaverse that is connecting general fans with some chance to meet and interact with sport stars.
I think the sports-world needs to be retooled, but that's actually a good idea.

>Instant cross-border transfers. That’s literally it.
It's not instant. It's relatively "speedy" compared to sending someone a check by mail, but it's not instant.

>Crypto is bigger than Defi or chasing pumps or high apys. It comes with certain experience such as engaging with actual people in the virtual world. DeFi, metaverse, GameFi etc. it's all in the bracket of crypto
Yes, it comes with the experience of spamming pink/green wojaks on a Pakistani rock collecting forum.

>You do realize that banks are businesses, right? And that they are making trillions by fleecing the populace.
Oh wow, just like cryptocoins!
>With crypto we still get fleeced by fees but the difference is that anyone can get in on the profits, not just a central jew bank.
Wrong! The difference is the creators of the crypto and a few people who happen to get in early get the profits! But at least it's not those evil banks right? As long as those old evil banks lose, it's ok if new evil banks win!

>The point where you realize that you can get access to tickets to literally watch the world cup, thanks to crypto.
You can already do that with fiat currency you retard.
>If everything still seems like a ponzi to you, I have just one word for you- NGMI
Go make yourself.

>to put it simple, banks are faggots, i dont want to deal with them and their fees for every bullshit
Haha, oh wow! I didn't realize you could trade crypto without any fees! (That's because you can't. Trading crypto still has fees)

>> No.49888886

you are so retarded it's actually amazing

>> No.49888906

>what? nigger are you retarded? dumb? censorship resistance is.. what?! slavery? lmao are you literally a glownigger?
Crypto isn't "censorship resistance". It's a fucking digital token.
>I have no other answer but YES. The how is barely important.
You don't have an answer because you're being a disingenous faggot. The how is unbelievably important, but you can't answer how, not because it isn't important, but because you CAN'T.
>Fact is, there is only 1 main system and it's fully centralized fully controlled and abusive.
Wrong! There are tons of financial systems!

>Until now, I never knew that just by holding an asset
What does that even mean? How are cryptocoins an "asset" any more than U$D? It's honestly even LESS of an asset the U$D.
> I can get my fuckin speak and interact with Nas
You could already speak your mind, and I don't even know who the fuck Nas is.

>> No.49888912
File: 183 KB, 619x594, he doesn't know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49888923

The world is a ponzi. Crypto is a ponzi that's less controlled by banks. You can now earn on their stupidity.

>> No.49888930

Thanks for ""pretending"" to be retarded. I'm sure you're just doing it ""ironically"".

>> No.49888980

>Crypto isn't "censorship resistance". It's a fucking digital token.
Ok boomer, literally. My FuCkiNg DigitAl ToKeN. Crypto is literally censorship resistance. Try to censor my Monero, Ethereum or Bitcoin transactions. Try.
Last month I had fucking $1.8m frozen at my bank because they felt like fucking me, for $50k being unjustified. Imagine. Banks are not only thieves but also censors. Now say I larp nigger.
> Wrong! There are tons of financial systems!
The West has one unified, censorable, A-to-Z tracked financial system. Are you saying that Nigeria's or Thailand's fucking system matters, you dumb faggot?

>> No.49889045

>It's not instant. It's relatively "speedy" compared to sending someone a check by mail, but it's not instant.
I believe that this is where sub 100 IQ get filtered. People like you will never get it. You think Central Bank currency is real. You think that if we all rush to the bank, we will all get some money right? Your USD isn't at all fictitious, right? RIGHT? How could it be. USD isn't DIGITAL because we have a few $100 bills in the street, right? it MUST be so real, it's so physical olalala.

Nigger, fiat is literally fictitious & unreal. Tomorrow there is a crisis, your bank money is gone like it .. wasn't even there to begin with?
You can spit on my Monero because you are a glownigger, but you can never make it less real. Having a coin in your wallet is as real as having a gold bar in your safe. I own it, I control it. And you will never get it. Go ahead, refute that without being openly a glownigger or a retarded boomer, just try

>> No.49889126

>Ok boomer, literally. My FuCkiNg DigitAl ToKeN. Crypto is literally censorship resistance. Try to censor my Monero, Ethereum or Bitcoin transactions. Try.
Governments could make crypto exchanges illegal, could they not? What would you do then? If it suddenly became illegal to trade $ for crypto, that sounds like it might make things a bit more complicated for you.

>Last month I had fucking $1.8m frozen at my bank because they felt like fucking me
Ok, and WHY did they have $1.8m frozen?
>The West has one unified, censorable, A-to-Z tracked financial system.
>Are you saying that Nigeria's or Thailand's fucking system matters, you dumb faggot?
There are more countries in the world besides Nigeria and Thailand. Fuck off with your "The USA is the only financial system in the whole world!" bullshit.

>You think Central Bank currency is real. You think that if we all rush to the bank, we will all get some money right? Your USD isn't at all fictitious, right? RIGHT? How could it be. USD isn't DIGITAL because we have a few $100 bills in the street, right? it MUST be so real, it's so physical
I'm quite aware of the flaws with the current system. I absolutely agree that it needs to be reworked. I'm just saying that the current cryptomarket hasn't fixed any problems; it's just created a bunch of rich douchebags in the process.
>Having a coin in your wallet is as real as having a gold bar in your safe. I own it, I control it. And you will never get it. Go ahead,
Ok, and you can still hack cryptocoins by hacking computers. The only difference is you can't get your coins back if you get hacked. But making every currency in the world suddenly disappear except cryptocoins doesn't solve problems.

>> No.49889159

>I think the sports-world needs to be retooled, but that's actually a good idea.
>Sports Metaverse
Indeed it. Must be a big one!

>> No.49889188

>You can already do that with fiat currency you retard.
No point being insensitive. Not everyone can afford to spent the big money for that- in travelling to Qatar among every other things. If buying into cheap NFTs can offer random outliers the opportunity, I don't see how it's a bad thing

>> No.49889219

Monero is the only thing that matters

>> No.49889238

Anonimity and avoid taxes.

>> No.49889243

Actually it solves alot. I know a project called Equilibrium that's offering loans at 105% collateral, that goes a long way in restructuring DeFi 2.0

>> No.49889252

Crypt assets are not limited to coins. Tokens and NFTs offers exclusive access to certain utilities.

>I don't even know who the fuck Nas is.
It's quite interesting that you don't know who Nas is, by the way. Not a fan of music?

>> No.49889262

>Governments could make crypto exchanges illegal, could they not? What would you do then? If it suddenly became illegal to trade $ for crypto, that sounds like it might make things a bit more complicated for you.
> Governments could make gold & property illegal
> Governments could go full 1984
> "Muh crypto will get banned"
So what fucking nigger "sounds like it might make things a bit more complicated for you", what is your fucking point you moron. Also DEXs exist, local markets; can't prevent me from p2p trading my coins, even though as I am not retarded like you are, I admit this would be a pain.
> Ok, and WHY did they have $1.8m frozen?
This is my money. They froze ALL of it (in one of my bank account in fucking Luxemburg), for less than 5% being "unjustified". They did it and will do it again. They froze it and went on a weekend. They don't care about my ass. These jews spit on my face on a faily basis. They do it partly to remind everyone else that they own us. Simple as.
> There are more countries in the world besides Nigeria and Thailand. Fuck off with your "The USA is the only financial system in the whole world!" bullshit.
Go ahead. Name one other financial system after the US-UE & Russia? If you say China I'm going to kek
> I'm just saying that the current cryptomarket hasn't fixed any problems; it's just created a bunch of rich douchebags in the process.
The crypto MARKET is retarded; but it's not my problem. Burgers are retarded, dogshit eaters are retarded, ponzis are retarded, dog tokens are retarded, and jpeg nfts are retarded. Not my problem.
> Ok, and you can still hack cryptocoins by hacking computers.
"cryptocoins", kek who even says that? Also no, you can't hack my cold storage wallet with physical isolation (aka hardware wallet). Also you can always break in my house or bank and steal the gold in my vault. You know why? Because IT IS FUCKING REAL

>> No.49889315

I can see the losses have hit you to a point where you criticize everything; thus making you a philosopher. But there's no reason beating yourself up cause you hold the combination of both Syscon and ETH cryptos and got in early.
Guess what, it's still early atm

>> No.49889327

Fucking LMAO as zoomies say

>> No.49889368

It'll be clearer when you are forced to use cbdc's.

>> No.49889463

>Not everyone can afford to spent the big money for that- in travelling to Qatar among every other things.
But crypto doesn't create anything of value... It just siphons value from society.
>If buying into cheap NFTs can offer random outliers the opportunity, I don't see how it's a bad thing
How does someone buying NFTs suddenly give them more money? Shouldn't buying something mean you have LESS money? I don't disagree that the current system isn't very good for the working class- but crypto is arguably even more detrimental to the working class, as it creates a new wealthy class making the people who worked/created things for their money less valuable.

>Anonimity and avoid taxes.
No one cares about you buying sex-toys online.

>Crypt assets are not limited to coins. Tokens and NFTs offers exclusive access to certain utilities.
Crypto assets are not limited to coins? That doesn't make any sense. What kind of assets are they then? What kind of "certain utilities" do you get besides buying shit on the darkweb? You can already buy shit from the darkweb from clearnet businesses who know how to operate under the radar btw, so it's not even like it solves that problem.
>It's quite interesting that you don't know who Nas is, by the way. Not a fan of music?
I like music, but I've never heard of Nas, or why crypto is in anyway relevant to music, or why you need to have crypto to talk to some rando musician.

>> No.49889543

>No one cares about you buying sex-toys online.
was never about that
> >Not everyone can afford to spent the big money for that- in travelling to Qatar among every other things.
Apart from web3 protocols doing cool stuff (transparent data scraping like Exorde, The Graph, decentralized & resilient social media, censorship resistant storage like IPFS & Filecoin), crypto is money. Money is money. Monero is money. Money doesn't... siphons... money. Money is money, that's it.
> What kind of "certain utilities" do you get besides buying shit on the darkweb
oh and above you have a list of utility tokens with real world service.
> I've never heard of Nas
were you born like yesterday?

>> No.49889567

>can't prevent me from p2p trading my coins
Can't prevent you from trading money either. What's your point?
>This is my money. They froze ALL of it (in one of my bank account in fucking Luxemburg), for less than 5% being "unjustified".
Ok, some people do have money that they shouldn't have because they are lying cheats that deserve to have their shit confiscated. I don't know your situation, so I can't whether that was right or wrong in your case, but it's not inherently bad to be able to control certain things.
>Go ahead. Name one other financial system after the US-UE & Russia? If you say China I'm going to kek
What about the Islamic Financial System that operates around the world(See >>49881789)? Does Asia not have their own financial systems? I honestly don't know.
>The crypto MARKET is retarded; but it's not my problem. Burgers are retarded, dogshit eaters are retarded, ponzis are retarded, dog tokens are retarded, and jpeg nfts are retarded. Not my problem.
The way crypto operates is retarded.
> Also no, you can't hack my cold storage wallet with physical isolation (aka hardware wallet)
Crypto exchanges can be hacked. Why not just have a bank account that operates like a crypto wallet?

>> No.49889602

>Money doesn't... siphons... money. Money is money, that's it.
So, then what's wrong with the current money system?

>oh and above you have a list of utility tokens with real world service.
What utility tokens, and what real world service? What, can you only order child-sex-slaves if you have some shitcoin?
>I've never heard of Nas
>were you born like yesterday?
I don't care about your literal-who musician desu.

>> No.49889661
File: 76 KB, 243x250, 1634863708598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average people literally don't care
Average people are goyim cattle. They don't have any money or decide anything

>> No.49889693

>Can't prevent you from trading money either. What's your point?
ok you are a bot confirmed. I literally ask what is YOUR point, you initially said exchanges could be blocked/banned. it's you point, not mine, top kek.
> it's not inherently bad to be able to control certain things.
yes but they abuse all the time
> Does Asia not have their own financial systems? I honestly don't know.
also, what's your point here? what difference does it make? you live in one system anyway.. you are probably in US or EU right now. You don't have a choice, you don't have financial freedom & control.
> Why not just have a bank account that operates like a crypto wallet?
you are so close to understanding why fiat is fictitious, try harder anon, almost there.
> So, then what's wrong with the current money system?
fucking hell what the fuck did I write until now? are you dumb beyond salvation?

>> No.49889709
File: 16 KB, 600x344, 1635890499487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's wrong with the current money system
What's wrong with a system where people who run the bank can steal your money at any point? Again, ask Russia what's wrong with a system that was able to steal 300 billion of their funds.
>but it won't happen to me I'm goyim cattle
The big players mostly aren't, they have their own ambitions, they're not satisfied remaining slaves to those who run banks like you are.

>> No.49889733

nice recap but OP is retarded and keeps asking the same shit again and again. I'm suspecting that he is either a bot (gpt-3) or really, really retarded. Clinically retarded. Like, "niggers doing math" retarded.

>> No.49889831

Your mom is my whore

>> No.49889949

>Average people are goyim cattle.
Oh, so prior to 2010, everyone in the entire world was just goyim cattle? No one had any money or decided anything prior to crypto digital-funbux? That doesn't sound right, are you sure you're not just projecting?

>I literally ask what is YOUR point
My point is crypto is retarded. Everyone says it solves 100 different problems, and when you point out that it doesn't solve something, you just say "Well, no it doesn't solve that, but it solves this!", and then when someone points out it doesn't solve that, you just say "Well it isn't meant to solve that, it solves this!". This goes on and on ad infitum until you just start calling people salty no-coiners.
> Does Asia not have their own financial systems? I honestly don't know.
>also, what's your point here? what difference does it make?
My point here is that there are already multiple financial systems.
>you live in one system anyway
Wrong again retard. There are literally multiple systems in the USA itself. Again, are you even aware that there's this thing called "Islamic Financial System" that operates in the West?
>you are so close to understanding why fiat is fictitious, try harder anon, almost there.
Ohohoho, I am well aware of the shortcomings with the current system. I'm just saying crypto isn't solving the "problems" it claims to solve.
>fucking hell what the fuck did I write until now? are you dumb beyond salvation?
You wrote nothing but delusional cope. Crypto has created substantially more problems than it solves.

>The big players mostly aren't, they have their own ambitions, they're not satisfied remaining slaves to those who run banks like you are.
Ok, so people should be satisified becoming slaves to crypto bagholders instead? Is that what I'm hearing?
>they have their own ambitions
Yeah, their ambitions seem to be that they want to accumulate a ton of fiat by selling their shitcoins for money that people actually care about.

>> No.49890029

>nice recap but OP is retarded and keeps asking the same shit again and again
Because no one can give a reasonable answer without saying "It just solves these problems I imagined".

>> No.49890174

Remove economical dependency from your government

>> No.49890181

Holy shit actually btfo out of cryptochuds. Blockchain not needed.

>> No.49890360

it doesn't. it's all hypewors and capital misallocation. literally nothing else. we live in a decadent world and crypto is a symptom. the collapse is coming. buy sardines

>> No.49890426

>Remove economical dependency from your government
And implement economic dependency to crypto bagholders instead? I'm curious; who is going to keep the electricity on, and the water running, and the food on the shelves once the government dissolves? Are we going to have a gofundme or kickstarter where people donate their shitcoins to build roads, and provide electricity to trade shitcoins?
>Hey everyone, let's get rid of all these stupid fiat currencies in the world, so that way we can have crypto to be able to afford electricity to trade/mine more crypto!
>But how do we know how much a shitcoin is worth if there's nothing to compare it to?
>Oh, well we'll just say this shitcoin is worth X.xx amount of Y!
>But isn't that-
>No, that's not fiat! It's different, because reasons!

>> No.49890453

>you just don't get it mom
I've actually bought land and it's never suddenly lost 75% of its usefulness because the climate isn't actually wildly volatile.

>> No.49890522

1k? Try 100k.

>> No.49890544

>>I don't get what problem telegraph solves
>>I don't get what problem telex solves
>>I don't get what problem fax solves
>>I don't get what problem email solves
>>I don't get what problem https/SSL solves
No one ever said that lmfao why do you cryptofags always compare apples and oranges to justify your delusions?

>> No.49891151
File: 283 KB, 600x329, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about crypto but more generally about consensus: it's a way to create symbolic objective truth, and the applications of this are endless, currency was just the first historically, smart contracts is another one. And this is why you should buy link faggot