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49873503 No.49873503 [Reply] [Original]

How to profit from this?

>> No.49873593
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pharmaceuticals. Fats are literally cattle for pill jews.

>> No.49873637

One of these days when I have >1000oz of silver, I'm going to buy stock in McDonald's.

>> No.49873666

Long Novo Nordisk. Global leader in insulin.

>> No.49873675
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you dont long obesity, you wide obesity

>> No.49873679
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Burger snacks

>> No.49873718
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long popeyes
ameriniggers are 70+% fat

>> No.49874963

pair trade. long WMT short PTON

>> No.49875030

half of the murricans are not fat or overweight but full blown obese?
what the fuck

>> No.49875460

The bottom one would have been a beautiful woman if she didn't choose to become a butter elemental.

>> No.49875647

Pharma, Healthcare Systems/Services Providers, SCI & CSV for death count increasing exponentially.

>> No.49875720
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Why are females ALWAYS fatter than males? The fuck is wrong with society, shit's FUCKED man.
Finding a girl with pic related body is like finding a unicorn in America, and even then she'll be more stuck-up and whorish than imaginable. I'm /fit/ and get hit on but all the women at work and in my life are all fat, ugly, have tattoos and nose piercings and I'm not attracted to them they all look like shit.
Living in America is Hell I tell you what.

>> No.49875729

long diabetic treatments and big pharma in general

>> No.49875785

if you only get hit on by unattractive women, you're not attractive
females have higher fat % genetically, they always will be 5-10% higher than men due to secondary sex characteristics...
you're also retarded which is likely why only the 1s and 2s hit on you

>> No.49875816
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simple as

>> No.49875891

go on ali baba and order a couple pallets of fashion mu-mus

>> No.49875918

that's front end
I think op is looking for back end ideas

>> No.49875921

Nah. Ugly guys don't get hit on by anyone. Event ugly girls. zWWFe7Nz is at least average looking to get hit on by ugly women. Probably not really good looking or else the uggos would be too intimidated to hit on him.

>> No.49875950
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>females have higher fat % genetically, they always will be 5-10% higher than men due to secondary sex characteristics
Nah mate YOU'RE retarded, men are much more likely to work physically demanding jobs, go to the gym (have you ever been in a gym? It's 85% men). Sure women have higher percentage fat (25% vs 15% in men) but that's not how BMI works DUMBFUCK. Fat is lighter than muscle btw, and men obviously have mroe muscle.
I bet you're jealous because you never have women of any kind hit on you LMAO. Living in America is hell because 95% of the women are undatable fat ugly fucks, simple as that.

>> No.49876077

This. Look up some magical anti fat pills. There are several promising projects going on and one might actually make it. Or go for already established pharma companies.

>> No.49876155

It's tough because this is a highly leveraged index, without any direct ETF but a number of competing businesses profiting off it.

For instance there are many different fast food restaurants, however they have essentially an oligopoly selling more or less interchangeable fried food with low margins and obese people tend to get the cheapest products cutting margins even thinner, the competition of processed foods that can be eaten from home has higher margins, but with inflation consumers cant afford to buy mass quantities, each cuts into the others profits.
Or for fashion, there are fashion lines that are exclusively for obese women but then slightly less obese women want to pretend they're not obese and won't buy them, or the most obese of all will reject the concept of fashion as fatphobic entirely and just wrap themself in bolts of canvas

There's already so much money in it that it's hard to come out ahead, is what I'm saying

>> No.49876606

You could sell junk food to them I guess? I bet they'll love that

>> No.49876638

Surprised me too, I wonder what percentage it would be if we also included fat and overweight. Probably 90%

>> No.49876725
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>fda has created an Adderall shortage instead of flooding the water supply with amphetamines
We could have solved this

>> No.49876881

It's amazing how many people spout the "muh genetics" line as an excuse for obesity, isn't it?

>> No.49876909

We need a serious, aggressive, anti-fatass movement. I'm tired of it.

>> No.49876954

It's amazing when people say people are fat because of food deserts and how shaming doesn't work when we have the entire continent of asia as a counterexample

>> No.49877001

Well what about medicine? If you have to take insulin and there's no getting around that. People are also more likely to stuff their fat faces with pills and get treatments/surgery than to actually change their eating habits.

>> No.49877030

Food deserts are a real problem to be fair. Most people take the path of least resistance and when your main options are Walmart glop and driving to a farm 1 hour out most normalfags go to Walmart. Asian countries, from what I understand, dont aggressively sell junk to people like they do in America. You could walk out of 7/11 in japan with a reasonably healthy meal fairly easily for example

>> No.49877195

It's most likely the food. Any increase in caloric intake has a bigger impact in women because of how their body deals with it. For both white men and women obesity increases with income and male obestiy overtakes female obestity at a certain point and while male obestity keeps increasing with income female obesity starts to decline.

What you say is true but Asians also have a much lower obesity rate than whites in the US.

>> No.49877202

Food deserts are an outcome of eating habits, not a cause. Government policies mandating better offerings do nothing to curb obesity

>> No.49877369

>Why are females ALWAYS fatter than males?
Outside of the obvious genetic factors I'd say it's the fast/quick food culture and there are no women and men's portion sizes. Women will eat some drive-thru shit meal same as a man even though she should be taking in 25% less calories. Burgerland is fucked, too many fat pigs with massive stomachs and no exercise.

>> No.49877394

I agree but the solution isn't government mandated better options but rather massive restrictions or outright making disgusting glop like McDonald's or seed oils illegal.

>> No.49877545
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>Food deserts are a real problem
>when your main options are Walmart glop
Muh Walmart is causing me to be fat. I only shop at Walmart and I'm not a fatty. Walmart sells basic things like rice, beans, chicken, fruits, and vegetables. Whenever I shop and walk around in person I see the typical welfare overweight piece of shit in the Glop section. If you buy soda and chips and put them in your house you deserve to be fat. Just stop fucking eating and drink snake juice fatty. It's literally that easy.

>> No.49877576

Palm Oil

>> No.49877739

The food desert excuse is a onions talking point. The north american nigger bitch is the fattest demographic on the planet because she's lazy and makes no effort to eat better. I've seen amish, mennonite and rural normal farmers go into inner cities with fresh produce at cheap prices, right in the middle of the black areas and the vast majority of their customers are asian and white yuppies that ride their bike or walk to the stands to buy food. I've seen this same picture play out for over a decade, in many different cities and on both coasts. Muh food desert lmao.

>> No.49877769


Food deserts happen because the local nig population won't stop shoplifting and vandalizing the shit out of a store until they just up and leave. Happened to my old neighborhood. It's not an issue with getting business, they just fuck the store over. And not letting them have the means to prevent or protect from that means they can only leave.