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File: 234 KB, 492x297, bayc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49872268 No.49872268 [Reply] [Original]

BAYC is fucked lol, best troll ever tho

>> No.49874488

I hope the normies burn their apes, this would indeed be the most epic end of this magnificent joke... Normies get what they deserve

>> No.49874546

People actually believe that? What the actual fuck

>> No.49874569

I think this video is overblown but there is definitely some truth to it

>> No.49874609

The epic thing is that normies will believe this and burn their apes for the "greater good" and to stop the Nazis which will result in them loosing a lot of money.. this would be double fun

>> No.49874671

Well, i never liked these nigger apes.

The fact this is going to end due to a schizo leftist is hilarious.

>> No.49874675

Milady bros... this was our spot....

>> No.49874679
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1621172547703.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rrbayc is already rugging

>> No.49874730

Yet Ryder ripps sold the same images that he claimed to be racist for .15 eth each. Kek

>> No.49874735

>price increases

>> No.49874753

I thought these apes looked like black people from the start, but wrote it off as being on 4chan too much.

>> No.49874783
File: 409 KB, 1114x352, HHmovies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vague resemblances
>doesnt realize he has less evidence for this than the amount of evidence for the holohoax

>> No.49874878

>shortage of quartz
thats crazy

>> No.49874966

> jews adding some nazi symbolism and buzzwords, because we are edgy
> mongoloid YouTuber finds out
> price goes up
> Profit?

>> No.49875021

I just googled Gorilla skull and the first two images were pretty much stolen for the token image. That being said Deaths head token is a pretty cool idea.

>> No.49875085

Kek I saw some other fat youtuber counting the monkey teeth to show that it's 14 like the magic nazi number. But doesn't 1488 postdated Hitler? So why would it have mattered for the waffen SS?

>> No.49875282

I think it was an elaborate joke, the founders are both writers so I believe the nazi references are intentional. Esoteric nature of the nft is what made made them unique in the first place. that being said these people are not neo nazis, they just used nazi aesthetic and 4chan trolling culture to drum up attention needed for a nft project in its beginning stages. Once the celebs started shilling it became even more funnier.

the video maker is such a fucking try hard lmao.

>> No.49875613

Quit shilling your shitty channel here philion, terrible video

>> No.49875640

Not dealing with any of this dumb shit. Not because I'm broke either. Sticking to my bag of bitdao and chilling while they buy 350 ETH on the daily.

>> No.49876136

Yeah, crypto normies steal memes from 4chan all the time. That's all the truth there is to it.

>> No.49876293

it's without a doubt racist, i think they just wanted to make a funny vaguely racist nft and didn't expect it to take off like it did. but now it's a bit of an issue because they tricked a bunch of celebrities to promote their racist nft, which is hilarious.

>> No.49876917

this is some straight up qtard shit

>> No.49876990


>> No.49877264

it's laughable qtard shit. it's so stupidly made, if there is any actual truth to it i think they made the vid themselves because they got bored that nobody started digging. i mean everything about this video will just increase their exposure even further.

>> No.49877305


>> No.49877347

>An edgy meme, undeniable proof of Nazi conspiracy!

No wonder these lefties think the entire 4chan is an alt-right website, they are so ideologically serious they can't even fathom to meme with shit like that.

>> No.49877385


>> No.49877389
File: 65 KB, 730x1200, 8250CE12-6796-4260-925D-C39D01289D6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kikes trying to goad their rich niggerbots into line for their grift by implicitly implying they’re literal monkeys will never not be fucking hilarious.
Being a bystander to these kike vermin trying to bottomfeed off the last crumbs of the late-stage crypto game with the usual tactics is quite entertaining too.

>> No.49877501

The most hilarious part is the end where its some call to action about standing up and refusing to be manipulated while its just some jew manipulating himself over other jews and fighting an invisible third party racist. The jewish projection in this video is fuckin hilarious, its very funny watching leftist schizo on the tier of Qanon as they once again for the 1,001th time fail to understand 4chan memes and culture.

And what the fuck does an expert on 4chan even entail? People give us too much credit browsing this shithole, its just a website we can shit post and say nigger without fear of getting doxed, get the fuck over yourselves.

>> No.49877913

They cant sell them for anything anyway. Might as well burn them.
Macaque niggers get what they deserve

>> No.49877931
File: 1.73 MB, 477x498, 0EF5F053-6964-49E9-9004-BED7E17429DB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to say there’s no way they could fall for this shit… but it’s normies so.

>> No.49878856
File: 172 KB, 930x1199, FVlawjsVsAA5hkv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryder Ripps is the sexiest Jew alive

>> No.49879358

>make video about le racist secret internet club
>normies interest peaked
>get redpilled
>nazi forces grow

>> No.49879397
File: 16 KB, 112x112, 07B90849-7BC3-4056-B9BB-D81730095F64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oof I actually think I know some of the goys behind this and this may actually be legit. If it is, we’re from a certain pool company that specializes in standard things.

Wish I got in on it, but been too busy with IRL drama. Best luck goys, I miss my ovenmen.

>> No.49879468
File: 44 KB, 520x547, 1652812845396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This other video from a different guy confirms it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRPHZQFuT24

>> No.49879487
File: 46 KB, 563x565, 1643141810465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's racist and they trolled all those celebrities.
But this place also doesn't know it's being trolled because you think the creators are
>/Our guys/
When in actuality they are just tricking 4chan to be in the know of the ultimate troll, thereby getting /pol/ to peddle there useless JPEGs.

>> No.49879514

based apes. ill wait for the leftoids to crash the price and grab some cheapies

>> No.49879656
File: 60 KB, 500x372, 1628451880515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this video or a cash grabbing youtuber confirms the thesis of another cash grabbing youtuber.

The RR/BAYC, which copies all BAYC apes, is already the +40% up trending NFT on opensea. It's a cashgrab.

It's clear that the BAYC logo is bootlegged of the SS logo.
But those videos, trying to frame Wittgenstein and Prussians as some evil thing to reference, are just bullshit.

Also UpperEcholon is general irrational regarding all the (many) things he doesn't like. I'm subscribed, but every other video is hella bitter

>> No.49879724


Why would an NFT pfp need a prussian helment? Who the fuck is thinking "this prussian helmet will look good, people will want this"

Majority of people don't even know what a prussian helmet even looks like. They obviously browse pol and that crap

>> No.49879785

Stop shilling your shit video here. Take a hint nigger no one is buying into your nft project or buying your ape baggies

>> No.49880301

/pol/ is boomer city ever since 2016, most of them hate crypto

>> No.49880346

who the fuck calls a prussian spike helmet a nazi helmet? only an uneducated burgershart libtard lol

>> No.49880553

The log is pretty damning and is absolutely not a coincidence, but some of his other logic is so bad.

>bored ape 1488 is wearing a prison jumpsuit
>with the inmate number 019807
>if you take away the zeros from the number....
>you get 1987
>and guess what happened in 1987?
>the death of a Nazi nobody has heard of!!!

Fucking really??? This is Q-Anon tier, especially when you consider one of the BAYC creators was born in 1987. Gee, I wonder which is more likely...

>> No.49880836
File: 126 KB, 631x631, 1655849483579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is legally mine

>> No.49881230

Kuck Fikes

>> No.49881441

this was all marketing for RR/BAYC
which got delisted on OS btw kek