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49866729 No.49866729 [Reply] [Original]

How do we decommodify housing?

>> No.49866766

Concentration camps for certain segments of the population

>> No.49866805

stop having children

>> No.49866822

ask blackrock where their 13 trillion are invested in

>> No.49866824

We dont

>> No.49866850

Digital real estate synthetic assets

>> No.49866854

Convince the population that it’s a depreciating asset, because in reality it is. Only the land is appreciating.

>> No.49866868

What do you want?

>> No.49866897

Make it illegal to own residential property you don’t live in
Simple as

>> No.49866939

So greasy. Loving the mustache too.

>> No.49866956

Ok, so instead of me renting out to a family with the house I bought I should have bought poop coin and cumrocket right?

>> No.49866991

lol renties btfo

>> No.49867012

Remove tax incentives from housing

Remove income insurance and protections from rental income

Subsidise housing development and forbid sales of new developments to anyone but owner occupiers

Basically copy Denmark

>> No.49867021

>total drop out
>total attack

>> No.49867038

Kill the landlords.

>> No.49867066

Solution A: Commie blocks
Solution B: pass a law prohibiting the ownership of more than 5 houses/appartments, enough to keep small business landlords alive, and also kills any landlord corporations like Blackrock

>> No.49867077

You live in it? Cool. No property taxes.
You don't live in it? You pay taxes that rise exponentially with the amount of units you own. Starting small, so owning 2 is cheap, owning 3 is expensive, owning 4 is very extremely expensive.
You are a company? You can't own residential units.

It really is that simple

>> No.49867154

Basically this, property has become a sinkhole for money that would otherwise be forced into more productive uses like starting a business, R&D to make companies more efficient.

Nothing is more line goes up than property, and somehow we don’t see a problem that the young most productive class has zero savings rate and is paying 50% of their income just to have roof to sleep under in 2022.

>> No.49867179

Daily reminder that every single finance asset like stocks,bonds,debt,crypto,money etc are all purely parasitical in nature and serve no purpose nor have any inherent value. Finance and economics are pseudoscientific make believe garbage, capitalism is inherently unstable,unsustainable and exploitative with a built in expiration date and every financier or crypto dudebro is a literal parasite. Every single one of you parasites will perish alongside your precious stock market and blockchain

You can decommodify anything in a capitalist world since in capitalism everything is a commodity/product to be bought and sold. Including you and every living creature in existence

>> No.49867224

Great point anon

>> No.49867321
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b-b-but won't you think about my boomer retirement plans? Everything about my life hinges on real estate remaining a generational ponzi scheme that saps the life out of the younger generations. If that collapsed, I might have to go back to work (god forbid)

>> No.49868187

(((decommodify))) ?

>> No.49868204

KYS virgin faggot

>> No.49868232

cool it with the anti semetic thread topics

>> No.49868262

Stop having children and importing immigrants. Kill all boomers. Build more houses. Have a several years recession.

For some reason no one is doing anything of the above so prices aren't going to stop but Recession Biden is at least living up to his name and Recession is going to take care of part of this issue.

>> No.49868356

A lot of people misunderstand the latest rise in housing.
It is entirely because of misallocated quantitative easing.

Quantitative Easing as a policy can have fantastic outcomes when used properly. The most obvious and productive outcome is
>a farmer needs a loan to buy a tractor to improve his farm output, but we are in the middle of a debt cycle and he can't afford it
In this situation there are clear productive wins to simply temporarily printing the money and collecting a small interest on it later. More food is being produced. The asset obtained is productive and useful. The farmer wins. The central bank wins.

However current quantitative easing actions have been far more retarded. The central bank either does not understand, or does not care. Quantitative easing has been used as a "plunge protection team" for boomer bags of real estate and NASDAQ/SPY.
QE is no longer being used to simply buy a farmer a tractor, it is now being used as the equivalent of buying a nigger a Cadillac. The Fed has been buying subprime mortgages and other non-productive asset classes which do not yield production increases.

Another stacked card on this pile of dogshit are banking regulations. These banking regulations have driven small local banks to death and resulted in massive consolidation in favor of large private banks. These larger private banks have access to so much capital they are not really interested in small business. This creates a death spiral of small business, even less QE going to actual tractors, and banks writing even more retarded mortgages because they are "safe."

All of this results in massively increased asset prices: stocks/real estate and a massive decrease in actual productivity. I am not sure exactly why we ended up here. I guess nigger gibs, but more likely its just that policy makers favor large banks and printing literal infinite dollars to them.

>> No.49868382

Extreme violence and civil strife
Literally everyone in power now has a stake in keeping housing high

>> No.49868418

What a babe

>> No.49868420

But how do we avoid landlord simply passing that tax cost on to the renters? Would simply making the tax beyond X number of homes so punitive that no plausible rent hike could cover it and the enterprise is bunk be enough?

>> No.49868435

Remove immigrants. Simple as

>> No.49868516

There must be amount of houses that are free of tax (so people actually can own property to rent) but after that tax must be so high you simply can't compete with tax-free offer. If the tax is so high it triples the overall rent then everybody will rent from people that don't have to pay that tax. The point is to defacto force people to never have more than x houses

>> No.49869041

tdlr nigger

>> No.49869119

tldr stay poor faggot

>> No.49869130

Yeah, I'm thinking based. Maybe even throw the rich a bone if we have to - you can own your 12 huge houses that were never going to be anyone's rental anyway, but renting a house out for compensation triggers the tax?

>> No.49869445

Boomers would be getting more than they paid for the houses they own unless they were Johnny come latelies.

>> No.49869481


>> No.49869587
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corporations and conglomerates--really any institution--cannot own land. only people living on the land can own the land.

>> No.49870261

This impending recession is just what the younger generations need. Out of work boomers are going to lean out and liquify their assets while the younger generation that is still able to work continues to earn money. I would love to see a 20-25% drop in housing prices so that we can buy out these boomers who are panic selling because their 401k is half of what it was at the start of all this. Boomers are a parasite and should be fucked over at every opportunity available.

>> No.49870799

best post
houses are a commodity
but one of the only over valued commodities right now
soon the housing kikes will sell you a nice house in a good white area for 1k oz of silver

>> No.49870870
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Build shit like we build in russia

This ugly shit + light rail = done

It cost nothing

>> No.49870872

>so instead of me renting out to a family with the house
If people weren't buying 3-4 houses and renting them out that family could afford to buy that house, not rent it. You're not doing them a favor.

>> No.49871369

what do you do at the end of playing Monopoly?

>> No.49871533

>so people actually can own property to rent

>> No.49871578

Kill all the Jews and those who are spiritually Jewish.

>> No.49871633

Solution B plus deport all the illegals to reduce demand.

>> No.49871811

kill boomers

>> No.49871836

In the next 15 years they'll be all dead regardless.

>> No.49871846

You were almost right until you incorrectly identified "capitalism" as the system which has created mass financialization of the economy

so, kys

>> No.49871877
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That's an incredible take, anon. Surely it isn't going to result in very bad things happening.

>> No.49871922

Have another tier of land and housing at a set price to reside in only, not as an investment.

>> No.49872044

Not everyone has to settle down in one place and such people prefer to switch houses from time to time when seeking new job etc. Renting market is needed. It's also necessary if you don't want the tax to simply rise the rent. If everyone has to pay the tax - it wil rise the rent. If there are people that don't have to pay the tax - they will be preferred to those paying it as they don't have to rise the rent to cover their costs

>> No.49872378

It would be sufficient to have apartments be rentals and houses be ownership only. If you are so flighty that you need to constantly switch homes, an apartment is for you.

>> No.49873333

Prevent families/households from owning more property aside from the house that they live in. You own one home. That's it.

People would still speculate on housing markets and property values, but you could no longer be a slum lord, you could no longer hold houses vacant for years, and you could no longer buy up whole communities. The "mom&pop investors" that own 2-10 homes make up a huge portion of the speculative bubble that we're seeing.

>> No.49873468

Housing prices aren't a supply/demand problem. It rarely is. Even if we remove a huge portion of the demand, or increase the supply, people with huge capital and the means to refinance or get a collateral-backed loan on their other 10 mortgages will just continue to pile up homes and become a slum lord. I'm not losing out on bids because there aren't enough homes or there are too many buyers. I'd lose out on these homes regardless because all it takes is the same fucking guy that has tons of cash or an easy means to get debt and scoop them out from under me.

>> No.49876244

get rid of non whites

>> No.49876463

If HOAs were worth anything they would not allow renting.
>renters don't care about the neighborhood
>renters commit more crime
>renters don't take care of the yard or house
>renters play loud music

>> No.49876508

>but muh stuff
If you are moving around all the time you need to minimize what you own

>> No.49876555

Stop fucking with the market. Deregulate, and stop subsidizing the financing. This market is fucking because they've introduced the double whammy of artificially restricting supply (through overbearing regulation in much of the country), and then pumping up demand with cheap EZ gov backed mortgages.

Interest rates for a mortgage should have never, ever been below 6% in our history, and there are far too many poor retards who are force-qualified by government subsidy and guarantee.

But still, at the end of the day, a house is a product. It is expensive to make and maintain. That's why it costs a lot and that's why it's traded, so you're never going to fully "decommodify" it, it's fucking built with commodities. If you don't like that then go live in a tent or a cave like your ancestors.

>> No.49876596

that's a semen demon

>> No.49876604

Try a dividend paying stock instead of larping as a feudal lord

>> No.49876629

buy land, homestead and don't fall for the housing jew.

>> No.49876664
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((((they)))) wouldn't allow it