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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 169 KB, 860x815, its_supposed_to_be_dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49865324 No.49865324 [Reply] [Original]

I sold this shit and starts moving you guys told me to sell i am going to rope this time for real.

>> No.49865351


>> No.49865431

It's not moving so much. It is an inevitable parabola, but for the moment it's just up because BNB is up.

>> No.49865447
File: 39 KB, 712x805, kekd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hop in, it's not late yet

>> No.49865639

so you are telling me this is like buying bnb but the mcap is 2 mil insted of 30bil

>> No.49865647

:) good

>> No.49865987

dorbi is the best play right now extremely undervalued, this kind of coin is what makes a life difference
it has the popularity of a top 100 coin and its 1000 somthing spot
any top 100 that you buy today you have to wait months for 5-10x if you have made very wise choice, dobri can do 10x in a week when the mania kicks back in and we start from there

>> No.49866384

almost done the 1T stack stop the buys

>> No.49866394

You should have held OP, this one is THE one

>> No.49866417

>guaranteed 100x
>possible 1000x
you'd have to be an actual dimwit to not have a $50+ bag right now

>> No.49866605

I dont see it moving that much honestly compared to other coins. It already rugged just give up

Next time invest in something with actual utility like LINK or something like BitDAO with actual backing of a $1.2 billion treasury

>> No.49866648

Ch*in st*nk ticker st*nker? BAHAHHAHA its over for st*nkys! N****r boy! HAHHAHAHAHA


>Stabs you in the stomach*
>*SHITS IN stomach hole*
Heh, sorry chud nothing personal ;-)

>> No.49866784

I like GOh0. It's the next SH IB unironically. Get out of dog with a bat right away. Don't bag hold till it's zero.

>> No.49866792
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You need to do the necessity

>> No.49866814

So glad I bought some more yesterday, I don't even know what made me add to my stack, I just suddenly felt like it

>> No.49866841

probably the same feeling that made us buy in oct

>> No.49866856




>> No.49866875
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no need to fight we can be frens

>> No.49866941
File: 34 KB, 500x375, 1610df27d5ecad7b1e3a6ba170bb09a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine selling at these prices. The absolute state of /biz/. If you need what is likely now less than $10k, then you're overinvesting in shitcoins. It might be a golden ticket, but it's still covered in shite.

>> No.49867584

dead dog bounce
never making anything from this, already lost too much last winter

>> No.49868338
File: 39 KB, 640x640, d0b0 classic logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont care what any of you think about reddit, but their sub is more active and healthy than coins 50 times their size. It even had an increase in posts and comments during this bear. That to me is a Bullish sign.

D0bo just dont give a crap, its so simple it annoys people, but it could survive a nuclear bomb better than a cockroach. How the fuck do you kill something that is aware of its own stupidity?

They made an air balloon go high and watched that shit on live stream with d0b0 music on top to say they beat Elon Musk at his own game. Thats autistic as can be. Why do you think these people who found home would care about losing money in the short run?

Those who sold early are fools.

>> No.49868415

How early we talking about? So, let me get this straight, I bought in October and sold in November... I can easily buy a significant amount more than what I started with (I'm not going to, however, because this shit is dead). And I'm the stupid one? You are retarded

>> No.49868449

Yeah, D0b0 definitely has a magic feeling to it. It's just different than the other shitcoins that are posted here. This is the one.

>> No.49869045

if youre not getting clinical depression from massive drops ur not doing crypto right

>> No.49869377
File: 198 KB, 350x439, 1442190312336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw never sold in the first place out of laziness
bonksisters am I going to make it?

>> No.49869776

i just fomoed back lfg

>> No.49870010

Might get a bag for the next bull run

>> No.49870035

Good Anon, you'll make it back soon

You should at least buy back your original stack for literally less than 10% of what you paid originally so you're here for the next bull when this shit moons again

>> No.49870167
File: 38 KB, 643x623, yeahithinkwereback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sold this shit and starts moving you guys told me to sell i am going to rope this time for real

>> No.49870255
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>> No.49870699
File: 3.06 MB, 2633x2304, Holy war.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good to me

>> No.49870774

Holy BASED meme, we need more based D0b0 memes

>> No.49871024

I'm not exactly convinced that this is the bottom. D0b0 isn't in the best position, if this was guaranteed to pop back to even 10m mc I would throw money in now but, as crypto goes, it could easily drop to 1m or sub 1m mc before things recover. People are talking about this bear market lasting years, so it's a matter of having faith in the coin's stamina. People expect a sprint when this is the beginning of a marathon. Of course, in the opening wind of a marathon everyone is energetic... some burn out before the real race begins.

>> No.49871035

best $500 loss I ever took, just glad I sold this POS

>> No.49871801

If you don't have a $50 into this you are insane

>> No.49872043
File: 30 KB, 1042x332, 2022-06-21 08_55_27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still not buying your dead fucking bags
fuck you btw

>> No.49872096

Oh no, selling in November was a good move, nobody is denying this. The stupid move would be to believe this shit is dead, and not buy back. Selling early=selling low. The socials alone on that coin are better than most top 200 coins, that's crazy .

>> No.49872135

just be a hobo

>> No.49872141


I was scared af with the Celsius stuff and all, looking at it more closely, this whole narrative was just a FUD shakeout and it worked.

>> No.49872161

OP looks like a cartoon character.

>> No.49872256

Went from 40k to 400 because I went all in on this bros, I thought it would be at zero with the current crash but it's still alive I unironically have hope if the autists keep pumping out memes especially during the Bear

>> No.49872262

I'm sucking air through my teeth here. We're betting on black and white swans, this brief euphoria could be misguided. Or, everyone who bought 19k bitcoin is a genius. The squeeze might have been squoze... but the number of factors in play are absurdly dynamic, I'll throw my hands up in the air if everyone else does that no one really has any clue wtf is going on lol

>> No.49872324

I'm chucking that my ID is literally "FUD". Can't help it, bros

>> No.49872859

checked dubs confirm wagmi

>> No.49874898

>if dubs I buy 1T
>if trips I buy 2T
I still don't think it's the bottom but your optimism is so inspiring

>> No.49875125

I got $2k waiting for this thing to hit bottom

>> No.49875139

Just one off, I still think you should buy a few bil at least

>> No.49875188

That's what you fucking get for listening to bears faggot

>> No.49876267
File: 97 KB, 1024x788, 1596247888352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogeb*mk back in late October was my first shitcoin ever, but since I haven't touched it and frankly haven't been kept attention to it since February-ish, and been away from /biz/, I'm not sure I remember how to sell desu kek

>> No.49876447

You remember how to use Pancakeswap, don't you? But don't sell now, it's over 90% down from October, it's a waste selling it now if you bought last October

>> No.49876514

it's like buying bnb but 20% of your cash goes straight to the dumpster

>> No.49876850

If I actually want to sell I'll remember it in 10 minutes of googling or whatever, so it's not a problem, besides me not having enough BSC to even sell atm. Yeah I remember Pancakeswap.
I refuse to sell D0b0 right now, I'll ride this coin to the hell or heaven, not worth selling now. Been in since the second to last day of October

>> No.49876895

i shorted and now im rich

>> No.49876915
File: 28 KB, 939x617, 1625701834189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it did rug

>> No.49876967

Can you even short BSC shitcoins?

It didn't rug, look at other memecoins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. They're down that much as well but no one says they "rugged"
It's just the way crypto is right now, especially for memecoins

>> No.49877008

the difference is that shib is going to be around in the next bullrun, even if it's far below its current price
meanwhile dog with bags will just fade away

>> No.49877029

It "rugged" a few times before the late-November peak too.

>> No.49877041

(((Wow check out this totally organic thread)))

>> No.49877096

>-10% capitulations lasting a week with heavy painted bull flags
>-99% from ath months long dump with heavy resistance on any pump
we are not the same

>> No.49877150


Imagine the pajeet sub-human 80IQ retard who made this meme

Thinking is wrong to sell your profit

Thinking its unheard of to sell your retarded meme coin that is only there to give you profit



Lmao, these niggers are helpless

>> No.49878225

when this hit 50b mcap will be glorious

>> No.49878985

I'm contemplating slurping up another 40b, not sure though

>> No.49880109

Another brainlet funding the drug lifestyle of a crazy dev. I wouldn't buy any rug but rather opt for promising projects that'll thrive. KOLnet, civitas and gagarin are my picks for the coming run

>> No.49880153
File: 321 KB, 1089x569, 375783794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49880162


>I sold this shit

You're not fooling anyone baggie, this entire thread is to try and pump your bags

>> No.49881085

Gonna cry you balls off when you get rugged. How long will you scumrag keep adding shitcoins in a shitty market?
KASTA, ONE, KOL and AVAX are my calls for a degen play

>> No.49881134
File: 245 KB, 1285x725, 16352681260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you guys know there is a minecraft server and a game that came after the rebranding of memetols to webonk?
I still believe

>> No.49881379
File: 216 KB, 960x1280, 1654342371777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like since I bought most of my stack a few months ago when the market cap was around 20 million dollars that it would be a good idea to at least double it now that its down to 2 million.

>> No.49881400

Given their mcaps, you'd be a dimwit to not, at least, own a stack in both. I do. They both have potential. Imagine not diversifying your lotto tickets lmao.

>> No.49882242

based af

>> No.49882388

Kek pretty jokes