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49863067 No.49863067 [Reply] [Original]

>sold at $19.6k thinking we were doing down to 10-15k so I could buy back lower
>now above 21k

Did I seriously fuck up and now will never get the full amount of bitcoin I had before back? Please tell me this is just the small rally before the next major dump

>> No.49863085

why would you even sell at that point. Just hold and buy more if needed

>> No.49863093

it's not a rally it's crab

>> No.49863098

Oh and before you say
>selling the bottom hurrr!!!

I’ve been selling ever since 60k on the way down, and swing traded successfully. I actually stopped swing trading on the way down at 20k because I assumed 20k wouldn’t break, but now that it did, I believed 10-15k is on the table, so I resumed the swing trading

>> No.49863102

Btc is going to hundreds of thousands. Buying now or 10k is irrelevant, a rounding error.

>> No.49863118

Why dont you just hold and buy more whenever it crashes? I guess the concept of DCA not exist for low IQ NPCs

>> No.49863119

swingies get the rope

>> No.49863125

We are still falling, hold it out.

>> No.49863139

>did i fuck up
Yes. Not cause you won't have the oportunity to buy again at the same price, but because now you have to pay taxes for what you sold so now you have to take that into consideration when thinking about where to buy again.

>> No.49863146

I'd imagine there quite a few degen bottom shorters that will quickly cover at new lows

>> No.49863151

I’m selling (and buying back) to increase my stack, NOT selling to escape crypto and run away

I’ve been doing this since 60k and it’s been successful

Im not allowed to use leverage in my country so the only way for my to increase my Bitcoin stack using the houses money is to swing-trade.

I can’t afford to keep putting in fresh capital, I don’t have infinite money.

>> No.49863175

No tax here.

>> No.49863199

you sold the bottom when multiple anons on /biz/ told you not to, good job

>> No.49863226

nah you didn't fuck up burry thinks it's going to float around 12-16k lol. it took binance 2.2bil to kinda correct it enough to create a psuedo dead-cat bounce. it's not coming back lol.

>> No.49863243

Nigger you know you're being cucked hard on taxes by doing that right?

>> No.49863265

we'll see when how stocks do this week
that was kinda retarded but It could dip to 10-15k this summer depending on what the fed says in july

>> No.49863273

You should buy back now
That way it will be extra hilarious when the stock market fucks everything up tomorrow morning

>> No.49863277

Binance bought the bottom. Not to stabilize the market, but to get cheapest coins.

>> No.49863281

That's retarded.
eternal mumus on this board are no different than the bobos and were telling people to hold all through December up to now.

>> No.49863290

Binance also bought a few billion btc at 33k when Russia invaded Ukraine back in feb

They also held LUNA to 0

>> No.49863296

etf was a dead give away this is the bottom, if you missed that its your problem

>> No.49863310

>1 etf is a dead give away of a bottom, bullrun is back on guys, even though the next halving is 2 years away and tether is dwindling down its holdings to the sum of billions every week and latest inflation report was highest in 40 years and there’s no sign to the end of it yet at all

>> No.49863325

go short now if you're so sure
shut up and fuck off if you're not

>> No.49863331

I am short on spot, I can’t use leverage in my country

>> No.49863351

cope, anyone can short on kucoin

>> No.49863352
File: 75 KB, 843x758, 850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) wasted 1k on shitcoins then btc was 30k

2) it fell to 700 and i didnt sell

Now it is 850

What do?

>> No.49863358

> What do?
stop buying shitcoins that already pumped with your launch money

>> No.49863371


Im new fag in new crypto (well, i had 4 BTC in 2012)

Im from from ultra shithole

4 BTC even now it is 70 years of annual wage


>> No.49863378

stop shitting on the streets

>> No.49863384


We do not shit on the streets in Russia, too cold

I wish i was born in India

People who shit on they street - they have zero fucking stress, they naturalists!

>> No.49863388

stop killing ukranians

>> No.49863410

Bottom has passed, it will reach 30k and then crab for +6 months

>> No.49863502

What country?

>> No.49863716

dont feel sorry OP
people like you are very important
only swingers FOMO can push us past $60k again

>> No.49863963

Im not going to fomo back in for a loss in sats

I’ve got my stables and I’ll just wait it out. If I end up missing the boat I’ll just cash out to bank and find some other investment.

It’s not that serious

I ain’t gona fomo bAck for it only to actually crash down to 10k lol

>> No.49864088
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yeah bro this is just another suckers rally. the real price of BTC is $0! go ahead and open your shorts and remember the more leverage you use the faster you get all your money back!

>> No.49864173

so greedy are you fag
it already went down 75%

>> No.49864184

i can try buying so you can get back in at 19.5k
but you have to post your order at 19.5k

>> No.49864225

enjoy the poor house nigger

>> No.49864252

Posts like this make me realize it’s not over yet. Small increase in value during a bear market and bulls already cocky.

The bear market will have truly set in when price going up has no bulls getting excited

>> No.49864328

The bullrun is just starting unironically. Look at the cpi data

>> No.49864380

LOL delusional retard

maybe in 2 years

>> No.49864393

Why do you

Type like this?

Oh I know

You are






>> No.49864419

Buying at 10k instead of 20k … one will get your double the amount of BTC than the other. Not quite a rounding error

>> No.49864443

I will dump 10 ETH at 1197 USD.

You have been warned.

>> No.49864531
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>> No.49864592

because to a mentally challenged person you have to write in such a way so they understand

>> No.49865378

Did it break though or was it a low volume weekend scam dump?

>> No.49865458


Oh no, please don’t dump your ten ETH, you whale. I’m terrified! Noooooooo

>> No.49865499

retard the short etf is bullish

>> No.49866113


Retard, you can use leverage, just use a metamask wallet and you can trade on decentralized perps exchange like GMX on Arbitrum and GNS on Polygon

>> No.49866154

why do you niggers always talk about taxes, it's fucking optional. kill yourself you stupid troon monkey

>> No.49866171

>stop killing ukranians
you should seriously kill yourself

>> No.49866184

what is your issue man?

>> No.49866272

sold at $ 19.950 yesterday, i´m a fucking idiot

>> No.49866372
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Stop crying like a baby pajeet. Is a good time for you to get some more.

>> No.49866391

Hahahaha bottom seller

>> No.49866418

glad you know how idiotic you are. I'm not selling my shib cro otto and plug token anytime soon

>> No.49866504

really? and you didn't have a trailing stop loss to immediately re buy it your bet was wrong?

>> No.49866971
File: 4 KB, 254x198, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad advice anon. If he got enough, staking can save his life. He can maximise and wait for a dump back.

>> No.49867015

>Did I seriously fuck up and now will never get the full amount of bitcoin I had before back? Please tell me this is just the small rally before the next major dump
dumb fuck, i have been buying so much XMR is not even funny, i'm buying hundreds of the stuff each time it hits 100€

>> No.49867016
File: 15 KB, 400x321, AreYouSerious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>staking bitcoin

Sure thing bro, let's see what options there are. There's Celsius, Bancor...

>> No.49867041
File: 12 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting some more need come first anon. I stake as well. Staking my plug give me 52% apr. What are your thoughts on this?

>> No.49867049

We are going to ZERO

>> No.49867082

Celsius? Are you serious? I would go for real brokerage and security on freeway. Hfsp with that one.

>> No.49867148

Stfu if you have no idea about a thing. Would be nice to watch you suffer.

>> No.49867705

starting a short tracker after a 70% crash
wall street cant be this retarded

>> No.49867920
File: 64 KB, 605x678, IMG_20211205_162404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably you don't know what you saying. Is he gonna stake your dick

>> No.49867929

This is why you should never do that. Just hold and buy a bit more if it dips a lot

>> No.49868401

they bought luna for 3 million when it was a few cents so they lost chump change.

>> No.49870068

btc goes from 19-21k over and over for two weeks and you buy at 19k, fucking neck yourself retard i dont even own btc and i know not to sell at the bottom of the average swings

>> No.49870209

Never knew some fools are selling now... Why did you sell. Thought we are all concerned about buying more or finding a liquidity mining platform to stake more....

>> No.49870285

Yeah, with pools like those seen on LMaaS, he can be saved. But he should join the pool at early stage.

>> No.49870316
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1655553140836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought 19.6k
>sold at 21k
Thanks for your coin hehe

>> No.49870410

>> Staking Bitcoin
> Staking ETH
> Staking ALBT
> Staking USDC

Hope I'm in safe hands? For long term.

>> No.49870427

You beat me, i bought at 20k and sold at 21k

>> No.49871348

You make money by anticipating, not reacting.
Markets aren't driven to a 1:1 scale to objective reality, they're driven by narratives and we just got 6 months of constant doom and gloom.
We also got one of the sharpest decline in history on equities which means the probability for a bounce is much higher.

>> No.49871552

We're crabbing between 15-30k for the next year or so

>> No.49871876

It got down to $17k you retard

In my experience the market always gives one more chance, but not as good as the first one so if I were you I'd wait it out
But if I were prudent and realized the value of my investments longterm, I'd buy back in and take the loss while it's still small

Swingies will swing from the rafters

>> No.49871918

this is not the bottom and whoever tells you so don't know what they are talking about

>> No.49872084

This is the wrong mindset
You think you're "not fomoing back in" but really you're not accepting and adapting to your mistake
It's a common problem in swingies, and it's the same thing as regret:
You think "ah man I fucked up", but instead of taking the loss right now while it's relatively minor, you want to "make it all back" by waiting for it to go down again
It's the same process of regret as when people lose money but it's simply inverted and you're losing sats

You'll wait and wait but unless it goes immediately back down, the longer you wait the higher the chance that the bear market ends. Or it can simply crab for many months in the $20Ks maybe with relief rallies as high as the $30Ks but never *quite* get back down below $20K again, at which point you'll be waiting until it rips upward and never looks back.

>> No.49872227

>selling on the way down
Kek based biz
Youre supposed to be selling on the way up nigga

>> No.49872725

Don’t buy altcoins now, wait for the next bull cycle to form. In the meantime, use your time to learn everything you can about crypto and how to make money in a bull market, so much stuff is on YouTube

>> No.49873661
File: 147 KB, 1920x800, some niggas never escape the train station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>if you could time the market you would work on wall street

just buy and hold you big dummy

>> No.49873784

Shut up burger, we don't do that here

>> No.49873877

Same. I waited too long now I'm scared to buy. When I do it will go down

>> No.49874526

Lost it there.

>> No.49875818

Mind elaborating for a retard? Last I heard, you were taxed in the US for every crypto transaction at EOY, including trades.

>> No.49875858

It's down 56% in 6 months. It's been less than a week.

>> No.49877562

>he intends to cooperate with the taxman

>> No.49878970

it's the same percentage whether you sell once or 500 times. unless you're planning on holding for a long-term