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49862537 No.49862537 [Reply] [Original]

How do I negotiate salary? I've entered the world of white collar work and all the job postings are asking me to guess how much they pay rather than just saying so. I usually say "In relation to the job requirements I expect the salary to be within the region of X~" and say a medium number. From what I understand X will be the absolute ceiling the employer will consider and I should expect a few thousand below that. I'd rather negotiate down than up. How should I do it?

>> No.49862580

Ask for far more than your worth or that the job typically pays.

They will scoff, then counter offer with far more than you were ever expecting.

Trust me

>> No.49862617

search for similar jobs in colorado, and look at the salary range to at least get an idea

>> No.49862625

This, or just tell them you’d prefer to let them make an offer because you’re not sure what’s fair for the current market. I usually just play dumb and let them make an offer. If it sucks I move on. Sometimes they will bitch about this though, that’s when you give them a number way too high like this other anon said.

>> No.49862716

A lot of application forms have it as a mandatory blank question, saying I don't know is fine but a number way too high seems bad. They could discount me for being a retard or another application with a real number could be next in the pile.

>> No.49862738

>They will scoff, then counter offer with far more than you were ever expecting.
Based. Literally happened to me the other day.
HR: So what is your current salary and whats your expected?
Me: My expected is 120K...depending on benefits that you offer
HR: <Shocked> What!!!

>> No.49862765

Just put 0 in then.

>> No.49862789
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I just ask for a raise once a week until I get it. Literally drive your manager insane.

>> No.49863531

I had a countless amount of asshole bosses, I honestly gave up and now I just invest in easy shit like memecoins like vinu, it's safer than risking getting fired for asking for more money.

>> No.49863595

You ask them the salary range in the position, if they dont give it just say a high number based on the glassdoor average salary on your field.

>> No.49863680

>Ask them salary range
>They say 60-70k
>Say you want 70k

Does this really work?

>> No.49863746

>t. entry level wagie
I had an employee like you once. I just said no every time. He kept asking knowing it'd be a no. He thought it was funny until he realized he's actually not getting one.