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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49861157 No.49861157 [Reply] [Original]

I know a few insiders and they claim we will bottom out at the ema 300 tomorrow or Wednesday. I suggest getting your buys ready.

>> No.49861179
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No faggot the bottom will be at around 12k-10k and you can seethe and cope as much as you want but this won't change this.

>> No.49861233

bottom's in faggot

>> No.49861254

most likely, but if the entire global economy continues crashing, 5k isn't out of the question

>> No.49861269

that's only if we go to a massive war

>> No.49861271


>> No.49861278

These whale FUCKS are propping up the market. It's insane

>> No.49861320

Bobos too optimistic.
10k at worst. 15-17k is reliable.

>> No.49861342

why? you don't think nasdaq can't go down another 30-40%? that would put us at 2020 lows. people shit on crypto but nasdaq is the greatest ponzi ever created. going back only 2 years of gains isn't unreasonable at all imo

and what do you think is gonna happen is ndx takes a 40% haircut? crypto will get massacred

>> No.49861382

The market will bottom out sooner than later too. The fed is going to make sure we don't go in recession until 2023.

>> No.49861389

who's that girl?

>> No.49861401

This is reasonable considering they printed a fuck tonne of money during covid, but it might be over a 2year period.

I agree nothing drastic has been done to correct the printing, so a lot could happen. On top of that, the macro economic factors like Russia Ukraine, China and Taiwan could add to the effect.

But nothing happens until it happens so it's unknown. Let's hope for the best

>> No.49861465

wtf is it ema or sma????

>> No.49861504
File: 193 KB, 1545x869, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do y'all know a porn lookalike?

>> No.49861536

a turkroach zoomer

>> No.49861540

Cemre Baysel

>> No.49861598

We must resist. Become porn free. Let's stop being slaves

>> No.49861674

US is likely in a recession right now.

>> No.49861689

>tfw no woman has ever looked at me like that

>> No.49861699

how can i profit off this?

same friendo

>> No.49863545


A Chinese girl I know has given me that look before. She also blushed red the other day and got teary eyed when chatting about work and I think about it every day.

>> No.49863606

blub blub
I'm a fish
retarded looking girl

>> No.49863784

>tear eyed
it seems she was in a rush to shit then shat her pants in public

>> No.49863887


>> No.49863905

NASDUMP can easily go to like 5000, BTC can go to 3k and it probably will to punish Saylor.

>> No.49864119

It loses its appeal like other superficial things. The worst is those who are bitter about it not happening to them.

>> No.49864495

She's acting

>> No.49864536

lithuania just closed russian train access to kaliningrad. americans are hostage by russia. ukraine bombed russian oil extraction sites that russia stole with crimea. china has a 3rd aircraft carrier. all within the past 5 days.

>> No.49864542

I don't believe either if you and stop posting the fat gay American.

>> No.49864578

The US economy will likely fall into a mild recession by the end of 2022 as the Federal Reserve raises rates to tame prices, according to economists at Nomura Holdings Inc.

Nomura warns that financial conditions will tighten further, consumers sentiment is souring, energy and food supply distortions have worsened and the global growth outlook has deteriorated.


>> No.49864596

lots of women pratice that at the mirror
only after 10 years away from my ex I noticed how manipulative she really was that is fucked up

>> No.49864607

lmao kek lul

>> No.49864681
File: 62 KB, 800x600, 1652980135914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bottom will be 3k
screencap this and checkem

>> No.49864734

We get 2Q GDP print in about a month. If it is negative we are already in confirmed recession.

>> No.49864738

Checked your ID.

>> No.49864750

Atlanta Fed projection is already 0% and they keep doing optimistic projections so I assume it will be negative.

>> No.49865745

Does op pic have source?

>> No.49865795

>Cemre Baysel
Turkish dumb looking whore not related to biz.

>> No.49865815

tomorrow? what the fuck? we're probably not done until august or september, at least late july by the earliest

>> No.49866670

what? how the fuck can a chinese girl give any distinct kind of emotion look with their squinty eye slits

>> No.49866707

today is Tuesday you retard

>> No.49867035

lmao stop snorting raw hopium you pussy
everyone knows you'll have to pay people to get rid of your crypto you fucking newfag

>> No.49868159

their dad's work at bitcoin?

>> No.49868191

In a whale group. 8k 4th of July weekend on recession data.

>> No.49868251

all pretty clear signs of a monkey p*x infection. stay safe, anon.

>> No.49868301

it only happens when they are displaying their lust over BWC
it's caused by the huge difference between a chink insect and a human (white)

>> No.49868328

>tfw you will never be looked at this way by any woman ever

I don't care that she's a roastie whore. why even fucking live brehs

>> No.49868400


>> No.49869238

I can't tell if the expression means she's turned on or if she just lost all respect for the person speaking.

>> No.49869347

It does however kinda make me think about wringing her neck whilst jackhammering her cunt with my fully erect penis.

>> No.49869617

I'm with you.