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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49859495 No.49859495 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see. Why the fuck would anyone willingly download an app that promises them to make money just by running? Can't normies understand that the way it's actually making money is by mining their data?

>> No.49859565

i understand it man, but, it's free money and i don't give a fuck about my data lol

>> No.49859576

It's time to fight for those dubs, please God, hear my pray and gimme the dubs

>> No.49859592
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1620517472906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so fucking close. good luck the next time

>> No.49859621

close of what you fucking imbecile?

>> No.49859630

A lot of websites are mining your data right now, even your phone listen your convos to shill you personalized advertising. It's a very common practice nowadays and nobody cares. Cope

>> No.49859666

literally the shit googles does with your phone every time you open a .amp LMFAO

>> No.49859675

diabolic based trips, my sar

>> No.49859697


>> No.49859696

that's precisely why i don't care about it, that shit is used just for marketing purposes. if you want to sell me something, do it
/biz/ is full of blatant advertising too, we are used to it

>> No.49859726

Nobody knows cares faggot lol. They also have facebook accounts and don't really care about shit their data being mined. In fact 4chan is a federal honeypot so don't think you're safe by posting here either just because it doesn't require you to make an account

>> No.49859739
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Whatever, I get profit from Stepn and I'm making money while running

>> No.49859750

>ruining *
there, fixed

>> No.49859752

>In fact 4chan is a federal honeypot
welp, you're screwed up. farewell cowboy, it was nice while it lasted

>> No.49859758

>download the so-called app
>btc miner successfully installed into your mobile phone
They gotta make money somehow and this is probably their way of doin' so

>> No.49859769

ze paid jeet has arrived. Everyone, prepare your poo to feed him

>> No.49859798

fuck this shit fr

>> No.49859828

>this thread
you know what to say already

>> No.49859832

Fucking K E K

>> No.49859835

missing trains is so fucking painful.
more where there will be no fucking train to arrive to next year XDDDD

>> No.49859842

You all can suck my fucking cock if you think anyone takes this garbage seriously

>> No.49859845
File: 7 KB, 189x267, cmere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk bro. im tired.

>> No.49859846

>Can't normies understand that the way it's actually making money is by mining their data?

>> No.49859862

Check em nigger, happy solstice bros