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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49858808 No.49858808 [Reply] [Original]

imagine being the world's richest person and getting publicly JUSTed like this

>> No.49858815
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>> No.49858854


Spiteful mother made son a tranny

Muttland can make you rich but ruins everyone's mental state.

>> No.49858921

He should sue her for Ableism against autists.

>> No.49858943

Trannies are fine you faggots, why are you so insecure about yourselves

>> No.49858955

Daddy issues always occur when the father is absent. You actually think he's got any time for his 8 children? All of them are probably neurotic and fucked up - money won't fix shit.

>> No.49858984

Hope she leaves the Tusk.

>> No.49859004


>> No.49859020
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>son falls for the tranny meme

This is a tragedy, OP. I can only sympathize for Elon.

>> No.49859026


The media has had it out for him ever since he came out against Biden and wanted to buy Twitter. The glowies are pissed.

>> No.49859042
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>> No.49859050

Shes probably been brainwashed by all the people around her.

>> No.49859049

i dont aim to be you dumb whore, kek

>> No.49859072

The feeling would be mutual.

>> No.49859077

If I was named Xavier I'd change my name too.

>> No.49859079

If my troon son wanted to become a girl he'd get cut off financially too kek

Poor dad skills tho

>> No.49859085

Hilarious how Musk went from being a beloved icon and darling of the liberal left, to the most hated celebrity of 2022...

>> No.49859113

Imagine posting this celebrity bullshit on /biz/

>> No.49859170
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>> No.49859265

musk worshipers are gossiping women

>> No.49859428

Or maybe Elon is actually a worthless degenerate.

>> No.49859818

Imagine deliberately writing yourself out of the inheritance of one of the richest men in the world.

>> No.49859849

must be a weird life to live.

>> No.49859924

theatre for the the masses, follow suit plebs

>> No.49859992

I guess this is why he has 7 kids.
He is prepared for situations like that.

>> No.49860305

You just acknowledged the chosen gender, what a cuck.

>> No.49860351

Damn, I feel bad for Elon. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose my son.

>> No.49860378

Stop fetishizing mentally ill freaks pretending to be women you sick faggot.

>> No.49860431

I legitimately believe that there is some sort of mass brainwashing campaign carried out by cult-like spiritual nobility with elder tier knowledge of the world and it's hidden history.
Which is why men and women no matter how powerful are still subject to the same forces outside their understanding just like the average pleb. It's the only way to explain why everyone seems to be going insane simultaneously.

>> No.49860450

Right around the time his Starship line of rockets actually started to look like they might work.

>> No.49860463

All of his kids look like sheltered pandered zoomer bitches. No muscle mass. Probably zero physical labor in their lives. Raised by mom or random nannies. Sad!

>> No.49860495

Becoming a tranny wasn't even a thing until now. Deep state is brainwashing the youth.

>> No.49860522

>mentally ill troon falls for globohomo propaganda for the umpteenth time
Imagine my shock.

>> No.49860526

This. Some three letter agency has gone rogue and is carrying out systemic brainwashing on someone's behalf. The question is - why?

>> No.49860542

Kek, this thing goes a lot bigger than the "deep state" or some puny "three letter agency"

>> No.49860558

It is uncanny when I was in college mid 2000s no one barely knew any transexuals now its everywhere.

>> No.49860637

Obviously. But what's the end goal here?
If I were to fantasize I'd probably start to think that this is akin to a demon summoning ritual where people are mindbroken and forced to become possessed by entities from a spiritual dimension much like the creation of Satan's army on the physical plain purely thorough corruption of the soul.
But on a practical level it's probably just about control or maybe the decadence of an empire in decline while foreign states rise in power.

>> No.49860701

or maybe the personal lives of the rich are made up bullshit.

also homosexuality has been proven to be genetic, so if the upperclass are gay and just fucked a woman once to have a kid, their kids are going to be gay too. globohomo is a pretty accurate meme.

>> No.49860722

Oh the spoiled daughter of a literally billionaire in the U.S in 2022 has daddy issues and is completely brainwashed by globohomo. Who would have thought?

>> No.49860764
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Kek this. What a retard. Maybe he is a woman after all

>> No.49860771

looool and we supposed to trust this nigga to take us to Mars ? His own son decided to go to Venus kek

>> No.49860778

This shit is occurring at every class level from rich to poor though.
It's like watching everyone go collectively insane simultaneously. Decades ago we would be laughing at the thought of troons. Today all the biggest names in business are like "we support trannies and we all love tolerance, yay".

>> No.49860780

It's his firstborn son. He has no daughters.

>> No.49860795

>homosexuality has been proven to be genetic
Fucking kek, it isn't genetic at all. Faggotry spreads because faggots molest children and fuck them up for the rest of their life. If you can point to the "gay gene" by all means.
Homosexuality is 100% determined by circumstances, with very strong trends from multiple causes.
I really wish I knew. I try to think about it as logically as possible but it seems like there is no one solid answer. Somewhere between some group of people trying to subvert the masses and retards who think being a faggot is good because the main goal of humanity is to spread AIDs to as many people as possible.

>> No.49860833

It's almost like people are a bit more acceptive of them now so people are open about it.

>> No.49860880

Seems like a more refined version of child sacrifice, as practiced in Carthage

>> No.49860923

More like kids are bombarded with propaganda from the second they are born. So tired of this pathetic argument.
LGBTQXYZ+++ numbers wouldn't be going parabolic if this was only about "acceptance"