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49851564 No.49851564 [Reply] [Original]

We are going to fucking die tomorrow aren’t we

>> No.49851595

>Holiday celebrating the end of slavery
>Crypto kiddies are freed from constantly watching the charts
like clockwork.

>> No.49851611
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>end of slavery in the us

>> No.49851697
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You may but gmechads are gmi

>> No.49851719

Juneteenth is really just a celebration of a White man giving them rights kek

>> No.49851746

Slavery is alive and well. Slavery can only be defeated only if stock market remains closed 365 days each year for every year forever till the end of times. Commerce and capitalism are the things that breed slavery. The cult of commodities and property. Turning everything from land, water, shelter, animals and eventually people too into commodities and products to be bought and sold. Everything is for sale and purchase in a capitalist world. But soon we will be free because God is great and is smiting your parasitic stock market and blockchain.

>> No.49851790

arrogant blasphemer

>> No.49851887

I will find where you live and slice your throat and still god to paradise you disgusting putrid 4chan crypto parasite. Blasphemer? Me? You are in 4chan parasite. Your heart and mind reek of pure cancer and vitriol. Stop pretending

>> No.49851941
File: 1.57 MB, 300x257, Daisy-Laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a made-up holiday to appease black people, coinciding with Father's Day, in the midst of Pride Month

>> No.49851960

you have to go back

>> No.49852089

Kek been a /k/ommando since 2014 would you like some brownies as a peace offering

>> No.49852134
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>fatherless faggot nigger day

>> No.49852181

Wagecucking is the modern slavery.

>> No.49852213



>> No.49852266

disgusting and unholy creature. repent

>> No.49852484

Cope and seethe just remember to livestream when you rope

>> No.49852522
File: 256 KB, 959x1280, keker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggers are too retarded to get it

>> No.49852553

Wait it's actually a real holiday? I thought it was just a joke like Kwanzaa.

>> No.49852803

kek baggie

>> No.49852935

Kek cryptobaggie

>> No.49853145
File: 307 KB, 1200x1500, 7225298842048518357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's real because President Brandon is pulling every rabbit out of his ass to appease the nignogs and atone for his past of being blatantly racist. Leftards and Redditfags eat that shit up, and said nignogs are too stupid to realize they're being used as leverage for political gain from the DNC.

>> No.49853171

It was never supposed to be shut down and today isn't Juneteenth
The stock market crashed and they need some time to figure out how to sell it to people

>> No.49853185

Considering every bobo on this site has been doomsday posting, I'm gonna go with nothing is happening. The happening will happen when no one is expecting it

>> No.49853199
File: 126 KB, 500x515, Daisy-Pog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a coincidence!
Stop noticing things, goy.

>> No.49853341

If I were black I'd hate them for stuff like this

>> No.49853386
File: 389 KB, 598x598, image0-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were black, you would have an 80 I.Q. and wouldn't even notice.

>> No.49854134

Or maybe it’ll crash WAY harder than people are expecting and that is the unexpected part, like “oh it couldn’t crash 80%” etc