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49848275 No.49848275 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly it's still blowing my mind. I've been having the same internal monologues on a daily basis for a few years now and my thesis is still as fundamentally correct as it were at the beginning when it was just projected speculation and autistic research. Except now it's rooted in adoption metrics and demand for real usage. It still astounds me on a daily basis that the market is still utterly blind to it.

It went up to top 5 in the bear market, when fundamentals rule over marketing, and dropped to around 30 during the bull market when marketing rules over fundamentals. Except we've just entered another bear and it's already climbed back to 20. Top 5 is always where it belongs and this much is inevitable. Looking at the top ranks today and it's all just so baffling but we had the same observations in 2018. XRP is a complete scam and not used by anything, Cardano is a pumped up ghost chains without smart contracts yet its the second biggest value chain after eth, etc. Absolutely mongoloid market that will correct itself in the bear.

Projects that are not generating any value and only sustain themselves on marketing and investors stupidity have no long term fuel. Meanwhile Chainlink now has sufficient runway to keep building for the next decade, shipping out new products that will ensure its absolute monopoly on its cornered niches, generating real user fees and network value, and with real value capture via its tokenomics. The simultaneous release of CCIP and staking will profoundly change its standing across both institutional and retail markets, as it won't be able to remain unseen and ignored much longer.

From the get go, crypto's only real value prop was in the blockchain. Blockchain's value prop was in the smart contracts. And smart contracts are only enabled by the oracles. Off chain, cross chain, data pipeline and computation bridges, from layer zero to layer two, cross system from enterprise to cbdcs, from web2 to web3. You just win.

>> No.49848330

I can’t explain it, but I’ve never been more excited to be holding Link in my life.
I thought $6 in 2022 would be the end of the world, but I’m actually happy that I’m able to buy so much more with so little money.

>> No.49848376
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>> No.49848415
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Were gonna make it frens

>> No.49848418
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yeah same lad
with chainlink i barely even feel as if im in crypto
it feels as if i own stock in some tech company that is in complete stealth mode
a company with a value proposition in the trillions, one that has delivered on every promise and pleasantly surprised me on several occasions, one with an extremely impressive team and some suspicious connections to extremely wealthy, influential and rich people

there is no doubt in my mind that we are about to see some crazy pump, one that will surprise even the most optimistic of us
we just wait. that's the only winning move: just keep your LINK to your wallet and don't fuck with it. don't daytrade, don't chase after ponzi yields
just sit on your ass and wait for your inevitable victory

>> No.49848434

Bros, I will be joining you if LINK hits $2. I'm going to go all in.

>> No.49848437

> $6 in 2022
It's not a sleeping behemoth, it's a past use by date failed expectations neet.

>> No.49848444

when should I buy? I have enough to get my stack up to 1,000 now (at 300 currently) but I’d like to time it right as I’m a poorfag. It’d take me about a year to get this much disposable income again

DCA is the least retarded option I know, but hard to see what happens to LINK. The wider market looks awful but that didn’t stop link in the last bear, plus staking and CCIP will change things

>> No.49848541

You might as well buy now if you think LINK has real value now/in the future.

>> No.49848584

except that the incels bought a 20k stack at 10 cents. Only nufags bought above $1

>> No.49848638

I'm not sure what you should do, but I went all in as a poor fag to get to 1000 too recently. When it dumped to 11 bucks. It felt good for 24 hours and now I wish I had waited. Even if the price didn't drop, it's crazy how as soon as you hit a milestone you spent a year working towards it immediately feels like nothing again

>> No.49848689

It would have been the same if it were more. It is never enough

>> No.49848690

wow quite a circle jerk you got yourself there Linkie
the reality is that the potential cashflow from the chainlink network is minuscule compared to it's valuation. the token should be worth 50 cents at best, and that's if DeFi doesn't shit the bed (and it will)

>> No.49848902
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Guess you won't be joining, "bro".

>> No.49848914

While I do believe in it long term… I also got burnt last summer buying at much higher prices. Even in the last few weeks I would have wanted to rope if I’d bought at $12 instead of $6. We do seem close to the bottom but wtf do I know

That’s life, once I have 1k I’ll want 10k

>> No.49849021

Smart contract is a shit idea and a globohomos wet dream. I hope it dies off soon.

>> No.49849061

LINK is a shitcoin

>> No.49849095

the ganges tastes and smells delicious today, ,, sweeter than usual,,, anyone else notice?

>> No.49849136

Suck dick Stinky

>> No.49849200

shut the fuck up virgin

>> No.49849204

It’s common knowledge that 90% of LINK OG’s came from /pol/, and are thus unironic Nazis and extremely racist. This is evident when you look at the chats whenever Chainlink presents at conferences such as consensus or smartcon. It’s always N word this, N word that.

I personally don’t want to put my money into a project like that and keep that sort of company. Moreover, I question the intelligence of people who shill LINK given their backwards and racist political views.

>> No.49849316

The only unironic FUD that I can think of is that all the blockchains that Chainlink could run on are all total dogshit despite Link being the God Protocol.

>> No.49849365
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Bros... Im tired when can my real life begin.
Im down 90% and we are about to enter a great depression. It wasn't supposed to be like this

>> No.49849455


>> No.49849772


>> No.49850085
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