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49846503 No.49846503 [Reply] [Original]

Explain how crypto isn't a ponzi scam. Explain why it should ever recover.

>> No.49846524

>Explain how crypto isn't a ponzi scam.
It is a ponzi scam
>Explain why it should ever recover.
It will recover, because people like to gamble

>> No.49846533

Ok, so you know those pyramids in the desert? You think people made them?

You see that rice? You think a person fried it?

>> No.49846535

Was it the food or the water?

>> No.49846539

it is

>> No.49846578

It's not a ponzi, it's actually a casino.
It will recover because there is money to be made regardless of what happens, and people want a piece of the pie.
Is line going up? Long. Line going down? Short. You get money regardless.

>> No.49846673

i want to have romantic sex with Kurisu.

>> No.49846735

Do you seriously think this is sustainable long-term?

>> No.49846947
File: 40 KB, 400x400, Wizard of BTC City.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still don't understand all the fags that are selling for cash. nobody is going to fucking add to your checking account balance like EVER LMAO

>> No.49847157

Yes, for most people it's a game and the numbers are just an abstract concept.
See how many people go from millions to broke, and vice-versa, but no one stops playing.
They always think they can earn more, or recover what they have lost. People rarely cash out, because when you win some, it makes it easier to win more, but then suddenly the market crashes and you lose it all... BUT since it has crashed now you have the once in a lifetime opportunity to enter the game again but for less... and the cycle continues ad infinitum

>> No.49847186

It makes the centralized banksters butthurt.
If they could they would send glowniggers and goons to murder everyone that owns any cryptocurrency.

>> No.49847203


>> No.49847248

because there's always more ponzification to be done

>> No.49847259

Because I like seeing normies get in the wage cage while neets make money.

>> No.49847268

sex Sex SEX!

>> No.49847276

its not a ponzi or a casino, its literally a way to transact value across the planet without any intermediary who can scam you along the way.

it's a revolutionary technology, akin to money what email was for communication.

how you can see it as either a ponzi or a casino rather than an asset with infinite value to which humans are desperately trying to "assign" a dollar amount is beyond me.

the real value of 1 bitcoin is infinite dollars. It can't be represented as such, so humans will bounce around up and down on the way to infinity. eventually a new technology will supplant it and the value will drop from infinity to 0.

all price action on the ride there will look like a casino or ponzi to anyone who doesn't understand what a double spend is and thinks centralized monetary institutions are good for civilization "cause they keep the money safe" while turning a blind eye to the fact that they literally own everyone.

>> No.49847392

>Explain why it should ever recover