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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49843246 No.49843246 [Reply] [Original]

Don’t do it bros. You will get fucked thinking this is a rally.

>> No.49843359

These dumb fucks deserve to get rekt

>> No.49843391

Cope, its a V-recovery retard.

>> No.49843456

V recoverys don't happen... the last one only happened because the fed turned the printers on

>> No.49843715

This guys gmi. No water and the plants dry up

>> No.49843803

I literally just put in a short and expect to close at 18k. Easiest fucking flip of my life. Oh my god. I hate permabull niggers so much it's unreal

>> No.49844284

How do you short btc?

>> No.49844354

I wish it were a v-shaped recovery but you have to understand that last time we had that, it was because the Fed intervened. Not only are they not going to intervene this time, they are actually doing the opposite. Intervening in march 2020 meant injecting liquidity into the markets and lowering interest rates--- they are now removing liquidity and raising rates. You cannot expect a market recovery when central banks are tightening

>> No.49844414

They just vaporized a shit ton of shorts.

>> No.49845836

What chart are you watching? It’s still downward

>> No.49845897

Well people who short shit are retarded but the decline will continue regardless. Bitcoin only exists because money was free. It's about to get really expensive

>> No.49846954
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>Up 10% after dropping 70
>V-recovery guys

>> No.49847093

its so easy to make money doing the opposite of what anyone on the Internet is telling you to do.

think about the Internet, why would anyone help anyone else. is it because they care about you? or are they part of a hydra of chatbots that exist to drive sentiment in the opposite direction of reality so that wealthy players can shake nickels and dimes from the pockets of the poor sap who followed youtube(reddit/4chan/mainstream news/etc) advice?

If there was really a recession coming, why would they tell you there is a recession coming. We didn't hear shit from media until literally the day Lehman collapsed in 2008.

Listen to the news, listen to the "wisdom" shared around the Internet. Then literally do the opposite every time.

>> No.49847310

You dumb retard. They’re going to continue printing and bring rates down. They can’t politically afford a recession like what you’re describing.



>> No.49847346
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Why would I?
Look at this and tell my why would I?
BTC is fucking dead, my portfolio not lmao

>> No.49848114

Let's tally up the respective IQs of each opinion. I'll use the averate of a simple over/under score around 0:

Bears: -1.6666..
Bulls : -0.3333..

In short this board is less intelligent than average and I would caution heeding most advice found here. Price can only go two directions and the retarded larping 'guessers' on this board will trick themselves and other retards into thinking they know what they speak of.

>> No.49848453

line go up

>> No.49848536

unironically posted a Robinhood "chart" get fucked

>> No.49850494

Last time I said something to this effect everyone was calling me a mouth breathing retard wtf /biz/

>> No.49850636

Shut up, you mouth breathing retard.

>> No.49850710

BTC is going to 500k

>> No.49850806

"Thinking" through written words tend to be the best way of thinking, internal monologue is overrated, your thinking is significantly different than when you think and then express it through writing.
In addition the feedback is kind of nice, sometimes you get challenged about your perception about things and actually change your mind because of it.

sharing your thoughts online is and always will be a selfish act.

>> No.49850861

i recall Tone Vays saying he believed a double top was in the cards, this was a couple of years back.
Not sure what his reasoning where..

>> No.49851576

We pump tomorrow also because US stocks 'need' a relief.