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49841532 No.49841532 [Reply] [Original]

A better life is all I want now anon. I've sold all my tokens. Tell me what you're doing.

>> No.49841576

dude literally everything is sinking. Tell me something else anon

>> No.49841628

I'm waiting to follow your lead anon.

>> No.49841718
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I think lots of DeFi projects look fundamentally solid ahead. Anyone not betting on DeFi is far behind

>> No.49841724

Hold haha

>> No.49841757

Good. Now kill yourself

>> No.49841776


>> No.49841819
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You sound behind dude. Defi is one but blockchains have all the innovations. How about that?

>> No.49841839

Having a good time with weed.

>> No.49841874

Fundamental or no Fundamental, we are fucked and screwed.

>> No.49841901

Don't give up dude. This is research opportunity. Catch them early.

>> No.49841981
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Well, the space is fast evolving despite the circumstances surrounding the entire market. Blockchain is still our best friend

>> No.49842014

Yea, but Just go for solid projects that you won't fucking give a damn no matter the dip because their value will rise up at the end

>> No.49842021

Slowly dripping money into my grid bots.

One takes profits as had, the other takes profit as tokens. I don't care either the market recovers or it won't matter anyway

>> No.49842029

You have a point anon. Blockchain space is evolving and including security. The privacy features of otto have a long way to go in that regards.

>> No.49842087

Security is not a joke especially on enhancing security with multi-chain digital assets. I'm tired of exploitations causing people to doubt on crypto.

>> No.49842115

The major hit that might be a bit of a setback now is regulation. Soon, the SEC will be on their ass.

>> No.49842165

Likewise anon. Multichain and anonymous verification seem to be gaining more traction. The innovations are getting serious.

>> No.49842242

This might become a norm in the coming days. Multichain. Being able to transfer assets across different chains.

>> No.49842244

I heard the rewards will be airdrop to users wallet. Why the delay anon

>> No.49842255

I am the hacker. How can i hack your account

>> No.49842263
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Not when there are privacy blockchains that are kyc compliant anon. Try educating yourself.

>> No.49842315
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Pajeet, shut the fuck up. What beneficial influence has the SEC had recently?

>> No.49842343
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Probably in the next decade, kek. Fundamentals at this point might count, but keep the optimism and expectations low. fag.

>> No.49842392

I think the blockchain go beyond merely being a staking platform. So many features to watch out for

>> No.49842397

That, and nft attestation anon. Blockchains are going on a whole new level.

>> No.49842483

Lmao. Ignore the boboso. He clearly needs some blockchain and security education.

>> No.49842503
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I'm really excited about the future of blockchain technology no matter where it is applied. It's my gf.

>> No.49842518
File: 8 KB, 250x246, 1655721048685s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next decade you said? Well, that's because you stack on dips that suck fucking balls, am after projects that will give me 7 figure in near future

>> No.49842542

The use of KYC defeats the entire purpose of decentralization and degrades user identity, which is not supposed to be. This is absolutely worthless in defi.

>> No.49842572

Already learned that I gotta sacrifice some info to stay secure. As long it stays private though

>> No.49842597

Yeah maintaining the quality and security of the projects on the blockchain. This is an important aspect to deliver imo

>> No.49842612

Stfu fag. You have a point with blockchains, layer1 specifically. The future is calling.

>> No.49842623
File: 9 KB, 204x250, 1655715674668s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you understand what the term "NFTs attestation" means, you'll agree that the network has no risk of being hacked.

>> No.49842650

Shame on you, you can't just hack a defi compliant protocol or your identity will be publicly posted and you're going behind the bars. How does that sound to you?

>> No.49842671

I already understood that DAOs would play an important part in this. vetting only the best dapps for the blockchain

>> No.49842749
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Based. Blockchain are evolving. Otto is enabling them after launch. More adoption coming user's way.

>> No.49842753

It's not rocket science. Simply means every transaction within the blockchain would be accounted for

>> No.49842804


>> No.49842814

It is without doubt that DEFi presents a panoply of opportunities, but it also poses important risks and challenges for investors and the financial market. This has been a major concern.

>> No.49842820

I'm tired of plebs. No one will do your research for you. They really like getting rekt.

>> No.49842836

I want to imagine how taking marijuana will be like in the metaverse. Nothing is worth investing in atm.

>> No.49842909

A really wrong time to search for that pajeet, may be you just play some nft games to have fun so you dont go crazy

>> No.49842982

More reasons for privacy blockchains anon. That's on defi and decentralization as well.

>> No.49842994

Dont know what u r talking

>> No.49843008

Stored in the NFT, and the NFT is minted and stored in the user wallet. Dudes make it look like it's so hard to understand

>> No.49843170

I think only normies will invest at this time, all I am doing is simply following the trend of the market and I think metaverse got my attention especially sports

>> No.49843181

Most people got into this space to make money. Granted that a lot of innovations have been seen in the area of privacy and security.
All good and fine, but I wanna make profit.

>> No.49843211

And users details are stored in an Nft metadata which is then minted. This means each user own an NFT

>> No.49843244

Blockchain tech isn't abc anon. It needs proper research to understand.

>> No.49843258

They do understand, they dont just fucking care

>> No.49843270

More like, every user is registered as an nft

>> No.49843292

Monero tech is obsolete and when i drop this comment, i expect those monero maxis to drag me down. Well, i'm just saying. Manta network is better than this.

>> No.49843322

crypto is an unregulated space at the moment

>> No.49843348

Then fucking do research and learn. don't go about misleading people with wrong information.

>> No.49843363

I can't fathom why some old cringe maxis still believe in this old defi trend. XMR, Zcash, and the like are obsolete.

>> No.49843386

Get your fact straight pleb. NFT attestation fosters security. Aren't we saying the same thing?

>> No.49843408

Life is better when you choose defi projects, even though the current rate of hacking and rug pull is high, defi will still strive

>> No.49843439

I dont even know manta

>> No.49843512

You can't rule out anything anon. Blockchains and defi work hand in hand.

>> No.49843516

I don't need to be in the metaverse when high on it.

>> No.49843542

And users details are hashed within the nft metadata and can only be retrieve in the event of security crisis

>> No.49843571
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All i can say is google is your friend jeets. If you're not fond of the privacy protocols, leave it. It's non-sense talking to someone who doesn't give a damn

>> No.49843613

Just trying to learn

>> No.49843784

I like the anonymous verification process. And It's idea to seamlessly support web 3 features

>> No.49843816

What do you expect on 4chan? If you have just researched in google than spending time on here, you'll learn new things.

>> No.49843941

Relax anon. It's their money to invest haha

>> No.49844265

I still believe DEFI is in its infant stage. There is a likelihood that we might witness something worthwhile that will be a holy grail.

>> No.49844268

kek, I gat you, aint buying a dime as well. Just playing around some NFTs and Metaverse projects particularly sports just so I have some fun with my favourite atheltes

>> No.49844372
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You are a fool for selling, I'm still accumulating UTK atm while applying DCA

>> No.49844382

The major con here is that it serves as a playground for illicit actors, though they offer the best security in the crypto sphere.

>> No.49844495

Utk or coti?

>> No.49844528

The idea of prioritizing security is a plus to me and also helping DeFi flourish going forward for both developers and to the users.

>> No.49845231


>> No.49845248

How can you say that. Defi wont survive

>> No.49845371
File: 2 KB, 220x142, hgjsgj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a fanatic. Come to think of it, we don't have a full-stack decentralised system in DEFI yet. You should know that compliance in DEFI is one of the things that's refraining institutions from participating as they ought to. Most of this project partners with one of the best third-party KYC providers that don't degrade users' identities. Be smart.

>> No.49846006

DeFi is still a baby and there's room for improvement and i'm not limiting myself to the risks associated. Think of the future benefits and the future solutions.

Well done anon. Government can't ban crypto but they can regulate it, this is also to mitigate the risks associated.

>> No.49847115
