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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49837433 No.49837433 [Reply] [Original]

The silver squeeze idea correlates with the US election for me.
The paper silver market is Biden and the DNC. They pushed the lie and the public was too weak or dumb to stop them.
About 2 years in, the lie is coming apart and Biden is going to lose the Dems the mid-terms.

In the same way, the paper silver lie has been pushed for a very long time and it seemed nothing could stop the lies, fraud, manipulation and that there was no hope.
But all lies have an end-date. True price discovery will happen.
The current events, how the world economy is unravelling because the lie of fiat money couldn't last forever and never does, the inflation, the debt, all of it is proof that lies have an end-date.

We're going to win because God is on our side and Satanic lies always fail.

>> No.49837469

>True price discovery will happen.
yes, and gold and silver pricing will finally trend according to their industrial demand instead of larping as financial products

>> No.49837479

>industrial demand
kek nah that's dumb. don't dumb here. let's not be dumb.

>> No.49837494

Gold will moon to $10,000 and at some point the COMEX will break, true price discovery will occur, the GSR will correct, and silver will VIOLENTLY moon to ~$500

>> No.49837545

Every fucking time.
When is the world going to wake up and isolate these devils

>> No.49837570

>muh metal should be worth more than its productive demand
can you say 'overvalued'?

>> No.49837591

>fucktard wants to derail the thread with non sequitur red herrings for no reason
fuck off, not gonna entertain you further.

>> No.49838121

Fuck off JlDF.

>> No.49839055

Makes sense. Their desperation is showing as the fake system unravels itself. This is why they are going mask off

>> No.49840725

i hope it happens before LINK moons
i will buy so much fucking LINK if this happens

>> No.49841406

Daily reminder /pmg/ is leaking again because fed is hiking rates like fucking mad and as the economy tanks, people are gonna dump gold and silver like a rock. Pay attention to the unhinged metal threads being made when they have their own circlejerk containment

>> No.49842624

>people are going to dump safe haven assets as the economy tanks and interest rates rise
You are a retarded faggot. Get rekt not having safe assets.

>> No.49842695
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Cope. When bad times are ahead, investors rush to sell whatever they can. I'll buy your gold bags at 1600 and silver at 14 maybe. Cheers

>> No.49843437
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Keep dreaming