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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49836744 No.49836744 [Reply] [Original]

>want to buy new phone
>go to /g/
>bunch of autistic nerds arguing over the most unknown phones

what phone does /biz/ recommend I only care about battery life and performance camera doesn't matter also general /biz/ gear thread

hardmode: no iphones

>> No.49836771
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make sure you go to /g/ and tell them to use Brave browser.

You will truly understand /g/ after this quest.

>> No.49836792

whats wrong with brave browser?
i use it all the time its grear

>> No.49836812

First few links, do your own research.

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>> No.49836830

>go to /g/
Big mistake.
Honestly, any tech question, go to >>>/b/ - it has the volume to get a reasonable answer, and the anons are smarter.

>> No.49836848

I don't know, I'm using an 2020 Nokia. So my only recommendation is to buy something that supports custom roms to degoogle it

>> No.49836962

Nokia 1100

>> No.49836978

Anything less than 200$.

>> No.49836987

Just get a top end Samsung and call it a day.

>> No.49836997

iPhone is the only answer, unless you're poor or an incel nerd

>> No.49837014

Depends on how much you wanna spend duh, smg is not that useless

>> No.49837064
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i unironically trust these r/etards

>> No.49837078

just buy the latest iphone and be done with it

>> No.49837080

Motorola defy
Cheap, great battery life and idiot proof

>> No.49837098

> I only care about battery life and performance
All smartphones are pretty much the same now.
I personally buy from Xiaomi, they have a nice quality/price ratio. I.e. their Redmi Note is $200 and it can do everything you want.

>> No.49837104

Nokia 3310
Battery life can last a week if idle.
Everything opens up instantly.
Doesn't get cracked when dropped.
No botnet of any kind.

>> No.49837130

Good morning sir

>> No.49837355

>android even google pixel is laggy trash with shit quality control

>> No.49837438

pixel 5 (not 5a) and put graphene OS on it to remove the glownigger spyware

>> No.49837443

How is it there, in 2010?

>> No.49837483
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The sony k790i is the perfect phone

>> No.49837498

Google Pixel

>> No.49837499

It looks like they are just too autistic for the user friendly interface and would prefer to otherwise heavily fuck with their browser themselves. Not a terrible take if you're a /g/ guy but I'll just use brave.

>> No.49837535

Wtf I've seen a few people mention /b/ lately. Is it no longer the cesspit it was from 2009-2022?

>> No.49837549

Get a Xiaomi 2-3 gens old if you can. Should be about $200 for all you need.
You're retarded then
Also go back

>> No.49837554
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Buy a cheap android phone.
What exactly do you need an expensive phone for?

Playing advert/microtransaction ridden games? Negative for your life.
Taking high quality pictures of yourself to post on social media? Negative for your life.
Spending all day on apps? Negative for your life.

>> No.49837574

Pretty sure anon is baiting but you are free to check it out yourself.

>> No.49837602

chink phones are decent except for the camera

>> No.49837603

get a samsung s10 from one of those cash for phone places. very nice phones, maximum discount

>> No.49837605

It’s like if you inflated glen beck and made him gay(er)

>> No.49837631
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I have a redmi note 11. Lost my Samsung phone so i had to find a cheap replacement fast. Ended up liking this note 11, stellar battery life, good performance and screen. Noone needs the flashiest chip just to run telegram and shitpost on 4chan. The camera is shit but i don't care, i always tape the selfie cam and buy a case like the pic to cover the back cams.

tl;dr buy a cheap to midrange phone

>> No.49837671

S20FE / S21FE, got mine for almost 1,5 year and it's fine with every task that I ever need. Just don't go with 6GB RAM

>> No.49837687

i also have a redmi note 11, my galaxy s10+ still worked fine, but had a awful battery life (it was awful from when it was new, but had further deteriorated)

i've had xiaomis before, if you don't mind being spied on by your chinese overlords in addition to your american ones, they're great

i get almost 3 days battery on it

>> No.49837691

i got a nokia smartphone from best buy for $44 about 6 months ago, works the same as all the rest of them

>> No.49837707

get fucked slave faggot https://www.techradar.com/news/apple-might-be-slowing-down-your-old-iphone-on-purpose#:~:text=Update%3A%20Apple%20has%20confirmed%20it's,(opens%20in%20new%20tab).
and enjoy never having full ownership of your fbi spy device

>> No.49837728

1. latest iphone
2. latest official google android
3. whatever the most popular android is today

worrying about anything else is manchild tier

>> No.49837742

I've never paid a cent for phones or cellular service. Just get a second hand phone from a friend or family member and call it a day. Plenty of free texting services and calling apps

>> No.49837752

As opposed to 16 yr old girl tier?

>> No.49837753

>feeding the megacorporations
Literally an NPC mindset.

>> No.49837756

if you want to do illegal shit on your phone you should be using some drug dealer burner anyway

>> No.49837774

i'll accept a concession if you're too poor for any of those 3.
but otherwise youre obsessing over a tool like those guys that build their own pcs

>> No.49837793

>like those guys that build their own pcs
Now this has to be a bait. If you can't even assemble a PC, you are not worthy to use it.

>> No.49837808

Iphone SE.
It just werks.

>> No.49837822

Buy through the xiaomi app, those chinks are running a billion promotions just to get Chinese phones in people's hands. Cost me £48 for a brand new redmi note 10 5g the other week

>> No.49837825

did samsung stop producing the curved / wrap round type displays? i had an s10+ and really liked the look / feel of it

>> No.49837830

spoken like somebody with too much time on their hands and nothing to show for it

>> No.49837845

Holy fuck, I miss this nigga like you wouldn’t believe.

>> No.49837860

You're right tbf and I am too poor. Plus my phone's 10+ years old and does the trick.

>> No.49837864

Best bang/buck is a Poco F3 with custom ROM (crDroid, ArrowOS, Pixel Experience, ...)
Bought one for the whole family at 200€

>> No.49837871

Hang on nigger you're in a phone thread on /biz/ talking about tasting time

>> No.49837895
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which one of these cocksuckers is it?

>> No.49837913

computers haven't gotten any faster in 6-7 years, phones in nearly 5, so theres no need to upgrade if you aren't some rabid consumerist unless you care about camera quality or the few things that have been changing.

it's the bear market dude.
besides 5 minutes in a thread vs wasting time picking out components and building a pc isn't really comparable.

>> No.49837917

Get your phone from redmagic gaming if you want to pay with crypto. They sell the best gaming phones and integrate with Utrust to receive crypto from based crypto bros.

>> No.49837931

i use a motorola fast, Costco $150 CAD. I'll likely never pay $1000 for a phone ever again. All i do is shitpost here and open yahoo finance..

>> No.49837961

also.. a chinese phone? jesus gents.. you boys do banking on your phones?

>> No.49837962

do the xiaomi phones work in america? i heard they didnt

>> No.49837985

I would say Mi Store. I only used Mi Mover to move my data to the new phone, but the rest don't look like something you need.

>> No.49837989

Really /biz/? Not a single answer to buy this?


>> No.49838001

Don't buy Xiaomi, they put ads on the os

>> No.49838003
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>but cheap phones are good
introducing, the "general mobile gm", which occasionally identifies itself as Hewlett Packard. absolute piece of shit.

>> No.49838013

/g/ is truely autistic. there is nothing of worth there, they are all obsessed with being cool and edgy about technology to the point where they will have you buy absolute garbage hardware and software because its le based while in actuality they all own iphones and macbooks.

literally ignore /g/ for everything, its one of the lowest iq boards. id trust any /biz/raeli for tech over /g/ anytime

>> No.49838014

samsung a73.

>> No.49838018
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>Why have someone else hold your keys when you have the (((Zion))) private vault

>> No.49838037

anything else is for poorfags and incels

>> No.49838067

Computers have gotten much faster and if you have a job that requires a good computer, building your own is certainly the way to go. Which happens to be me.

>> No.49838088

compute farms are the future though, not having loud, heavy, expensive machines sitting under your desk. very little that needs zero latency

>> No.49838093

Oneplus Nord
Xiaomi 11T

>> No.49838100

/biz/ was created because all of the bitcoin bros shitted up /g/ with their threads back when the price was in the triple digits. Maybe all of the OGs are gone.

>> No.49838110

If anyone is looking for a free youtube app look up Newpipe it's youtube without ads and plays music in the background.

>> No.49838146

good idea op
got my samsung A22 recently and battery life seems great so far. nice budget phone with overall good performance and even 4 camera...
had an asus with custom rom but "lost" it to some cunt. was great too but heavy.

>> No.49838187

>I only care about battery life
Poco M3 is good for this
> and performance
Ahhh that might be a problem

>> No.49838214

compute farms are gay as fuck. enjoy owning nothing

>> No.49838235

I don’t understand how people could use a google phone and google play services. I’m not saying apple is perfect but real adults in business use them. Android users are mostly either poor or the strangest too much time to tinker types. iPhones are also a mix of people too but a pretty wide range of personalities and individuals use them.

But if you don’t need apps on the go, get a flip phone that works on LTE. Use it for phones, texting, tip calculator, basic html5 browser, and maybe email/calendar syncs. Use apps at home if you have a tablet like iot Devices and such. Banks and professional stuff should just be on the computer or laptop.

>> No.49838944

>Android users are mostly either poor or the strangest too much time to tinker types
if you count being able to charge my phone as tinkering... yeah... you got me

apple has literally been in court for trying to actively butt fuck their own customers; i.e. no sd card slot + actively inflating the OS. but apple owners are all like
>yeah, das fine
says a lot about a typical iphone user.

>> No.49839015

Pixel 6

>Stock android
>Get Updates first
>Good battery life
>Good camera
>No gimmicks

Really all you need.

>> No.49839046

>fbi spy device
Nigger , every fucking phone nowadays is cesspool of the cops spying on you. Or do you think google and the chink manufacturers are different

>> No.49839073

I still have mine, only issue is can't put custom os to remove preinstalled stuff

>> No.49839104

>Iphone SE

>> No.49839159
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my dad gave me this one when I was 4

>> No.49839196

I have Xiaomi mi A3, stock android without bloat. Wish it had a better camera. If any anons know of stock android phones with good camera and battery please post it.

>> No.49839714

Samsung 10s. Outdated maybe still a great phone for the price. 100%

>> No.49839759
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>buying anything other than an iphone or the newest samsung
Actual pussy repellent

>> No.49839813

I'd go for Honor. I had Honor 9 for 4 years and never had any issues. I replaced it with A52s and I'm never buying fucking Samsung ever again. My next phone is going to be Honor again.

>> No.49840422
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>> No.49840466

moto g power, lasts me years and i get 3-5 days of battery depending on usage

>> No.49840495

>bunch of autistic nerds arguing over the most unknown phones
i almost bought one of the chinkphones they recommend until i realized that most US carriers blacklist them. god bless the jewnited states of kikemerica.

>> No.49840529


before you buy anything, google your carrier + whitelist. at&t only allows whitelisted phones on its network. they make absolutely no exceptions. i read about some business being fucked up the ass by at&t refusing to whitelist their expensive ruggedized cellphones (made by CAT, the bulldozer manufacturer.)

>> No.49840547

Just get an iPhone. Phone nerds suck balls, they all basically do the same thing. Only additional benefit of iPhone is that most of the women you wanna fuck use them, and facetime is free

>> No.49840821

/g/ is unironically filled with college CS freshman that don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about
Their obsession with Rust is a huge tell that they’re not actual SWEs, the market for Rust programmers simply does not exist, but if you listen to them it’s the coolest, hottest tech that “everyone” is using

>> No.49841107

Either do this if you really care about being techy (Graphene is legit, planning on switching to it when the 6a comes out) or just buy an iPhone and turn on the option to auto-ignore the app tracking requests and disable iCloud backups
Don’t listen to /g/ bullshit, for the average person iPhones are the correct choice, under no circumstances buy any chink phones or download any chink apps though

>> No.49841136

just buy the newest samsung

S20+ or some shit