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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 19 KB, 643x643, solana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49835565 No.49835565 [Reply] [Original]

>Solana devs literally control the wallets and can sell someones funds.

This is like Terra Luna all over again. Clearly Solana is just like Avax another top #10 coin that will not survive.

>> No.49835589

Yapp link hbar avax sol ada......

>> No.49835595

This is bad indeed

>> No.49835627

It's centralized garbage

>> No.49835650

Whatever, at least Solana will still be around after all the dust settles, unlike most other projects. Remember the crypto world forgets pretty fast

>> No.49835663


>> No.49835675

Icp wins

>> No.49835677

Ah yeah just like Terra Luna lol

and Solana is broken half of the time when the network is actually being used

Nah man, Solana is fucking done for. Not even meme-ing. Have you even followed the news? They literally can gain access to someones wallet and sell it. Worse than a bank at this point cause a bank actually needs government permission first.

>> No.49835681

anything that has people behind it will fail, even Eth is looking at the same scenarios out there now. This contagion is engineered and pushed along by tradfi jews and their regulators who are standing by to sweep it all into the bin. Then they will come in and offer the normies 'defi' products because they still remember those words mean profit, and you'll have a completely traditional financial power structure again. Just like paper gold. Only Bitcoin will escape this but they will never give up trying to bring it to zero. They're succeeding in that too because there is zero regulation so it's gloves off for these jews.

>> No.49835683


>> No.49835685

Icp xrp bsc bsv etc....

>> No.49835687

inbred pedokike

>> No.49835717
File: 328 KB, 750x655, stopachud12.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49835720

Isnt this “bankman” favorite coin?

>> No.49835758
File: 46 KB, 372x350, kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh inbred pedokike ghost chain scam isn't going anywhere
>can't take our foreskins!!
>we already ate em!!!!

>> No.49835778

How do you retards confuse Solana chain with the Solend dapp?

>> No.49835801

ah yes it's not actually solana that makes this possible but a thing built on top of solana that makes this possible hmm yes

>> No.49835802
File: 73 KB, 460x450, 1640178897144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder. One shitcoin already kicked the bucket. I really hope SOL is next.
It is even named similar. Luna- moon, solana- sun

>> No.49835846

How can they get into your Waldorf they don't have your keys?

>> No.49835884


>> No.49835896

Because its a fucking scam

>> No.49835906

>Like avax
Avax is literally the only real project in crypto along with BTC link and Eth

>> No.49835957

Ok but explain how it's possible for them to empty your wallet without having your private keys. Btw, I agree that Solana is dogshit

>> No.49836010

No idea but apparently they can

>> No.49836487

Sol is garbage but how low IQ can you be to confuse SOLEND for SOLANA...it's like blaming Ethereum for something shifty Aave is doing. Solend is not Solana baka

>> No.49836511

>Can sell solana funds
>Waaaa its not solana its something <inside> solana

wow absolute genius

>> No.49836560

I have zero idea, and I know nothing about Solana nor have I heard about Solend before today, but I imagine the tokens in question are not in the whale's wallet, but rather he sent them to the wallet of some smart contract that would hold them for him until he decided to call a smart contract function to release them back to his wallet. Again, I have no idea, but perhaps Solana allows the smart contract to be "updated", i.e. changed such that the smart contract owner can in fact take control of those funds in the smart contract's wallet? Or maybe the code to allow such a change was already in the contract, idk.

>> No.49836566

why didnthry thinknitt wass d fgood idea in thrb first place? lik3 it sounds like shirbon paper why would they said theyre going ti do ut

>> No.49836571

i feel bad for you

>> No.49836575

Sir, I'm taking the keys to your car.

>> No.49836604

>unironically defending solana

>> No.49836614

inbred kike faggot

>> No.49836633

I feel bad for people having their money in sol because they dont actually control their money lol

>> No.49836740

the seething biz hatred for the sam coin is giving me fomo

>> No.49836746
File: 9 KB, 1440x1440, 70B59DE8-66EF-480E-9FC5-8096E0A772D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chain superior to all
>way more consistent
>one of the most liquid projects on the market