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49830130 No.49830130 [Reply] [Original]

If this was released without the miner tax, and they werent switching to POS, it would really be BTC 2.0.

>> No.49830255

Geez it’s almost as if kikes burn everything they touch.
But dw, the technology this is based on will be implemented in Monero as soon as it is properly battle tested.

>> No.49830672

>muh monero
stfu, you gays are so annoying. Monero wont have a publically visible portion like zec does, which is essential for regulatory conpliance, and no view keys are not the same, and tail emission kills the scarcity meme

>> No.49830707

> muh regulatory compliance
Kek neck yourself faggot.

>> No.49830806

it doesnt harm privacy at all, it only enables adoption. typical monero brainlet

>> No.49830880

No one cares faggot. Governments don't care about your privacy either.
Everything will be banned and delisted including your shitcoin.

>> No.49830929

Yes it does you absolute fucking retard. It completely destroys fungibility. Exchange will only accept non-private addresses and tag everything coming from hidden addresses as "more risky". Having public addresses is barely an improvement over Bitcoin + a mixer.

>> No.49830944

> 99% of transactions are easily traceable
it's just a worse bitcoin

>> No.49831150

No, it doesn't. You don't get how ZEC works. Coins are mined/minted into the shielded pool, they are all equally tainted. If say a drug dealer had his wallet seized, you just move them to the shielded pool and WALLAH, good as new. You monero fags never even know how ZEC works.

I don't care if an exchange accepts only t-addresses, I can just move them right back to my z-address trivially.

>> No.49831172

that's because 99% of tx's take place on the transparent chain. you guys are so fucking dumb

>> No.49831193
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No one uses this shit

>> No.49831238

i'm aware, my point is that if they hadn't shot themselves in the foot repeatedly it really could be a BTC dethroner. it solves it's fungability and privacy issues elegantly, but was ruined by dev tax, founder being retarded on twitter and now PoS.

>> No.49831307

Yep it's a dead coin no one trust it. Xmr on the other hand does have that trust. The more they try to ban it and put out bounty's to crack it the stronger the trust in it grows because that means it works

>> No.49831311

If only someone could fork zcash and make it private z addr only... Imagine

>> No.49831335
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Oh look, the "privacy coin" criminals won't touch.

>> No.49831348

XMR is not going anywhere since it can never be compliant with ant-laundering laws, it's literally incapable of taking by design and for some reason you guys relish in that fact. ZEC on the hand gets it's cake and eats it too, with superior privacy as well.

z-addr only would be stupid and has already been done, see pirate chain or whatever.

>> No.49831362
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Forgot the blackpill. Choke on it, trannies.


>> No.49831388

yet another brainlet post by an XMR fanboy. it is possible to fit ZEC into regulatory frameworks just like it is for BTC, yet it offers superior privacy to XMR. for brainlets like you, think of ZEC as a DEX between XMR and BTC. You get the best of both worlds. this also highlights where opsec is important, as you wouldn't go BTC->XMR->BTC instantly and expect that tx to be untraceable.

i swear you monero guys are the lowest iq people on biz

>> No.49831422

No one trust zec and never will what don't you not understand? It will never be used anywhere not even by the glowies who need to fund Thier black sites.

>> No.49831423

zk-starks are objectively worse, asics are a good thing,

oh, and also, BTC is the most used crypto on the darknet, so stfu

this isn't even a ZEC shill thread, im just mad they threw away such a good opportunity

>> No.49831454

>never will
there's no reason not to trust it. there's just out of context quotes and the fact that zkp's aren't as 'battle tested', but you can just leave your funds primarily in a t-address if you're really that schizo.

>> No.49831556
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>the fact that zkp's aren't as 'battle tested',

That's a pretty big deal, prolonged battle-testing under adversarial conditions is where you prove that your tech and its implementation actually work reliably. Until then, you're still at the "I assume it all works" stage.

And when it comes to my money, I ain't storing shit in experimental technology that still comes with disclaimers.

>> No.49831567

I'm so sick of Monero fags raiding every other privacy coin thread on this board. It just reeks of desperation and proves that they give no fucks about privacy. The more privacy protocols there are, the better.

>> No.49831596

Maybe if the dev would have kept his mouth shut it would have had a chance but he didn't so now no one will ever trust it because of his stupid quote. It doesn't matter if it's true or not it will always be in the back of peoples minds when they are concerned about their privacy. Once you lose trust you can never gain it back. The reply in this thread should be proof enough. No matter how much you go into the details and try to explain the coin people will blow it off wether it's true or not and that's why it will never be accepted.

>> No.49831619

Perhaps the most compelling reason to not use Zcash is they employ a literal tranny on the dev team. I still on both monero and Zcash. Privacy based crypto seems to be a good future bet. Especially after all the Canadian truckers who were doxxed and arrested by tracing btc transactions.

>> No.49831635
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>> No.49831662

At what point are you retards going to consider it battle tested? and like I said, there's always t-addresses. that's the only legit criticism to level against ZEC though.

agree completely, personally I've grown to really the XMR cult

i agree the sentiment is fucked, likely beyond repair. im not shilling ZEC im just mad they fucked it up so bad repeatedly. when it was first launched there was a BTC 2.0 hypestorm around it that they quickly pissed all over. it would've been the comfiest coin if they just STFU'd and released it anonymously like BTC was, and stuck to PoW. i'd legit be all in if that was the case, i really like a lot of features like t and z addresses and the hard cap on supply for FOMO.

>> No.49831698
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no trannies would certainly be a plus too, i don't like that it's a corpo coin with doxx'd devs either.

i also like their logo and name much more than XMR's.

>> No.49831744
File: 41 KB, 557x428, 6F52B915-7571-4991-BD58-6A6B33D7E60E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circumnavigating diversity quotas flawlessly through employment of a fuckin white male larping as a woman. Hairline is so tragic, the 1000 Onions stare.

>> No.49831761

More like zcrap (because it sucks)

>> No.49831796

>faster than XMR/BTC
>cheaper than XMR/BTC
>simpler UI than XMR
>superior privacy to XMR

>> No.49831836

>cheaper than XMR/BTC
>simpler UI than XMR
>superior privacy to XMR
Explain how

>> No.49831857

Aesthetics are better for Zcash. Also surprisingly Zcash is one of the very few coins that is actually in the green this year on the btc ratio. Zcash up 6% YTD against bitcoin. Of course this is pure hopium as it is down -58% in USD

>> No.49831868


You know this is compromised, right?

>> No.49831940

i meant in terms of tx fees brainlet

>Explain how
is this bait

>> No.49831963

i can see them recovering ultra long term as long as they don't switch to PoS. just wish they hadn't fucked their own coin up the ass so many times.

drooling brainlet detected

>> No.49832041

>i meant in terms of tx fees brainlet
The statement still wasn't wrong
>is this bait

>> No.49832055

Don't forget the (((trusted setup)))

>regulatory conpliance
There's nothing stopping monero from doing this

>> No.49832226

trusted set up is gone now and only ever could've impacted total coin supply which was proven sound during turnstyling

>still wasn't wrong
ok i guess your wrong, previously they were more expensive probably just has to due with current network activity or price action

you have some research to do, there's a reason XMR states they intend to switch to ZKPs.

>> No.49832260

No, 6% take place in shielded pools, but they're still easily traceable

>> No.49832400

A chain that was mentioned here has the largest anonymity set in crypto. but I'm done helping you faggots out. I think I seriously hate everyone in crypto now.

>> No.49832457

>still easily traceable
for the same reason atomic swapping XMR->BTC->XMR or BTC->XMR->BTC would be traceable. if ZKPs are theoretically sound it's literally impossible to trace a z2z tx, you're falling for low effort XMR shilling. why would the XMR devs intend to switch to something with worse privacy?

>> No.49832475

ZEC's anonymity set is the entire chain. pirate chain is no better and in fact substantially worse, supply cannot be audited

>> No.49832487

BTCZ is literally that

>> No.49832557

it's also a total scam

>> No.49832817

can Monero's? I think what an anon set is a matter of semantics in this case. but the fact is that the more shielded transactions there are the better for anonymity.

>> No.49832846

the number of shielded txs has no bearing on zec privacy

>> No.49832904

>trusted set up is gone now and only ever could've impacted total coin supply which was proven sound during turnstyling

Checks out, but still requires a trusted setup in the sense that zk-starks isn't battle tested. If in 20 years no one has cracked zk-snarks and zk-starks hasn't made it irrelevant, i'll eat my hat

>> No.49833041

*zk-snarks isn't battle tested

>> No.49833081

I respectfully disagree
Bitcoin hasn't even been around that long. tech may emerge that makes this entire experiment obsolete tomorrow. Cherry picking strategies is one way but I prefer using as many as possible to protect my own privacy. Keeping all of your eggs in one basket is not smart when participating in any paradigm or market.

>> No.49833097

>Monero wont have a publically visible portion like zec does, which is essential for regulatory conpliance
Yes anon that's exactly the idea...

nice Freudian slip there

>> No.49833143

>still requires a trusted setup in the sense that zk-starks isn't battle tested.
that's not trusted setup. at what point will xmr-tards consider it battletested? ZKPs were invented in 1988. zk-snarks are almost 20 years already.

>I respectfully disagree
then you are wrong and don't understand how zec works

>> No.49833197


>To verify the supply, you have to compute the theoretical maximum issuance based on the block subsidy schedule. Then you can use the gettxoutsetinfo RPC which will output the total amount of Bitcoin in the UTXO set in a field named total_amount. Lastly you check that the amount in the UTXO set is less than or equal to the theoretical maximum issuance

Here is the stackoverflow method for measuring btc supply. I don't see how applying the block emission schedule to any other coin would get you a less accurate output. I wonder how many privacy coin users actually run nodes and enter commands instead of just using a gui wallet.

>> No.49833266

Very bearish for our zcbros

>> No.49833514

The unified address (UA) is a future-proof Zcash address format that improves usability, increases the ease of interoperability, and supports shielding Zcash by default. UAs make Zcash easier to use by removing the complexity of multiple address types. This simplifies the user experience and increases interoperability between shielded-only applications and transparent-only applications.

I was wrong
I just discovered NU5 was implemented last month. So the groundwork is set for all addresses and tx's being shielded. BUT, it is not yet fully implemented.

>> No.49833601

doesn't matter if it's implemented or not, the number of shielded txs has no bearing on zecs privacy. it would be a total shitcoin if that weren't the case

>> No.49833795
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>At what point are you retards going to consider it battle tested?

Standard beta-testing for novel cryptography lasts 10-20 years, and that's assuming cryptographers doing the auditing understand it well enough to be able to discover potentially catastrophic bugs, which hasn't been the case with Zcash (see recent Halo delays).

Alongside that you also want limited real-world battle-testing where the tech will actually show it can hold up to scrutiny and LE probing attacks i.e. darknet deployment.

Now consider how z2z transactions have hardly been used i.e. "tested" for most of Zcash's brief history AND how Zcash has had basically zero comparable battle-testing in comparison to Monero's 6+ years of flawless darknet service.

So no thanks, I'm sticking to what *demonstrably* works and dependably so: Monero.

>> No.49833907

it's been almost 20 years that zk-snarks have seen use and they've been audited and held up to scrutiny. it'll be a decade that zcash has been running in just 4 years. i do agree that's the only sound criticism of it however.

And you know, XMR could be busted anyway.

>> No.49833927

and you say it works because it's used on the darkweb, i say that's a stupid arguement since BTC is the most used currency on there by a wide margin. that's no measure of privacy success and is a quite retarded take.

>> No.49834108
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>it's been almost 20 years that zk-snarks have seen use

lol zk-SNARKs as used in ZEC debuted in 2015.


>> No.49834175

>lol zk-SNARKs as used in ZEC debuted in 2015.
my point still stands, and that's why i differentiated the two by saying
>it'll be a decade that zcash has been running in just 4 years

dumb shill

>> No.49834516

"hey just use Monero why would ever think about using anything other than Monero cause Monero is the best and did you guys know Monero is used on the darknet?" I swear to god you guys are fucking intolerable. Can you just fuck off out of one single thread for once in your life? Does biz really need 5 banal threads on Monero everyday?

>> No.49835160


z2z has barely seen any use since Zcash launched so your logic here is fucked.

>> No.49836298

>without the miner tax, and they werent switching to POS, it would really be BTC 2.0.
it's literally glowie funded garbage
they are now spoofing their transactions because the metrics are so uninspiring; it's fucking laughable