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49829752 No.49829752 [Reply] [Original]

Is minimalism based or just cope?

>> No.49829760


>> No.49829771
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next time ask yourself: how much do you actually own?

>> No.49829772

Great way to save money.

>> No.49829779


>> No.49829811


I have seen my hoarder parents have a lot of useless junk that did nothing but create trash.

>> No.49829814
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It is not very cozy, but it does make life simpler and cleaning very easy. Some types of people will enjoy it whereas others will not.

>> No.49829824

would you rather have a cozy castle with old armours standing around and a stuffed bear and shit like that, or a minimalist apartment.
Keeping your room ordered and clean does not equal minimalism

>> No.49829845

Total cope. It just means you're poor but trying to say it's a choice

>> No.49829851

If you want to do based minimalism. Get rid of all social medias and delete your Netflix or any subscription.

Fuck big tech companies, they ruined everything.

>> No.49829877
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>nooo i dont want to live like this i much prefer minimalism xDDDDD
this man is right

>> No.49829912

minimalism is cope
spartanism is based

>> No.49829961

Sincere, based.
Insincere, cope.

>> No.49830040
File: 183 KB, 1100x596, tumblr_nib8r7szsI1r3bsd4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minimalism is based
having a house full of consoomer garbage is cringe
having a house too big to reasonably clean yourself like >>49829877 is cringe

>> No.49830070

I didn't learn I liked minimalism till I had money to buy what I wanted. I think if you're forced into it, it sucks. But understanding what you really need to be happy is freeing.

>> No.49830094

No Art?

>> No.49830136

That's fucking depressing.

It's okay to have things. Just not junk like those cringy ass funko pops

>> No.49830166

super based but most do it as a cope

>> No.49830180

>tfw some of your clutter is your cleaning supplies

>> No.49830182

>spends all his time on the internet, swiping away at 4chan boards, pumping his chimp brain filled with dopamine

yeah super minimalist bro

>> No.49830217
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art can be based (pic rel is donald judd's apartment)
but how much art will actually fill your home? treating your house like a galler is cringe. you'll never own a renaissance marble.

>> No.49830234

can it be both? im pretty sure its both

>> No.49830239

>no pillow
>no box spring
>one miserable light
>no plant to have meaningful live giving tasks and pleasurable decor cherished by mankind for millenia
>no book, or note pad, dare i say it phone, or any form of entertainment of creativity.
this isn't minimalism. this is mental

>> No.49830243

Minimalism requires cleanliness to look acceptable. That den looks dirty and dingy. What type of mold is that growing in the fireplace?

>> No.49830276

living in a city is the antithesis of minimalism. you're literally surrounded by abundance and man's creations. you have access to everything - it's just not stored in the apartment.

>> No.49830302

works great if you're into less stuff

>> No.49830320

>using a website that takes the most minimal amount of thought or input
4 chins sounds about right

>> No.49830321

>Trust fund kiddie.

>> No.49830337

>>spends all his time on the internet, swiping away at 4chan boards, pumping his chimp brain filled with dopamine
Yeah those two things are the same.
Why are you even here you utter garbage nigger scum puke.

>> No.49830355

Perfect all the access and none of the responsibility.

>> No.49830391

you seem to be confusing minimalism with asceticism, as does >>49830182
minimalism is living with less, it's not experiencing less or doing less. it's not treating the space around you like a library, or a museum when those things already exist for you to experience

>> No.49830499

>gets his cortisol pumping from literal words on a screen made by some chink in exchange for pennies
minimalist dude :^)

>> No.49830658

it's just strange because the inside is minimal with less physical objects but beyond the walls everything else is maximized in every other way merely by being in the city. even the building they live in is massive - just the space once has access to is small.

>> No.49830685

sounds vapid and shallow. it's not like there's 0 cost so you have to be responsible in the sense of working and paying for all the services around you one way or the other.

>> No.49830754

Depends on the circumstances. If it is by choice, it is based. If you are a poorfag, it is a cope

>> No.49830782

I'm homeless and own nothing and post from a phone I stole
I own nothing
I'm happy

>> No.49831013

Now eat ze bugs

>> No.49831108

Minimal is keeping what you like and not having a garage full of pure garbage like most boomers. I don't know how you could live any other way, if I stop deriving joy from something I'd always prefer the extra space/cash, I do not need shit cluttering up my living space.

>> No.49831877

I literally just want to make enough to fuck off to a castle and live like Dracula and fuck goth hoes, that’s all I want.

>> No.49831924

There’s a delicate balance between Scandinavian Minimalist and halfway-house loony-bin.
Take a guess which one this is.

>> No.49831992

Consoom is cope

>> No.49832014

Based. Parents kept everything and their house was always a shitshow because of that. Minimalism makes life run smoother because it's easy to not crowd out the things you need for everyday quality living with useless junk that just distracts your thinking.
I'm more Marie Kondo style minimalism. If it doesn't spark joy and isn't required I get it the fuck out of my life.

>> No.49832036

minimalism clears the mind

everything else clutters it.

own nothing. own everything.

>> No.49832144

It is the most based of copes. Spending money you don't have on things you don't need to impress people you don't like is the least based cope, for comparison.

>> No.49832146

Based. You don't put in on the consumer jew.

>> No.49832160

It's all about being clean and organized, minimalism makes that much, much easier.

>> No.49832170
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minimalism certified coal

>> No.49832515

Middle class boomer houses are depressing as fuck, and ironically indicative of a larger problem.
In every one I’ve been inside of, there’s always either a bathroom tore out and unusable, bare spackled walls/ceilings, carpet ripped up and never replaced, etc.
It’s like there’s “always a project” because “the wife” binge watched a season of fixer upper and is nagging for a subway tile backsplash and a stand up shower. But of course it takes months (even years) to finish something that could be knocked out in less than a week with some help and some willpower, but the former is just “too damn expensive” and the latter is just laughable.
But I can relate, and speaking from experience as a kid, I just want a life/residence that’s simple but quality. None of this cluttered boomer McMansion bullshit.
Kinda off topic but it really fucks your head up as a kid to have a dad with “goals” but zero willpower. It seems small and insignificant but it’s the fast track to your kid being terrified of failure and never finishing anything they start. All because you wanted to sit on your ass and watch sportsball at any moment you’re not at the job you supposedly hate.
Rant over, Happy Father’s Day you sack of shit.

>> No.49832679

this question is stupid and cringe