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File: 79 KB, 311x162, versus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49825876 No.49825876 [Reply] [Original]

Which one will make it? (HARD MODE: Don't say neither and shill another coin)

>> No.49825899

solana for two reasons: it's backed by them and it's not headed by a roach.

>> No.49825903


>> No.49825913

both will make it to 0

>> No.49825922

avax because solana is a centralized vc scam

>> No.49825938

Solana is down every other day, has shitty DeFi where they can liquidate your position for you and is ran by that faggot jew SBF.

AVAX is decentralized, works, has a top tier team and can scale.

>> No.49825954

There's unironically not even a debate at this point. Market is literally sub 70IQ at the moment and the least efficient it ever been.

>> No.49825955

Both will make it

>> No.49825974

this desu

>> No.49825995

ICP will devour both of these in the long run but obviously AVAX is superior

>> No.49826029

It is backed by -redacted- and has a much larger usage stats compared to the roachcoin

also AVAX has very high inflation and its brutal in market periods where the buy pressure is low.

FUCK the kebab roachcoin

>> No.49826047

Solana just made a dao in order to vote on confiscating a whales funds so he cant get liquidated..nice decentralized crypto..
That goes completely against the principles of crypto, the old crypto community would completely blacklist solana for such a big violation.

But nucrypto bros are all fucking retards who dont care about crypto just pumping scams for le lambo

>> No.49826309

Solana inflation is higher than Avalanche:


You're confusing protocol inflation with token unlocks, Most of the inflation in Avalanche come from foundation, grants and team tokens unlocking over the years, It's a meme fud.

Also i believe Avalanche is a victim for severe low IQ among investors and disingenuous actions from major analytic sites, For example, Avalanche is one of the few L1s that have max supply, Which's a good feature in itself, Yet get spammed with FD valuation fud for tokens that don't exist (And won't exist for a couple of decades) while coins with infinite supply+more inflationary token issuance get a pass because FD valuation isn't calculated for them due to infinite supply. In reality Total supply (Total Supply=All the coins that already exist including those that aren't in circulation) is the right way to make a valid market comparison.

>> No.49826343


>> No.49826415
File: 3.51 MB, 1999x1554, rekt answer clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solana is constantly shilled by rektanswers, so it’s destined to go to zero

>> No.49826484

SOL + AVAX are low IQ traps.

One is a subnet double counting inflationary roach coin.

The other is a centralised VC scam with an off switch.


That's it. There is no other L1 competition worth talking about.

>> No.49826521


Your wife's boyfriend allows you to use the computer this late? How nice of him.

>> No.49826611

ADA is going places.
Never underestimate a strong community.

>> No.49826620

based, I am heavily invested in AVAX, but I can respect SOL and despite their current issues with centralization and downtime I think that they can remain competitive, especially so given that the top 15 is filled mcap with literal garbage.

>> No.49826643


Isn't BNB centralized as well?

>> No.49826667


>> No.49826678
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Go figure

>> No.49827107
File: 2.56 MB, 854x480, 100% Avax.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same normies that invest in Sol are the reason shitcoins like Cardano, Doge, Xrp etc are the in the top 10
If you love a completely centralized corpo chain led by a known market manipulating kike and goes offline litchrally every other week by all means. Their VCs were laughing at you on video they could not give any less of a fuck
Your protocol also has zero innovation and needs to lie constantly about tps amongst other things to appease aspies such as yourself. Something that is broken at the fundamental level cannot be "fixed", there will be a time when I will be euphoric when the kikes finally dump your shitcoin to the ground, or the superior tech finds its rightful place, until then

>> No.49827221

Yes it is, but that anon just wants to shill what they own

>> No.49827228

both are fucking shit

>SOL: goes down every week

AVAX: claims to be a scaling solution but somehow manages to get fees all the way up to $14

Polygon is a way better chain
>has way more dApps
>way more reliable

>> No.49827248
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>> No.49827266


Both are centralized garbage, the whole thing about crypto is being decentralized faggot

>> No.49827286

neither, BSV only, but do whatever the fuck you want idc

>> No.49827291

this webm convinced me. thanks anon.

>> No.49827432

Both will get curbstomped by CZ

>> No.49827452

Neither. Cardano is the better than both of them.

>> No.49827472
File: 182 KB, 800x800, 1629166066321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

np fren
we also have a catgirl waifu

>> No.49827524

Chia, cope seethe and dilate.

>> No.49827660

It won't be a VC chain, they get greedy and it implodes.

It won't be a grassroots movement, it will be drawn up in bureucracy and egotistical manchild fights.

>> No.49827690

Solana, because gas fees are low. AVAX transactions still cost way too much. Ask again when that changes.

>> No.49827733

"Too much" how? A simple swap is like $0.15 right now.

>> No.49828500


>> No.49828574

never underestimate the value of actual programmers.

>> No.49828600
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>> No.49828628

>More lines of code = better

lmao, how to know you've never coded in your life

>> No.49828695

This is the real answer but this is clown world so sol will probably go to 10k

>> No.49828730

you made me look:

the roach coin has almost the double rewards (8.8% APY) while Solana has only 4.69%

>> No.49828794

Both but Solana will be top 3, avax top 10 or 20

>> No.49828873

All it would take are the top 2 validators conspiring on polygon to cause a 51% attack. Also fucking admin keys

>> No.49828963

Logically it should be Avax but Jewishly it should be Solana. So I pick Solana.