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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49824854 No.49824854 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.49824932

buy signal time to fomo

>> No.49824991

OP can finally play his bing bing wahoo and afford a graphics card!!!!!! what a fucken loser lol

>> No.49825004
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I wont buy it unless it has RGB lighting

>> No.49825077

what will I do with my old 980 ti though?

>> No.49825126

This entire crypto pump and dump was organized by gpu producers so that normies will buy their outdated GPUs at MSRP price. Once they're all bought up they'll release the next gen GPUs for new people to scalp.

>> No.49825152

all of them have RGB lighting

>> No.49825158
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Alright and so now all that's got to happen is that actually good games have to stop being persecuted and accused of racism (by jews) and the industry will get back on track.

>> No.49825178

I tried to mine bitcoin on my computer using Nicehash but it ended up fucking up my fans and I had to stop, everything would get too overheated

I have a nvidia geforce rtx graphics card. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.49825206

Perfect timing for companies to dump their old cards on desperate manchildren before the next generation rolls out.

>> No.49825264

you need to set your power lower so it runs much cooler, my 3070s run at 120 watts, or 50%, and my 3080 is currently at 206 watts, or 56%

>> No.49825296

>mining BTC with gfx card when ASICs exist
my god all of you guys are retards

>> No.49825327
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on nicehash, the software benchmarks your mining performance for multiple different algorithms, and runs the one thats currently the most profitable, and pays for all of them in bitcoin to you

>> No.49825414

whats the point? just mine ETH instead, BTC needs ASICs to get any sort of reward

>> No.49825463

the rigs that mine the most profitable are making more money than the ones that only mine eth

>> No.49825538

i sold one used 3080 at 1300 euros in december to one of you /v/irgin
i earn a lot of ETH with this card which i bought at MSRP in 2020

>> No.49825543

Look up what ASICS stands for. Only scenario I can come up with is that the platform uses your hashpower for whatever and pays you in Bitcoin regardless. That doesn't mean you are actually mining Bitcoin.

>> No.49825568

This is the GPU bottom

>> No.49825593

imagine telling people to look up things when you're the ones who doesn't understand what others are telling him in plain english

>> No.49825684

Still too expensive. This card series is what, two years old by now?

>> No.49825686

>still almost $1000 for a gpu
mining ruined gpu prices forever

>> No.49825752

I don't think they were dumb enough to upscale because of crypto, hence the scarcity. It will go back down as if nothing happened.

>> No.49825779

Maybe I'm just sleep deprived, but this sentence >>49825327
>the rigs that mine the most profitable are making more money than the ones that only mine eth
Does not parse in English. Anyway, seems that what I said is actually the same as what you said in this post >>49825327
>and runs the one thats currently the most profitable, and pays for all of them in bitcoin to you
So, that dude wasn't actually mining BTC. Because again, it is absolutely impossible that BTC was the most profitable algorithm to mine on with a GPU. A GPU will never compete with ASICS on an algo that doesn't restrict ASICs.

>> No.49825805

First quote should point to >>49825463

>t. Tiredanon

>> No.49825840
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>bing bing wahoo

>> No.49825904

Where can I find such a shop in Europe? Please I need to know

>> No.49826021


>> No.49826079

What’s the shop name?

>> No.49826694

Will gpu mining ever make a comeback with a new pow coin?
Should we stock up on a few cards?

Im guessing after the merge big players will try to pump ETC, since it will ve the biggest coin which is profitable to mine

>> No.49826734

>eth PoW is going away
we won reddit!

>> No.49826763

The gas costs are way too high to be mining eth

>> No.49826836

Too bad they stopped making games worth playing. WHo has the time anyway...

>> No.49826881

>Will gpu mining ever make a comeback with a new pow coin?
*extremely* unlikely
it would require an asic resistant, gpu mineable coin to become as big as ETH is(was, lol)
just have a look at the 2 next biggest gpu coins, ETC and RVN
market caps are <=1% of ETH, and nobody who isn't a miner has even heard of them, let alone cares about them...
tldr no, gpu mining is dead

>> No.49826911
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>> No.49826930


Dont pay MSRP. Tell them you want a discount.

>> No.49827435

fuck msrp wait for the prices to go down, nvidia sucks for trying to gouge consumers by letting miners and scalpers take every fucking card, im gonna buy a 3080 when the new ones come out fuck em

>> No.49829052

>mining BTC
Actual retard. You're supposed to mine ETH, you know the chain that actually gets action.
Also to OP nobody cares, the chip shortage already fucked the MSRP price and it doesn't say much that the cards dropped when the price these used to go for was always below 1k. Also the economy is fucked and famine is coming so if you couldn't buy a GPU before I wouldn't get one now either.

>> No.49829229

probably didn't build your own computer it's a shit prebuilt with bad airflow you got for chanukah because you told your mom you needed it to be a content creator

>> No.49829461

I hope crypto plummets to 0.

>> No.49829517

imagine having one life to live and you play video games during it LMFAO

>> No.49829523

I'm glad you're salty. Get fucked cryptonigger.

>> No.49829619
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>"imagine having one life to live and you play video games during it LMFAO"
>Spends it watching a line go up and down instead

>> No.49830089

Don't buy yet. The 4000 series is just around the corner and its announcement will force prices down even further.

>> No.49830487

Or OP could stop chasing rainbows and actually buy a new GPU. Something better is always just around the corner

>> No.49830543

The monkey will play his yabba dabba 2 revenge of the doo and you crypto cucks will get fucked!
I'm also back to childrens video games as a form of pathetic escapism, cya nerds.

>> No.49830582


Depends on how much faster the new cards are, you can buy a cheaper new card versus a more expensive older series card (which wasn't possible on launch due to cryptards buying literally everything)

>> No.49830638

true. On a side note now SSDs are apparently the new shortage de jour

>> No.49831569
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Ahahahaha your autistic spasticism is a meme in itself.

Fuck Nvidia, fuck gaming and fuck cryptofags. All of you faggottrannies get what you deserve.

Thanks for the free money

>> No.49831847

>Crypto bear market
>ETH moving to PoS
>4000 series soon

Gimmie them cheap cards, I want to do VR

>> No.49833761

Based, you have no idea the amount of AI I'm about to do. Holy shit.

>> No.49833954
File: 2.48 MB, 2688x1242, 34F67255_0484_4E74_8012_9EC50F9D19AC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETH mining not as profitable now
>Been selling my burnt out, failing cards for near MSRP for months now labeled as "lightly used" and sold "as is"
>Gaymers buying them likely don't have more than a few months before either a fan fails or the chips just finally give up
>Restacking profit from buying, burning out, then reselling cards at near buy in price into more cards and CPUs at MSRP
>Next boom cycle I'll just start selling burnt out cards again
Thanks losers, remember to blame "faulty drivers" or whatever you wintodlers use to cope with borked hardware.

>> No.49834359

>miners btfo
gaymers bought my used and abused gpus for double msrp

>> No.49834373

Most of them do not.

>> No.49834442

>damage is caused by workloads and not bad temps because... IT JUST IS OK
Alright double dipperino nigger-san. You sold cards at market value for the time. Heckin' brave if you ask me.

>> No.49834520

don't care anymore im fine with my old card plus id rather buy crypto at these prices

>> No.49834538

this but unironically

>> No.49834767

What's a warranty? Hmm...

>> No.49834771
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>> No.49836391

Sure you have,