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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49817970 No.49817970 [Reply] [Original]

That will be about 1 ETH/month in passive income.
When ETH reaches $10k, you can escape wageslaving

>> No.49817995

Too bad ETH has no longterm future

>> No.49818018
File: 167 KB, 929x1175, 75934C0F-9F0E-49EF-9E0A-32DCD2706154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already got BTFO by Avalanche.

>> No.49818055

Not buying your bags pedo

>> No.49818490
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No son. Uncle anon didn't used to be like this. He was a jolly fellow once. Spent a bit too much time online perhaps, with the wrong people, but he was an OK lad. He was early into the cryptocurrency revolution. You know back in the early days, before the great Biden depression of the 2020s. Back when people thought it was all a scam. He witnessed the 2022 downturn first hand. You will not believe this son, but back then, Ethereum briefly fell below the 4-digit mark! You could briefly buy one ETH for $900. And he was right there, witnessing it and yet he did nothing. That's right! Nothing! He bought absolutely nothing. Not even one ETH. I knew you won't believe me. But can you imagine? What happened afterwards completely broke him. As a man. As a human being. He missed his one chance in his lifetime to make it big.

>> No.49818588

>When ETH reaches $10k

>> No.49818598

3 mill not enough

>> No.49818635

>you need 300 fucking thiusand right now to make it
Why not make it a million OP? I think you need a million ETH. Maybe 10 million ETH to MAKE IT. You fucvking mongo. YOu prolly have less than 1 eth at this point. When eth ever reaches 10k i switch most over to diident boomer etfs that pay me enough to quit my job. Imagine dropping 75%+ once you want to retire lmao

>> No.49818646

I earn over 5% apy on my ETH on Nexo already, which would be better returns than what you're claiming.
Looks like the turkroaches are here

>> No.49818670

>on Nexo
Not your keys not your coins dumbass

>> No.49818908

You are statistically more likely to lose your crypto via self-custody retard. Meanwhile I make almost an average yearly salary by utilizing various cefi and defi methods to earn passive income. Already cashed out more than my initial.
Sneed and dilate.

>> No.49819092

Eventually you will get rugged by Nexo, CeFi never survives, dumb niggers like you will have to learn the hard way.

>> No.49819143

if you dont understand by now, you are def not gon mak it

>> No.49819171

>You are statistically more likely to lose your crypto via self-custody retard.
lol tell that to the celsius fags

>> No.49819202

I only have 32 ETH and I will make it.

>> No.49819373

Might want to look into the difference between Celsius and other lending institutions like Nexo.
You're right there's a risk. That's why you don't put everything in one basket.
But yeah man, there's no horror stories regarding losing access to hard wallets and key phrases, right?

>> No.49819404

>When ETH reaches $10k
The buy power of $10k will be equivalent to current 100 USD

>> No.49819449

You will get rugged and you will lose your money.
Thats what happens to all the CeFi shitters.

>> No.49819818

As opposed to defi shitters that get rugged/hacked every other day? kek
You want to explain what would cause Nexo to rug? It's obvious you know nothing about the company.

>> No.49820166

Dumb nigger will find out the hard way that not your keys not your coins.
You will end up like the celsius niggers.

>> No.49820634

Well until it happens you're a wrong poorfag. Sneed

>> No.49820692
File: 2.19 MB, 3600x3600, pepetux.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. We're gonna make it nodebro

>> No.49820784

Cope more worthless CeFi nigger

>> No.49820931

>t. pajeet farming 2000% apy shitcoins that crash 99.99% of its value in 2 days

>> No.49821466

>t. CeFi nigger soon getting rugged
You will enjoy the hodl mode

>> No.49822996
