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49812806 No.49812806 [Reply] [Original]

>Steven T. Johnson, 27, works in a reverse financed internship (he pays $15/hr to work there) as a Data Analyst in Eisele & Stern and lives in Hollywood. He spends most of his days using things he does not own.

>He takes a ride-share service to get to the gym; he does not own a car. At the gym, he rents a locker. He uses the gym's laundry service because he does not own a washing machine. Johnson doesn't even have an apartment, actually. He rents a bed in a large room with other people who rent beds, for nights, weeks or months at a time, through a service called PodShare. All the residents share a kitchen and bathrooms. Johnson also rents a desk at WeWork, a coworking space. And he says the only clothes he owns are two versions of the same outfit.

>Johnson says he owns so little that he has even been able to get rid of his backpack. "I gave that up two months ago," he says. He says that for him, this lifestyle isn't cumbersome or confusing. "That's what's great," he says. "When you don't own things, you don't have to keep track of them. You just show up." He pays $1,400 a month to rent a bunk and an additional $600 a month to rent a desk to work at.

>> No.49812836

That's raw exploitation

>> No.49812843

He's happy, which is more than you'll ever be.

>> No.49812889
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>> No.49812888

no it's not. he's choosing this. this lifestyle is obviously being funded by his parents.

>> No.49812906
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>> No.49812932

Why is he sleeping in Zach’s bed?

>> No.49812979

so where does his money come from?

>> No.49812982

it's a larp. "eisele & stern" made it too obvious

>> No.49813025

From loans of course. This is the future we're heading into. Zoomers will never own anything and will be in debt until the day the die. But they will be happy.

>> No.49813053

>That's what's great," he says. "When you don't own things, you don't have to keep track of them. You just show up.
He's getting fucked so good by society he's even happy about it. This dude is living in 2030. He's way ahead of us.

>> No.49813054

Mattress size

>> No.49813082

>paying for the privilege of owning nothing and paying for the privilege of working
This is satire right

>> No.49813118

This is only going to get worse

The age of neo feudalism is here. You have very little time left to catapult yourself into the rapidly closing ranks of the neo aristocracy

DO NOT waste your time. Stack money and connections like your life depends on it
Your future generations will never forgive you for destining them to a life of serfdom

>> No.49813149

doesnt matter
its not like he owns any real money
nor can he exchange it for any other owenership

>> No.49813160

I know that's "satire", but how the fuck would he even afford all of this if he has to pay to work

>> No.49813216
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>Very good thread you vill get 1 hour more with ze shared zex doll wife zis week.

>> No.49813214 [DELETED] 

I live in europoor and my life looks like that, only that I am not sharing my room with anyone. Am I happy? Fuck no. I need Link to go to ATH again to afford freedom meaning an apartment and stocks. I will live without working and spending my time learning reading fitness and building.

>> No.49813226


>> No.49813229

All threaded together its a larp, but the individual shit is happening. Pain internships, podsharing, using gym laundry because your place has no facilitys, all this is already happening and becoming normal.

Ted was right.

>> No.49813259

It's a parody article.
>reverse financed internship
There's no such thing. Find one and link to it if it exists. I can't prove a negative. Some company put one on indeed as a joke and it went viral.

>> No.49813300

Imagine the smell...

>> No.49813372

>slave quarters use real wood and bricks for the beds
>PodShare:tm: uses the cheapest-looking plywood in the market
>stairs barely fit a single person and look like they would crack if one were to step too hard

>> No.49813549

Chinese propaganda I guess

>> No.49813687

The American middle class has AC, a VERY comfortable bed(not made out of straw and mud), no or few rats, a solid floor, unlimited hamburgers and free unlimited entertainment from the internet. If you would trade ALL that for a mud hut in 3,000 BC you're STUPID. Simple as that. The reality is here that you're just an entitled American who has never suffered real hardship and doesn't want to work hard and long for what he thinks he deserves. This is why the Chinese will ultimately succeed in taking America's place as the #1 superpower and place to live.

>> No.49813720

How am I supposed to jack off with all these females sleeping in the same room as me?

>> No.49813735

looks like japan

>> No.49813797

They’re supposed to provide visual aid

>> No.49813801

kys commie
it's voluntary

>> No.49813826
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>> No.49813908

Your future, not mine.

>> No.49814040

>He pays $1,400 a month to rent a bunk and an additional $600 a month to rent a desk to work at.
what always gets me about these stories is that it isn't even cheap to live in the pod

>> No.49814199
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>a reverse financed internship
this cannot be fucking real

>> No.49814261

it's not nigger

>> No.49814462
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thanks god i didn't live in US

>> No.49814765

I was with you up until the part about the Chinese.

>> No.49814783

It's not

>> No.49814968

Fake. But this is an accurate LARP of our future

>> No.49815110

>He pays $1,400 a month to rent a bunk
There's no way I'm believing this

>> No.49815150
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>> No.49815222

his and your faggot kike perverted definition of happy is not a real human's happiness

>> No.49815256

This is why libertarianism is doomed to die out

>> No.49815337


>> No.49815341

>Johnson doesn't even own his girlfriend's exclusivity. All women around him are polygamous and regularly sleep with multiple men over the course of a week.

There's your next paragraph

>> No.49815523

The OP is describing the future, not modern day

>> No.49815555

I've seen a trend of these articles in recent months, articles trying to normalize or even glorify being a slave and owning nothing. The Cabal is using the MSM in order to get normies used to the idea owning nothing, preparing them for the great reset.

>> No.49815568

>That's what's great," he says. "When you don't own things, you don't have to keep track of them

Kek the difference is this retard is PAYING $1400 for the privilage for being a homeless person with nothing

>> No.49815583

Leftists truly are the lowest subhumans on the planet.

>> No.49815601

Whoah, was that really the American middle class last year?

>> No.49815610

>I know that's "satire"
It's not satire anon, it's the leftist utopia known as California.

>> No.49815632

He looks happy desu

>> No.49815664

America is turning into a third world country, where you have to pay first to a company to have a job. The country of America will never be great again if this. Hit us not made illegal in the land of. The free!

>> No.49815671

what a pathetic, stupid nigger

>> No.49815675
File: 232 KB, 1200x800, podsharing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no need to amplify that meme
everyone that isnt subhuman iq got the meme already
the rest can starve

>> No.49815705

>that IG handle
The metaverse really is gonna be the future, huh? People will only live electronically, with time reserved for working and sleeping at their desk and pod respectively.

>> No.49815708
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>> No.49815775

>Kek the difference is this retard is PAYING $1400 for the privilage for being a homeless person with nothing

I'm telling you that the New World Order is Luciferian Mason Jew Nazi's and they are mocking these people teaching them wrong so they cause suffering to themselves because they have that much contempt for their own slaves.

I'm not even joking anymore it would have to be psychological operations on the that level they figured out. We brought tons of their scientists here in Operation Paperclip. Its not even that wild.

>> No.49815834

Jesus Christ this faggot pays almost as much as I do for my brand new 2500 sq ft home on a tree line in a nice suburb in the Midwest. What a fucking idiot

>> No.49815845

what is the definition of real human's happiness? how can i distinguish one happinnes from another? on which levels are such differences distinguishable? surface, behavioral level only? neuro-chemical? elaborate please, i am extremely curious

>> No.49815856

I'd just shoot random rich people if I was poor in murrica lmao

>> No.49815886

Who will pay all the debt, if they die indebted?

>> No.49815963
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The slave beds have more spaces

>> No.49816082


But the slaves didn't have netflix and tiktok

>> No.49816113

How does he eat? Obviously he can’t cook.

>> No.49816149

God I hope so. I was an edgy libertarian when I was 18, but quickly realized how libertarianism is autistic and destructive.

>> No.49816220

You only need AC in houses made out of concrete or wood, stone or mud stays cool in the summer

>> No.49816269

wait so girls live in the same pods in the same room. Does that mean when when the bunk next to you hooks up you get to watch them?

>> No.49816292

>>stone or mud stays cool in the summer
>what is thermal mall
it stays cool until it heats up enough, then you live in a fucking sauna you dumb mudhut dweller

>> No.49816322


with cunts like him in the world i know i wont ever be last

>> No.49816330

those types of muh pod pronoun people dont hook up

>> No.49816333

Yes. That's why houses used to have solid walls.

>> No.49816343

that is some third worlder shit mentality right there

>> No.49816432

>data analyst

>> No.49816491
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>reverse financed internship

>> No.49816494

damn looks like a prime way to get sum asian puss

>> No.49816495

Also prima noctae meant that you'd know if your wife was a whore who fucked chad (the local lord) because he would tell you. None of this "and 9 months later a baby who looks nothing like you would come out". And the lord/chad was generous since most places, while technically having the right to smash, generally tended to give up that right over time as a courtesy. So you had no fear of your whore wife fucking chad.

>> No.49816518

>be third worlder
>build house that absolutely MOGS american housing in terms of it's thermal properties
>invent passive house without even knowing what a passive house is
>"thAt iS sOmE tHiRd WoRlDeR sHiT mENtaLity riGhT thEre"

>> No.49816528

Prima noctae never cucking existed it’s a complete myth
Serfs by definition did not own their own land, they were bound to the land owned by their lord, and paid a “tax” which was basically rent. Serfs we’re forced rentoids. A freeman could own land though.

>> No.49816549

So his asshole still pays 24k a year , plus more for his gym locker and laundry, just to have the most basic needs met.
Fucking loser.

>> No.49816559

Also the Middle Ages were anything but high trust society. With how often brigands preyed upon travelers, the lack of a genuine police force beyond ad hoc town watches, and the murder rate making Chicongo look safe it’s obvious medieval Europe was very low trust on the whole. I’m not a neoliberal or fan of the way modern society has turned out but these images are retarded.

>> No.49816577

Cities are shit. You can get a 2000 square foot house for 200k all over Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas. You can get work doing all sorts of zany shit and have it pay well. People will be very glad you're around because you'll most likely be the smartest person in the area. Why would you want to live in a city?

>> No.49816594

>low trust society
>however there was no chance of chad cucking you because he was too busy fighting off brigands

>> No.49816621

Nah it’s pretty well documented that like 20% of people were born to fathers that weren’t the woman’s actual husband. The Middle Ages werent the utopia people want them to be compared to today.

>> No.49816624

>prematurely bald white guys and asian chicks
What's happening here? Some of those girls are pretty okay though.

>> No.49816636

euro-peons are so gullible they have no idea what burgers are like
there's so many of these retards it's astonishing

>> No.49816641

Quite literally lower than the modern rate of 33%.

>> No.49816673

Well they also just had more kids in general

>> No.49816688

I’m pretty sure that’s been discredited. I think it comes from some article called “Who’s Your Daddy?” I remember that we read it in high school.

>> No.49816693

Mom and dad. And no it’s not satire

>> No.49816700

>He says that for him, this lifestyle isn't cumbersome or confusing.
Life of a slave.

>> No.49817058

>works in a reverse financed internship (he pays $15/hr to work there) as a Data Analyst in Eisele & Stern

First off, this "reverse internship" thing was a fake posting. The company doesn't even exist....

Secondly, if it was real, There are a TON of Blue Chip companies I know that would love Data Analysts for interns....and would pay them. My new company's this summer interns are practically all Data/Software types because we can't get enough of themn.

>> No.49817106

you are a gigaretard

>> No.49817136

probably lives a more fulfilling life than 90% of /biz/ with actual friends and relationships

>> No.49817273

>Anon, 27, took a predatory short term loan to finance an AR-15, a high-capacity magazine and 200 pieces of 5.56 ammunition, and brought it to the office of Eisele & Stern, where he had been participating in a controversial reverse financed internship...

>> No.49817358

>Steven T. Johnson, 27, works in a reverse financed internship (he pays $15/hr to work there)
post source or fuck off. didn't even read the rest, this is literally illegal or it's some meme educational thing.

>> No.49817465

Why don't these things at least have curtains. I can't even imagine living like this.

>> No.49817576
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>works in a reverse financed internship (he pays $15/hr to work there) as a Data Analyst in Eisele & Stern
am i understanding this correctly? he PAYS to work, not the other way around??
forgive my surprise but it is the first time i hear of something like this.

>> No.49817639
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>> No.49817661

never stop posting and rehashing this meme.

YOu are a kike and the very fact you want people to stop posting memes exposing the holohoax and referencing it to how the kikes want people to live like cattle and make the whole word one concentration camp of goys who own nothing exposs your kike ass and I want to kill you and murder you and end you for the abomination that you are on humanity and its liberties.

>> No.49817687

Man the memes literally just make themselves.

>> No.49817691

And where does he get the money to pay for this?

>> No.49817752
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>that's raw exploitation
Is it really exploitation if they asked for it and are happy?

>> No.49817802

He looks and sounds so happy...I'm ready...

>> No.49817806

>eisele and stern
What am I missing? How does that make it a larp?

>> No.49817848

>Pays $2000 a month for rent with no income.

Mommy and daddy helping out little johnson. Cope and seethe incel your life was handed to you before you were born.

>> No.49817849

The answer is always restaurants or culture or some shit. Which for me personally is not worth the headache of living in a higher COL city vs low COL towns.

>> No.49817850

To be fair, Mount Vernon is some aristrocrat shit

>> No.49817860

>your future generations
Have you forgotten that most millenials and zoomers will never have kids?
Life has already been reduced to our own struggle to survive. Most of us will never have a family to be concerned about.

>> No.49817982

Is literally move to Africa and set up a farm

>> No.49817994

>instagram @ handle
Why read dystopian books when you can look at photos like this

>> No.49818092
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why so cereal?
cryptocuck i guess?
should have bought some silver

>> No.49818637

>claims the npc is happy
>doesn’t elaborate
>WhaT Do yOU MeAn By HApInEss
It’s a sense of fulfillment and inner peace, being in tune with one’s own nature and finding the right place in the universe. You wouldn’t understand since you’re incapable of abstract thought npc

>> No.49818705

>AC and Chinese made pillows are better than privacy and owning own piece of land
the problem of /biz/ is that with the influx from r*ddit came a huge number of npcs who can only abstract basic animal existence. Obviously for an animal any abstract thought or experience is worthless compared to food and hedonist pleasures

>> No.49818715

>t. retarded zoomer

>> No.49818724

Depends on the place

>> No.49818759

You do know virginity was a must have for any but the lowest 10% of the society? And good luck cheating when literally everybody knows you and you can’t get away from your house because of lack of transport

>> No.49818781

They had real music and dances instead

>> No.49818783
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>works in a reverse financed internship (he pays $15/hr to work there)

>> No.49818820

Minimal living to a point feels good, from my own experience less worldly possessions lowers my stress levels, but I can’t imagine living in a tight cramped space, especially surrounded by people, I would rather kms.

>> No.49818825
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>> No.49818861

>He pays $1,400 a month to rent a bunk and an additional $600 a month to rent a desk to work at.
Why doesn't he just work at the library?

>> No.49818975

you literally sound like some miserable virgin lmao

>> No.49818989

Not you’re dumber than Reddit bro: https://old.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/emwe33/please_stop_posting_the_reverse_financed/

>> No.49819031

Hapa factory

>> No.49819040


You'd think it'd run no more than half of that price even as a premium. I guess location may be the bigger force because of the ease of commuting without a car.

>> No.49819076

At least there's a privacy curtain in a Chinese/Korean pod. What happens here if you want to fuck some delicious boipussi and there's no privacy screen? Does Yan just join in?

>> No.49819549

When Syscon was at 0.075 I wasn't here and didn't hear, when Syscon was at 1.3 dollars I heard the news but wasn't privileged. Now that Syscon is at 0.2 dollars this is my miracle beckoning. When Syscon goes to 100 dollars I will testify how I moved from miry clay to mansion.