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49812636 No.49812636 [Reply] [Original]

I made 80% of the same mistakes I made last cycle

>> No.49812652

The main conclusion of behavioural finance is that people are born stupid and never learn.

>> No.49812671

ie. not selling?

>> No.49812675

I should mention the 20% of what I corrected is not holding to the. Bottom and immediately throwing my hands up and giving up and going away

Now I sold late, but I sold early-late enough and bought back at 18k so now I have the most bitcoin I’ve ever had in my life.

>> No.49812682

so you are 20% richer?

>> No.49812726

Yeah I fell into alot of the noob traps I did last cycle

Bought $1k, hold to $20k then sold at $5k because 5k was still a 5X and I was happy to leave crypto forever with a 500% gain for the year.

But now I sold at above 43k and bought back 18.3k and now hold the most bitcoin I’ve ever had

I will now accumulate the next few years (unlike in 2018/2019) when I just forgot about crypto and gave up and took my 500% gain

>> No.49813273

when did you start paying attention again after the 2018 lows

>> No.49813332

Just after covid crash in 2020.

>> No.49813428

But yeah didn’t buy at 4k

Bought at 7k and thought maybe I’d ride it up to 20-25k and then go, but it blew past 20k to 40k+ and then 60k.

I sold at 43k but it was in 2022 (exit pump to 48k)

>> No.49813620

interesting, this will be my first cycle paying attention for the entire duration as well. honestly not sure what to expect from here

>> No.49813696

I made 100% of the same mistakes. I wrote down notes of things I learned from the last cycle but I didn't actually follow any of it.

>> No.49813723

But 20% of the time you didn't? Wow, you're learning OP! That's better than I did

>> No.49813739

shieet, I wrote down notes of what I did wrong too so I hope I can stick to it next bull LOL

>> No.49813792

It’s all nonsense.

>> No.49814060

Anyone here only browsing biz should get on crypto twitter. Find some legit traders and macro experts. My mistake was staying on biz. These past 2 months I sold some early before $30k broke thanks to Twitter spaces where the guys have been basically spot on right. All the maxi bulls that come into the spaces are so god damn retarded. The bottom is nowhere near in.

>> No.49814416

My advice: make a checklist of your points/questions like: "is there euphoria", "are the metrics suggesting we're overheated", "am I following X advice", etc. Set up calendar reminders to look at your notes every month or two (or more often in the really bullish phase). Make your self respond to the questions. Don't just glance at your notes and say you've done it, write down your response to each point and maybe even read it out loud. Basically you need to force yourself to be conscious and mindful in those euphoric moments when it feels like everything will keep going up and you find yourself drawn to whatever bullish narratives are popular at the time (like stock-to-flow, lengthening cycles or whatever). At least this is what I will be doing. I've made a spreadsheet of like 50 points that I will respond to periodically.

>> No.49814438

Any recommended people?

>> No.49814476

last cycle
>chasing alt coin pumps
>getting pumped and dumped on
>not taking profits
>selling all into BTC at start of altpocalypse

this cycle
>got in alts early
>didn't chase pumps
>still didnt take profits
>currently largely in ETH, BTC, BNB, LINK

I hope next cycle I actually take profits

>> No.49814553

Any accounts you can recommend anon?

>> No.49814614

are you me?

>> No.49814685
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my own research always went shit, i cant do this anymore

any korean goddess pls tell me what to do i will obey

>> No.49814694

>>currently largely in ETH, BTC, BNB, LINK
sell everything for btc, alts bleed against btc in a bear market.

>> No.49814874

Bitcoin backed loans was what killed me this cycle. I thought BTC was stable enough that I could skate by with a relatively conservative LTV. But the dump was too steep. RIP

>> No.49815080

I made none of the same mistakes I made last cycle, I made entirely new sometimes worse mistakes like riding alts instead of the main 2 and playing side games like NFTs and DeFi.

>> No.49815532

I don't want to say their names otherwise it might start spreading around all biz, but just follow a bunch of traders, see who they interact with, follow them etc. You'll find the good accounts when you see them on Twitter spaces. Anyone over 100k followers is likely bs.

>> No.49815626

Thanks I will do that-
I follow Plan B and some other BS traders that are always swinging and missing. I can predict price action better then these faggots just based on instinct from being in the market for so long.
Everything's a fucking bull flag.

>> No.49815762

cmon anon, drop some breadcrumbs

>> No.49816704

>this time it's unironically different

>> No.49818440
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Shit like this happens. I'm glad I was advised to pull out quickly before the whole plunge in price. I have them staked on the freeway platform. It's more secure for me to earn passive income than to allow whales to cash out of the little I have.

>> No.49818535

My cycles:

In every cycle I made the wrong decision. The weird thing is, at my wagie job I succeeded and earn big bugs.