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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4981219 No.4981219 [Reply] [Original]

Thinks of this from a normies perspective
>I think I'll buy bitcoin now
>wow 1 bitcoin is 17k
>I can't afford that
>what's this litecoin on coinbase
>only $250
>that's cheap, I can actually afford that

This is their second chance at getting in early on BTC (LTC).

>> No.4981280


>> No.4981307

This is unironically what drives this market at the current time

>> No.4981317


no ty

>> No.4981315

Oh god a coin has gone up 3x and now people who bought at the top will be shilling it for weeks to try and keep it going up

>> No.4981318

But that's not any different from anon's thought process.

>> No.4981361

keep the FUD going its really helped keep the price of ltc down thus far LOL

>> No.4981373

OP is 100% correct, if you realize this I have no sympathy for you when it crashes.

>> No.4981384


You type like a 13 year old or a pajeet bruh

>> No.4981412

It won't crash though because people will want to buy it.
Hop aboard it's alt season.

>> No.4981458


>> No.4981467


I do think about that - there is a psychological element to "1 LTC" as opposed to "0.015 BTC"...

>> No.4981468

>Hop aboard it's alt season.

Why in the hell do you think normies will move their coins from the exchanges they bought on into the alt coin exchanges?

>> No.4981473

>there are 13 years old trading crypto with their lawn mowing money and xanax money
>they will be richer then you

>> No.4981490

a minuscule fraction of the whole
a bit is what's used to steer a horse, a mindless slobbering beast
only two states, one of which is 0
zero i.e. loser

yeah no

>> No.4981493


Same reason you did - so they can buy high sell low.

>> No.4981813

>meh btc was cheap once maybe ltc will be as much as btc one day I’ll buy the cheap one
>plus look at the gains in the last month, out gaining btc

>> No.4982352

This guy has been around a while

>> No.4982443

Funny enough I was at a party and this normie girl literally told me she bought Litecoin because it was cheap.

>> No.4982491

>Wow LINK only $0.25
>All in

>> No.4982726

You're thinking from a cultists' perspective. Not healthy.

>> No.4982745


>> No.4982797

The thing is that normies will pump LTC up to a ridiculous level. Just ride the wave.

>> No.4983253

This guy fucks.

>> No.4983287

any thoughts on if this Coinbase maintenance in 2 hours is gonna cause a dip?

>> No.4983370

OP is right here. Fuck normies, hate em. Whatever. But do NOT underestimate the amount of potential buyers that will be flooding coinbase in the next few weeks. Doesnt matter if they dont know a damned thing about technology or the teams behind them. We are talking floodgates of people desperately greedy, thirsty after hearing all of their normie friends brag on their 100 dollar win today with cheaper bitcoin.

>> No.4983420

normies have no money dude I don't know why you care

don't you remember the whole "99% vs 1%" crap where the global 1% of elits control 99% of the wealth? those are the boys that effect the market, not broke college students and boomer parents

>> No.4983726

LTC is up 4000% this year faggot.. it's really expensive

>> No.4983756

You need to get out more. Crypto is going mainstream. You dont think a few million new buyers per week can affect the price of LTC?

>> No.4983794

I dont give a fuck. Im a poor white trash ohio fuck who is making a decent come up. When the time is right i will leave you biz and all your stupid computer money and retire to my 50 acres of woods with a sick treefort pussy and a lambo. Eat a dick poorer fags

>> No.4983856

>I heard of this ethereum and its ability to raise kitties online; how cool is that?!
>WoW! $533 usd that's like more than 100 lattes
>I think this $28 OG ethereum-classic will be a better investment.

>> No.4983931

Of course it can, but in the grand scheme of things it's nothing.

And if you're telling me to get outside, you're one of them and need to gtfo.

>> No.4983959

I live a life of balance. I'm just letting you know that normies are about to be eating LTC up. You can take it or leave it.

>> No.4984016

I hold LTC (it was obvious it was going to moon and I got in around $70-80) and am aware of the market dynamics of the current situation (I mean XMR and ETH went off like clockwork after all), but you need to realize where you are anon. We do not tell others to "go outside more" here.

I too live a balanced life, but wake up nigger. This is the land of 2D waifus, socially unadjusted NEETs and cum stained keyboard warriors.

>> No.4984180

whats the next moon anon? you seem wise

>> No.4984225
File: 63 KB, 580x282, DB_U9nfUQAAOsvh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mrw you plebs won't even own a single LTC after it hits $5k

>> No.4984271

People aren't buying LTC because they're cheap relative to Bitcoin, they're buying LTC because they want to cash out and it takes a few minutes to send LTC and a few hours to send BTC and ETH.

>> No.4984548
File: 1.85 MB, 500x500, 1512068341915.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn ou're really gonna quiz me aren't you nigger?

OK, here's my best lump of answers:

Mooning until it hits a proper exchange, then likely mooning harder (it's like a working IOTA (this is what people will buy it for at least)). I also watch GBYTE but there's no hype for now.

Beta on the 18th, a better product than SALT with 1/10th (or less) market cap.

Big news this month, possibly CoinBase related (like auditing erc20 tokens before they list) and partnerships will be listed

Airdrop on Xmas or the 28th, don't remember, but whales love free money.

Goes live in January, like a better LISK conceptually and much better tangibly as it's going to be a working product.

This will continue mooning until it's in the top 50 imo.

Don't laugh, the EOY announcement will not let us down. Request Network even mentions using their tech.

Be careful with this one, as the product may suck. Public eta is out soon, and with the Net Neutrality vote this week (in two more days), this project (a decentralized web) is bound to pump at least a little bit.

>Zen Cash
Secure nodes are going live (could've already happened) and it's a steal at this price.

>Zen Protocol
This is a real ground floor opportunity here. Read the whitepaper, it shreds ETH, RootKit (RootStock?), Tezo's etc and is it's own decentralized oracle solution + smart contract platform that gets in bed with BTC nicely (securities will be big in 2018). The sale is going on now.

And I think BCH is an excellent buy right now, it's being listed on CoinBase and is legitimately BTC2.0. XMR might, but it could be priced in. I think in the months before tax season we'll see a real XMR push. Raiden Network is one to watch too, extremely important if ETH wants to be something more than a cat farm. And some people say WaBi WaBi, I say maybe and don't really care.

This is my input for this month. My knowledge is limited of course and DYOR.

>> No.4984564

I'm a bit behind, but working on getting January's plans ready ASAP.

>> No.4984603

Oh, actually, there is plans for January, they're just small. Right now it's basically looking for an entrance point into Nexus if the research is a go, and ByteBall has a drop in march and will explode, so it's good entrance next month for that too.

This is the time to be in alts, when BTC dominance is at it's highest.

>> No.4984657

Occultism is the key anon, psychological assessments is how /biz/ makes me rich.

>> No.4984669



>> No.4984686

Gee. I wonder if people are buying it because of the huge percentages it's been shooting up day after day? It's not a matter of "Ooh I have one shiny complete coin!" it's, "I think it's more likely this useful coin is going to moon a lot higher relative to what it's worth now and therefore be a better investment than something that's already hugely overpriced."

>> No.4984870

Listen here fagboy, I put a lot of work for you, you best be saying thank you

>> No.4984977
File: 12 KB, 640x640, 1475293208458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are stupid if you think this.

>> No.4985031

>Stupid for believing normies would opt for the cheaper coin

>> No.4985158

that's not what he said or even implied

>> No.4985404



>> No.4985799

Wasn't that the whole purpose of litecoin though? A cheaper bitcoin?