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49808414 No.49808414 [Reply] [Original]

Is this narrative the most embarassing attempt to deceive the public in recent history?

>> No.49808435

no but its definitely up there

>> No.49808437
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>> No.49808564

If Russia didn't invade a country the US wouldn't have to print that money

>> No.49808572

what else do you expect from the left?
their entire political philosophy is based around hypocrisy, they even had to invent yet another term to try and ridicule people who point out how incongruous the entirety of the left's positioning is.

>> No.49808736

It’s designed this way
Macron met with Putin and negotiated this whole war a few months prior
Putin gets to wipe out his oligarchs and raise oil prices
American oil companies get to raise oil prices
Everyone forgets about Covid and inflation
>dur left vs right
Trump didn’t fire Fauci and printed trillions during a quarantine too
There’s no difference between the two parties

>> No.49808751

They printed it during the covid CARES act you lying sack of shit.

>> No.49808786

>$5 trillion
its a tad bit more than that

>> No.49808796

we're talking about embarrassing infantile narratives not money printing.
america as a whole is responsible for the death of their currency.

>> No.49809052
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>> No.49810052

>Keep printing money thinking you will get away from it without responsibility
>Russians start yet another war and it fuck over economy
>The printed money now becomes an obvious problem that wont just go away on its own and cause shitton economical problems
>Blame Putin/Russia and take no responsibility of your own
it just works

>> No.49810083

>Bitfucks still think money printing causes inflation
You bitfucks really don't understand basic economics huh? I guess it's expected when you idiots unironically do TA, DCA, and believe in jewish conspiracy theories.

>> No.49810115
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>> No.49810144 [DELETED] 
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>> No.49810167
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>> No.49810619

You're forgetting the Holocaust

>> No.49812140


>> No.49812186

Except the price increases are mainly due to the energy crisis caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Which is why these rate increases will do fuck all to stem inflation.

>> No.49812206

us shouldn't care about russia invading russia

>> No.49812395

The problem for all the conservafags here is that the majority of printing was done under Trump with trillions in QE and the first 2 covid stimulus bills.

>> No.49812477

This fucking retard of a president can’t even drive a at, and now it’s confirmed he can’t ride a bike.

>> No.49812501

Because of the Democrat controlled Congress.

>> No.49812558

money supply growth = inflation anything else is just a hard pure grade copium.

>> No.49812612
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Pretty much

>> No.49812632
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>nothing affects fuel prices except money supply
You guys really believe that now?

>> No.49812638

Well inflation IS more money by default, but rising prices isn't solely because of that.

>> No.49812721

Pootin is a goob boi, he didn do nuffin.