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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49805993 No.49805993 [Reply] [Original]

What’s next for nfts? You think the craze will spark again but with a different main gimmick next time? Will there ever be a next time?
Also did any of you ever buy one and at what price

>> No.49806015

Never seen again, like pogs

>> No.49806025

quite the nosy OP huh fuck you idiot
starve and die

>> No.49806048

I'm pretty sure most people here still think they're a useless ponzi so I don't think they'll be changing much any time soon unless something TRULY groundbreaking comes which is highly unlikely to happen since most people associate them with outrageously priced pictures of bored apes.

tl;dr they'll keep being useless in the foreseeable future.

>> No.49806060

I have never bought one of these things and never will. Cope and seethe NFTrannies but your ponzi is going down sooner rather than later

>> No.49806071
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>What’s next for nfts? You think the craze will spark again but with a different main gimmick next time? Will there ever be a next time?
>Also did any of you ever buy one and at what price

>> No.49806074

NFT sisters why did cryptopunks flip the apes in the last few days?

>> No.49806081
File: 531 KB, 497x498, auska.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you like hah yeah fucking pathetic baka

>> No.49806082

double cope holy shit

>> No.49806104

>What’s next for nfts?
they don't have future
with the actual price of ETH, most of the nfts will lose its value

>> No.49806108

lol keep coping

>> No.49806122

Same shit with solana. Thanks God. Maybe the market is fucked up, but we still having some good news after all

>> No.49806123

b a s e d

>> No.49806125
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The classic/unique ones like Bored Apes will appreciate like party hats in Runescape.
Everything else will go to shit BUT there will also be new types of NTFs used in all sorts of applications like gaming that will make the whole thing much bigger than it is now.

>> No.49806126

my god i love this one LMFAO

>> No.49806131

Youngblood be like:

>> No.49806140

>n-no u
nice rebuttal son

>> No.49806143

I want both of these to go even lower so I can slurp them and hold until the next bull run so I can finally stop being a wagecuck. Whaddya niggers say? Is right now a good time to buy?

>> No.49806150

Seems like some people know something, maybe something Yuga is doing with the IP.

Personally I have my picks of blue chips that will survive the bear market, I was at least semi vindicated in my holdings because initially they dumped on the 20k drawdown, but afterwards the floor price actually rose when that support also broke down.

The majority will die but you are asking /biz/ who is pretty much ignorant of the entirety of the NFT market and NFT trends their opinion, so you are going to get the same effect as asking r/buttcoin about crypto.

>> No.49806154
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I've come to make an announcement: Shadow the Hedgehog's a bitch-ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking wife. That's right. He took his hedgehog fuckin' quilly dick out and he pissed on my FUCKING wife, and he said his dick was THIS BIG, and I said that's disgusting. So I'm making a callout post on my Twitter.com. Shadow the Hedgehog, you got a small dick. It's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like. That's right, baby. Tall points, no quills, no pillows, look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my wife, so guess what, I'm gonna fuck the earth. That's right, this is what you get! My SUPER LASER PISS! Except I'm not gonna piss on the earth. I'm gonna go higher. I'm pissing on the MOOOON! How do you like that, OBAMA? I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT! You have twenty-three hours before the piss DROPLETS hit the fucking earth, now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too!

>> No.49806163


NFT games are not real games. We've had this conversation many times before already. It's time for you to move on.

>> No.49806165

Yes, they’ll come back, and yes, using a different format. Not something ‘new’ though. My money’s on land based shit to make a gigantic come back. That is without a doubt the ‘better’ representation of what web3 even means and what it entails plus the sense of community —to which people seem to be very attracted to to validate each other—- is very popular in that niche.

Keep an eye out for Rebase and other projects that focus more on selling land to individuals rather than big groups/other projects/companies. Rebase is a good example of an upcoming platform like that

>> No.49806342

Market is imploding, so they are seeking refuge
What do you think survives?
I still have my chips on a few generative art collections, but I mostly exited all "10k" collections (except fwrc and like dickbutt)

>> No.49806383

No you retard, not NFT games. NFTs IN games. Very distinct. Tradeable items/skins.

>> No.49806443

>NTFs used in all sorts of applications like gaming that will make the whole thing much bigger than it is now.
That's bs. Most games already have a ton of options to make extra profit by making you buy in-game useless shit, they don't need NFTs for that.

>> No.49806607

I think a lot of the generative art is good but it's not personally my thing.

Stuff I expect to ride out this market is like the BAYC/MAYC, Azuki, CloneX, Moonbirds, Doodles, Punks, Meebits, etc.

My Moonbirds for instance hit 14E floor on the first 20k dump but bounced back to 18E even while we dipped into 17k.

Less bullish on stuff like Otherside land and metaverse stuff excluding a few because I think there is a much larger time horizon on that than people are expecting.

If you exited and have a lot of dry powder on the side you can definitely get some sick entries on various collections but you need to be sniping as people panic sell.

>> No.49806682

Yeah so all the big stuff, missed out on a lot of these pumps.
Didn't realize the market could be so retarded and that we could another collection at 15 eth+
I think I missed out the most on clonex, but I got them for free so whatever

>> No.49806927

It already exists, without NFTs, retard

>> No.49807134

you're the coper here, nfts are garbage.

>> No.49807184

I got this idea
We'll do NFTs
But instead of apes
This shit will go to the moon

>> No.49807205

>Tradeable items/skins.

Do deniers want to tell me how the Diablo RMAH ever happened without NFTs? No, they can't, because it was waiting for that technology

>> No.49807241

That's racist

>> No.49807262

No the NFT craze was the biggest top signal since Beanie Babies and PT Cruisers.

>> No.49807283

next time? lmfao
there's no next time retard, crypto is collapsing to 0

>> No.49807299

>TRULY groundbreaking

Unironically I'm predicting what will be "truly groundbreaking" is someone with more star power than Jimmy Kimmel gets involved and promotes the exact same thing under a new brand, and that is considered groundbreaking and we get a new pump. I know Kardashians already made limited social media posts in favour of them, but make an actual fucking Kardashian supported and themed NFT project and watch it shoot past the moon and onwards.

>> No.49807358

>What’s next for nfts?
Retards go broke
ETH is too expensive to be useful

>> No.49807373

Yes lets pay gas fees for micro transactions

>> No.49807387

.eths is still going pretty strong and will probably keep pumping

>> No.49807524


These are the same boomer retards who sat on this dumbass echo chamber and missed out while people were making ass loads of money on NFT’s. Don’t listen to anything they have to say.

This anon gets it 100%. The only people who really understand this shit are the Old School RuneScape , tf2, and cs:go spergs. There is an entire demographic of people who lived in these games for their economy. It has nothing to do with CoD skins or whatever shitty games you faggots play now.

>> No.49807538

>These are the same boomer retards who sat on this dumbass echo chamber and missed out while people were making ass loads of money on NFT’s
Never seen a single person make money on NFTs
They buy some shit that has 10,000 copies then list it until a larger retard buys it
Sounds illiquid and retarded

>> No.49807572
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>he doesn't know

>> No.49807636

was anyone here for the 2017-2018 pre NFT gaming era. It was essentially NFT's without calling them NFT's. Back then they just called it transparent pyramid schemes or hot potato.

>> No.49807661

cope and dilate, your ponzi is collapsing and there is nothing you can do about it, its over nigger

>> No.49807767

>The majority will die but you are asking /biz/ who is pretty much ignorant of the entirety of the NFT market and NFT trends their opinion, so you are going to get the same effect as asking r/buttcoin about crypto.
/biz/ completely missed the ENS 3/4 digit run as well as goblintownwtf. Twitter is the only way to make money right now. Fuck you /biz/ for making me subject myself to that cancerous website, why can't you niggers just pay attention to trends instead of buying scams like LUNC?

>> No.49808371

Cryptopunks will survive. These fugly apes are going to 0