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4979353 No.4979353 [Reply] [Original]

If I were to take a loan tomorrow, which crypto coin should I get? And how much usd

>> No.4979396

lol got damn

>> No.4979466

10000 if you can afford that. Go into Monaco sub 100k sats. It's at 94 move move move. It's going to rise from here into the 14th

>> No.4979486
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>> No.4979623

Most people would talk shit about this, but I got a loan for 10k a month ago. Bought in a couple times between 6500 and 8500. I'm up 12k right now, so fuck it. I drive an old truck and have a good job, so my payment of 250 a month is worth not having a new ride. Im gonna pay off this loan in 4 years and cash out my btc and cut donuts on the moon in a lambo.

>> No.4979656

why not cash out half and payback your loan and let the other half ride instead of risking getitng BTFOd

>> No.4979746

I thought about it, but im trying to keep as many satoshis in the game as possible. Cashing out 10k to pay my loan off is more reasonable, but im betting that in 4 years the satoshis i keep in will be worth way more than the 10k right now. And my 250 a month payment is how much id be investing anyway. I just chose to lump sum it instead of dollar cost average. Its a gamble, but its a wothwhile one imo.

>> No.4979792

This is the smart move, but fomo those gains is too real

>> No.4979816

short btc as hard as you can

>> No.4979822

take out the loan and buy a house. better yet buy property you can farm on. don't fall for the Vegas myth

>> No.4979851


because if he was that smart he wouldnt have been so broke in the first place that he needs to take out a loan to invest lmao

>> No.4979889


>> No.4979908

Yeah, it would be smarter to cash half out. But im tryn to retire early; i have a figure in mind that id like to hit and then im cashing out and buying some apartments and living off the passive income. 4 year plan, but if it happens before, even better. And if it doesnt? Ive still got a cool job with a good family. No big loss.

>> No.4979930

I was gonna take out a 50k loan when btc was 2k and go all in, But ended up being a beta nocoiner and not taking the loan. Gotta risk it to make the big gains.


>> No.4979951

does your 4 year plan include hedging your investment into BTC with an equivalent amount of BCH?

if not I got some bad news for you...

>> No.4980012

Dont try to sell me on some operation dragonlord shit or whatever the fuck bch is selling. Btc will have ETFs eventually; bch and ltc can fight over the movement of currency. Neither will be a store of value.

>> No.4980026

Wait so you have 1-2 BTC?

And in 4 years you're expecting to buy apartments?

Not trolling just curious.

>> No.4980085

Couple btc, 30k or so of xrp and a grand in a shitcoin i hope hits big.

>> No.4980097

>he thinks LTC is anything other than "digital silver"
>he didn't even do basic research into BTC biggest competitor but he took out a huge loan to invest
man please sell half and pay back your loan at least. I don't want to hear stories of shotguns to the brain next year

>> No.4980139
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>taking out loans to buy internet funny money

>> No.4980143

Xlm, not xrp. My mistake.

>> No.4980465

Also, HUD apartments are cheap as fuck. Id like to own a few and have that gov. check direct deposited to me each month. That, or halfway houses for parole inmates. Lots of cheap ways to make money with apartments.

>> No.4980473
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I'd take out a loan of 1k and buy 1 bitcoin in 6 months

>> No.4980621


>> No.4980660

ENIGMA has potential to moon
>low market cap
>cryptographic use case

>> No.4980676
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XMR and dont repay your loan

>> No.4980692

500 into REQ
500 into eth after the dip

>> No.4980740

>As much tether as you can.

>> No.4980818

only responsible answer.
invest only money you can afford to lose

>> No.4981110

I second this, if it helps

>> No.4981118
