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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4979151 No.4979151 [Reply] [Original]

pump: round 2

>> No.4979201
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this motherfucker told me to all in LTC

This shit is going to 4 digits

>> No.4979226

LTC trading pairs on bittrex when

>> No.4979240

this coin is shit and charlie is a spaz nerd. bought zen instead

>> No.4979244


This is going to be a beautiful short

>> No.4979254

Kinda mad it mooned so hard in 2 days while i held for ages

>> No.4979286
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Sold earlier then bought back in with the profits
Let's go boys.

>> No.4979288
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Whew, thank go I didn't sell. How high you boys think this is gonna get? I'm a poorfag right now who only owns .20 so I'm hoping to buy more before it goes over 300.

>> No.4979304

I'm waiting for it go $200 to buy in again. I'm afraid it will never do that again though

>> No.4979307

1k by February

>> No.4979324
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>> No.4979676

You better be fucking right.

Also, I'm a newfag to crypto, for tax reasons should I be keeping track of my earnings as they build or only after I cash out?

>> No.4979722

Hold for a year. Long-term capital gains tax.

>> No.4979753

The power of media is really scary, this is soon above the value of XMR.

>> No.4979789

Never under any circumstances buy during a pump unless it's at the very beginning. Ever. No matter what.

>> No.4979808

4 digits? When? Give me a time frame

>> No.4979824

Will do, thanks m8!

>> No.4979864
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>tfw went deep with 70% of holdings on Saturday
Based ltc /biz/ shill

>> No.4979892

Who would?
How would they?
What would happen?
Biz fags see a pump and immediately scream short

>> No.4979931
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>> No.4979954

260 print gents. It wants 300 tonight. MOMOMOMO

>> No.4979963
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>> No.4979974

help i want to sell again and buy the dip now
what do

>> No.4979976
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>> No.4980022

Cant you escape taxes with btc? Im not paying for this shit

>> No.4980058
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this shit is going overtake XMR

>tfw sold half my LTC stash at 133

>> No.4980079

fucking crazy dude

>> No.4980101
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>> No.4980123


i kept saying "i'll buy in at 200" since 6pm

at this point just set a buy in at 25% below its ATH

>> No.4980171
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>Try to get into crypto pretty late
>Buy LTC early last week
>Price has doubled
So this is the power of Cryptocurrencies..

>> No.4980200

Why the hell is it rising so fast and when should I sell guys? I'm scared.

>> No.4980220


Middle of 2018?

>> No.4980229

Seconding this, also will the maintenance affect anything?

>> No.4980239

$500 at 98 and $1,000 at 215
Did I do good

>> No.4980302
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I second this.
We are headed on a bull run straight to .25BTC by EOY 2020 screencap this

>> No.4980308

sell at $320
thats what im doing

>> No.4980311


I had a busy day at work and couldn’t monitor exchanges, I missed out on the moon trip

>> No.4980321

It's already being dumped.

Prepare to get wrekt.

>> No.4980333

What's your reasoning behind this?

>> No.4980347

guys bought in at 265. prob bad Idea but it's going to 300 I know it, Im selling at 300

>> No.4980359

fuck no...sell at 500

>> No.4980379

i'm wave trading this bitch im not losing my 400 gains because i bought at 265, this shit is goin to dip hard after the run nigag

>> No.4980409

Do we sell yet and then buy back on the dip? Every time it's raised this much it always dips back down.

>> No.4980415

This is the dip

>> No.4980435

i did that last thread and got fucked
so my answer is no

>> No.4980456

hodl it is, see you at $1k

>> No.4980461

This, it might go 15-25 over 300 but something tells me if it even hits 300 it'll drop 25-50.

>> No.4980479
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>> No.4980501

any ideas of a floor to get in the next wave?

>> No.4980517

4 dollars

>> No.4980568

How do I file taxes on this shit if I'm just doing small time trading?

>> No.4980575
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four hundred by friday. read it in wheat.

>> No.4980585

its dipping

>> No.4980587
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>> No.4980591

Will my stop loss still be active when GDAX is on maintenance?

>> No.4980594

What exchange are you guys using? GDAX is fucking shit

>> No.4980615

Coinbase, fees are obnoxious though.

>> No.4980617

Obviously not

What part of all services are disabled don't you get?

>> No.4980638

300 when? is the bull run over? i don't think so

>> No.4980649
File: 307 KB, 550x535, 1490827530834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got 18 ltc on december 6th just before the surge
>told my dad about the potential about ltc given the popularity of btc/coinbase
>he said "recognize a bubble son... tulips lamo..."
>that dumb fucks face when we moon

If this crashes my dad will forever be the alpha over me - I need this win lads

>> No.4980650

damn good enough for me

>> No.4980656

You're joking, coinbase is worse than GDAX. Coinbase also owns GDAX

>> No.4980663

Coinbase is going into maintenance between 10-11 and will be unavailable, should I sell before it starts?

>> No.4980678

Then fucking sell some of it and show him your profits

>> No.4980686

No, sell right after

>> No.4980687

are you guys retarded? are you also going to pay gold on the gold you collect in rune scape?
You dont have to pay fucking taxes on digital currency. Not until you cash them out for fiat currency and REALIZE those gains. Until then you dont have to do shit.

>> No.4980699

even if it takes a dump in that hour it not like it won't go back up

>> No.4980706

I'm thinking about selling right before the maintenance run @ coinbase.

If we can all coordinate to sell right before we can probably tank LTC and pick LTC back up on the cheap when coinbase gets back online.

>> No.4980714

this >>4980678
you already won motherfucker

>> No.4980722


>> No.4980743

In for a penny, in for a pound.

I know, I considered selling 4 or 5 to cover my initial investment but I don't want the small gains.

I'm in for the big cums baby

>> No.4980747

4chan doesn't have that much power lmao

>> No.4980759

bought 5 at $90.
may just hold.
not really scraping for an extra $500 at the moment

>> No.4980767

this. Lets do it pals

>> No.4980781
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>mfw it passes 1k by April

>> No.4980824
File: 202 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171212-025444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you bought 200 at £35 in July.

Always hold boiz

>> No.4980841

my reasoning is something is basically:
>sell above 300
>wait for dip
>buy back around 240-255

im not looking to hold ltc for the long term

>> No.4980900

>only have about $300 tied up in crypto altogether
>still having fun watching charts and stuff
i made a couple bucks on litecoin at least

>> No.4980903

How will you cash out? I have mine in a wallet but don't really know how to cash out in the UK eventually.

>> No.4980906

What this guy said. This is true for stocks as well. You don't pay taxes on an investment until you realize the investment and get your USD. Then you pay capital gains tax on the profit.

>> No.4980922

By cashing out ? Or u mean u won't pay ur taxes

>> No.4980931

.1 by end of this year

>> No.4980943

next wave when....there better be another wave anon.

>> No.4980956

im going through the process now, involves sending a small euro payment to an estonian bank to verify your bank. all seems a bit sketchy and there are a bunch of bad reviews about it

>> No.4980963

Fuck that, not paying tax on this in the UK. Just not really sure how to do it, sell it for euros and then send it to revolut to convert it to pounds and then send it to my bank?

>> No.4980973

Cashed out most of my eth at 360 (stupid move) through coinbase don't think I'll have any problem doing the same here.

>> No.4981013

>Be Canadian (a fucking leaf)
>Only way I know to cash out is convert to BTC and get fucked in the ass by an ATM
Is there an easier way?

>> No.4981020

LTC can and will shoot up 80% at a time at any time, no way in hell would I risk selling it. Just ride it to the inevitable 4 figures.

Charlie is alive and Satoshi is dead.

Charlie will deliver us to the promised land.

>> No.4981039

Coinsquare - CDN platform

>> No.4981045

>Charlie will deliver us to the promised land.

Will Charlie ever move LTC off of PoW?

>> No.4981055

create an overseas account.
go to an exchange
convert to euro.

>> No.4981056

Any idea if this is going to correct bellow $200? I bought 2 coins at $90 and another one at $160, I wanna ride this until the end of the year, but I don't wanna overspend.

>> No.4981064

Where are you from though? I'm in the UK and coinbase doesn't let you withdraw to GBP

>> No.4981098
File: 126 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-12-11-22-05-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be #1, total chaos!

>> No.4981128

People thought it would break 200 in 2018.

We hit 271 tonight,

Just hodl on for sweet gains bae. This gains train has no breaks

>> No.4981170

>This gains train has no breaks

That's a nice way to get burned

>> No.4981173

i fomoed in at 265, after I panic sold my eth at 503.

I feel like fucking shit

>> No.4981209

500 by January 1st? It's more likely than you think

>> No.4981215

As a wise man once said, fortune favours the LTC investors

>> No.4981247

At what point does that begin? If I make 20 bucks off of shitposting on coinbase, do I have to file that on my taxes?

>> No.4981395

Just get it in and send it through sepa. I sent it though my Irish Gfs bank account into mine.

>> No.4981404

ultramega poorfag here. Only put 5$ in. Lets see where I am Feb2018

>> No.4981437

i put $85 in earlier today and im feeling kinda spooked should I sell?

>> No.4981447


>High buy and sell low
You're an inspiration to us all here at /biz/

>> No.4981453

can buy an alright lunch

>> No.4981456

I'm shorting at .014, wish me luck boys

>> No.4981478

will be regularly investing wish me luck cunts

>> No.4981479


ultramega poorfag -> mega poorfag

>> No.4981505

is it going to go back up....by the weekend....it's nly monday. Ithink I'd rather be holding litecoin than eth desu....I did it the worst possible way but I think im holding the better coin now

>> No.4981554


Don't get greedy anon. Good luck.

>> No.4981556

Shorting it on an exchange against BTC,
I would make lots of money,
Look at the pattern history vs BTC, it's going to come down hard,
Because it's going to make me a lot of money.

>> No.4981911
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>coinbase fees set me back .001 ltc

>> No.4981942

Heat death of the universe

>> No.4981966

Hope you closed your short and went long like I did.

>> No.4982035

i know this sound super greedy but i need this shit to dip at least 50$ so i can buy more

>> No.4982097

I'm on Coinbase but I can't register on Gdax, it never seemed to accept my identity verification as many times as I tried yesterday. Is this common?

>> No.4982150

I'm pretty new but I don't think this could happen...

>> No.4982314

I just sold it all, hoping it'll dip before maintenance so I can get more.

Did I fuck up?

>> No.4982341

You don’t sell. You just buy the dips and be rich in 2 years you bum

>> No.4982379
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>> No.4982440
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tfw when i know i should buy now so this shitcoin dumps

>> No.4982450

to the moon doggo!!!

>> No.4982613



>> No.4982705

Iyeah your going to make gains. But not like others who got in at 40. This is going to 1200+

>> No.4982742

I havent been able to verify for over a week now. Support is no use