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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49787507 No.49787507 [Reply] [Original]

>24H: -11.28%
sub 18k is still fundamentally impossible... r-right?

>> No.49787549

18k is a pretty weak support. 20k was the strong support and it busted wide open.

>> No.49787730

Fundamentally, you're huffing hopium.

>> No.49787800


We don't even fully understand the fundamental laws of the universe.

It can go all the way to 0 anon. anything is possible.

>> No.49787870
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It's mathematically impossible. Screencap this.

>> No.49787929

the momentum seems hard to stop now.

lots more sellers than buyers.

>> No.49787977

Has anyone ever bothered trying to analyze the ledger to determine a hard floor for BTC, based on wallets that have gone untouched for x number of years? As people die or lose their keys BTC so be naturally deflationary, and the price floor should go up

>> No.49787998

Last bear it dropped 85% before reversing. -85% of 69k is 10k so prepare your anus for some major dumpage in the next few days.

>> No.49788017

$13.5k bottom, trips confirm

>> No.49788049



>> No.49788099

I guarantee you it will be under 18k by tomorrow.

>> No.49788206

We didn’t had a blow off top this time, faggot. You can’t expect same draw down with diminishing gains.

>> No.49788270


The price floor is 0, you idiot, doesn't matter how much of it is left

>> No.49788289

>implying it won't go negative

>> No.49788317

And tomorrow we get to speculate whether it will go below 17k the next day, and it will keep going like this for the rest of the month, probably.

>> No.49788340

Yeah, and you retards said it would never drop under last cycle's ath too. What happened?

>> No.49788373

18k is the titanium generational bottom

>> No.49788398

Pretty sure 18k is stronger. But it will fall through. I think lowest market takes us is 10k, maybe 6k. But the speed at which the market is crashing is very worrying. The gas lines haven't even started yet and crypto is already this low. We might see crypto enter into low thousands even. Terrifying times.

>> No.49788483
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>> No.49788610

Nah, I've been watching closely, the support at 18k is weaker than the support at 20k was.
It's not a huge difference, but it is weaker, not stronger.