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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49786600 No.49786600 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you refuse to sell

>> No.49786656

My sell button doesn't work.

>> No.49786663
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Hey Bobo. I didn't hear no bell. One more round, let's go. (Randy wins in that episode btw)

>> No.49786729

I don't believe in timing the market.
Bitcoin will thread most prices again. It will go to 17k and 15k and 14k.
And when people capitulate, whales will buy back in.
If I had sold at 50k, that would be good.
Selling at 18k, is stupid.

>> No.49786874

Do you know the amount of effort it requires to sell bobo? I am too lazy for that

>> No.49786923

Because this is just a fake dump to trap leveraged traders, and after that the Great Shining Golden Bull Run of 2022-2024 will begin, making me a millionaire.

>> No.49786929


Because my crypto exchange haulted withdrawls for now. When they turn them back on I'll cash out.

>> No.49786963
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>> No.49786972

most people have their bitcoins on exchanges many of which no longer lets you sell

>> No.49786996

>And when people capitulate, whales will buy back in.
Every cycle needs more and more suckers, and more money. Now that central banks all over the world are turning off the money printers and millions have been burned by crypto, do you really think we're going to get another ATH? All Ponzi schemes collapse at some point.

>> No.49787202

>This time is different
>This time it will not recover
I have been in biz for 5 years. I know your drill.
You shorted, and want it to go down.

I am not selling, sorry. I have been doing DCA when it went up, and I keep doing it now.

>> No.49787256
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I forgot my password

>> No.49787337

the mere chance. the chance alone. that one day some rich cunt will have to pay me if he wants to buy in

>> No.49787474

Because I bought in at roughly 19k BTC and 1k ETH. I missed the sell off. I should of listened to Ghost back in November. I haven't invested any more than I'm willing to lose, so why would I sell off an underwater investment that might come back in the coming years.

>> No.49787658

Central banks aren't turning off the money printers. They're printing at a slower rate, and they'll pick back up when main street is irreversibly fucked up.

>> No.49787672

I signed a contract with the mob that states that I'm not allowed to sell until December. They're expecting my crypto to pump so I can pay off my debts to them.

>> No.49787734

all I'm hearing is sell now and buy when the federal reserve negroids go brr again

>> No.49787865
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I didnt sell at 60-40k
No point selling now
Just 2 more years trust the plan

>> No.49787961

it has to fucking bounce. This has gotten out of control. The charts are littered with bullish divergences and the RSI is riding the fucking floor. If you flipped this chart upside down, it would look like the most strained rally imaginable, flashing every sign that it's about to end. I know with macro conditions being as bad as they are, it can keep bleeding in defiance of technicals, but those technicals still say this is now an incredibly weak price movement and it can't last forever.

>> No.49788095

They will. It's only a matter of time. Everyone has a breaking point.

>> No.49788201

wtf im still waiting for the whales to liquidate 90% of bobos before proceeding to then liquidate 90% of the bulls and take it to new lows

>> No.49788203

Bottom signal.

>> No.49788521

i sold at 38k, no coiner since desu

>> No.49788545

because i choose to

>> No.49788780

yes sirs, and you will stick it to those people who said are a retard for hodling a pow memecoin during a worldwide recession and energy crisis, sirs!!

>> No.49788808

Never ever.

>> No.49788841

clean your room

>> No.49788854

>Every cycle needs more and more suckers, and more money.
Lmao, My trade history says otherwise, no, no we dont need paper handed normies buying 200 MAYBE bucks worth of BTC when hedge funds and companies are buying up millions.
Fuck off, scum fuck.

>> No.49789106

Can't find my paper wallet.

>> No.49789488

that the problem with forced liquidations anon they can really push the line goes down downer, but i also thought we would see some form of relief pump with technicals this far in the red
just be glad you aren't at risk of liquidation or assets stolen
i remember plenty of anons saying they were never selling their coins this cycle because the passive yields were enough to live from, others warned them that in the bear the yields would come down, but i don't think any one of them thought their shit would shit go to zero
i wonder how many 8 figure holders lost everything on these now defunct platforms

i cant stress how relieved i am that i am a simple man that holds link in his own wallet

>> No.49790103

>paper handed
Way to out yourself as a redditor. GO BACK!