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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49778813 No.49778813 [Reply] [Original]

OG linkers, anyone else losing rank? Top 700 here and I'm down 40 ranks in the holders list already.

>> No.49778963

I've gone up about 6 ranks in the last day. But im top 2000. Not sure exactly what the number is the for the past year but i've been going pretty consistently upwards.

>> No.49779021

hilarious that even OG's haven't made it yet

>> No.49779066

>trusting a fat Jew

>> No.49779131 [DELETED] 

i got kicked out of top 500, wondering if i should dump eth/btc into link to get back in

>> No.49779136

Top 2000 isn't a huger amount. I have most of my stuff on bancor and aave, so the wallet is only a minority.

That said yeah still haven't made it, performance has been shite, made mistakes. Whatever. What's done is done.

>> No.49779211

The one coin I will not ever sell is LINK. As long as cryptos exist LINK will increase in price (over long term) while I get paid out dividends from staking. I rotated my alt gains to LINK this run and 12x'd my stack. Just need that lil sumtin serg owes me.

>> No.49779241

how do you check your rank

>> No.49780287




>> No.49780525

> rank #37xx
i accumulated 600 linkies so far but only went up a few ranks. the holder on my previous rank stacked up too, wtf WAGMI

>> No.49780651

Niggers with 100k links didn't even make it yet.

>> No.49780836

>UV phone sanitizer
Not only is that fat fucker incapable of coding, he is also a smoothbrain schizo.
LINK is a cult, worshipping an overweight russian jew.