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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4977857 No.4977857[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Looking for people who will shill for me on /biz/. Willing to pay $7.50 in ETH or BTC per 100 posts. Good English skills and experience with image board culture required.

Apply with an e-mail: implicationgreen@gmail.com

Describe why you think you're cut out for the job in 250 words or less.

>> No.4977972

How the fuck do you think people are going to burn time at less than a dime per post? Jeez, I'd be all over something like this but you're taking disadvantage of people while you're gonna end up cleaning house. I bid you fuck off!

>> No.4978031

I'll do it, but since I'm not some shit ass pajeet my rate is 10 ETH per 100 posts.

Why pay the difference? I've been responsible for all of the Chainlink spam on /biz/. All of it. If you want results paying pajeets won't get it. I'm the Roger Stone of crypto, fucker.

>> No.4978035


>> No.4978116

pajeets will do it for even less

>> No.4978268

Polite bump.