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49777073 No.49777073 [Reply] [Original]

I partied last two days to just see what it was like, god damn the pain of doing drugs is insufferable, not nearly worth the short term gradification, I'm glad I did it to remember why I stopped.

TLDR don't do drugs unless you want to end up like me.

>> No.49778328

What triggered this. Was it the markets. I recently had a few cigs because of the stress. Won't ever do coke or speed again though. Which drugs did you do.

Mods this is market related due to the effects of stress and trading on lifestyles

>> No.49778407

you can't just fomo into drugs you have to ease into it, build up a tolerance, and learn to appreciate the subtleties.
even on the way down as you suffer w/d you can have some interesting moments.
tl;dr its a marathon not a sprint

>> No.49778501

Sounds like you're a little bitch. I hope you enjoy being a quitter who will never be able to enjoy all the fruit life has to offer.

>> No.49778646

agree on this. having been drunk or hung over the last 3 years have taught me that even hangovers can be pleasurable in their own way. kind of makes me understand the dark eldar desu~

>> No.49778693
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accurate. A bit of drug use here and there can make life more interesting, going all in and bitching about the inevitably BRUTAL comedown is extraordinarily lame. A bump here or there, a bowl or three every once in a while; all good. Regularly binging and going on ""benders"""? Peak cringe

>> No.49779441

i just had a short bender on meth. i masturbated for 15 hours straight and now i have to keep ice on my dick because its so swollen. dont do drugs kids

>> No.49779613

You're fucking weak. I just masturbated for 16 hours yesterday, and im about to start another marathon. Not even on meth im just bored

>> No.49779772

i wasnt gentle with myself anon

>> No.49779941


Just pick a frw days a week and drink kratom in the morning and afternoon and then smoke weed in the evening. Don't do this every day but honestly if you do it correctly you will never experience hangovers nor anything negative besides maybe a little dehydration here and there.

I even do lyrica pregablina strictly once a week with no other substances involved on that day besides maybe two or threee beers no more. Never more than that. My life is very enjoyable.

>> No.49780279


And stay away from alcohol besides maybe a few drinks here and there socially. It's the worst drug of all. Coke is utter garbage as well. These normie hard drugs are what mess people up.

>> No.49780383

I use the death grip, no lube. Whatre you using, sandpaper? Tf is wrong with you?

>> No.49780422

it takes alot more than mere hands to get me off in that state

>> No.49780438

How do I unsubscribe from this blog

>> No.49780531

Rubber mallet

>> No.49780584

Who are you, Albert Fish? You been sticking needles in your dick man? Thats not healthy.

>> No.49780600

>did drugs 14 years ago
Your body just got older and doesn't metabolize shit/recover as fast as it used to. How old are you now?

>> No.49780625

Can confirm drugs are both awesome and terrible. I used to be a raging opiate addict, and would pretty much do any drug put in front of my face. Don’t do anything now, but drugs will make you feel as good as you can possibly feel, and also destroy your life. Not worth it long term.

>> No.49780787

i know im not healthy, ive got fucking ice on my dick

>> No.49781068

Well get it off

>> No.49781294

i was just trying to warn helpless anons about the widely documented dangers of crystal meth, and how it can tunnel your vision so you perhaps stop paying attention to something you probably shouldn't have and that result in inflamed swelling, bruising, and pain when pissing. the reality is that your dick is in danger when youre on meth

>> No.49781355

cope harder, your liver won't

>> No.49781407

well then call a hooker to snort it off

>> No.49781462
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was super drunk the other day.
holy shit psychich hangovers get worse with age. The whole next day was complete waste and I have never had darker thoughts.

>> No.49782256

Leave him be, he’s just being facetious and doesn’t understand the stimfap

>> No.49782378

I have done almost every drug there is, I know the stimfap. Ive fapped under the influence of every drug.