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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49767781 No.49767781 [Reply] [Original]

No hard feelings westoids.

>> No.49767818


>> No.49767879
File: 25 KB, 561x316, based uncle biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your price hike killed my term

>> No.49767938
File: 271 KB, 630x505, 105071A2-0AD6-4784-9AF5-F2F682044196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you feel the shift?

>> No.49767955

*somehow is losing against less artillery in Ukraine in your path*

>> No.49767965

nothing to do with him

>> No.49767978

Daily reminder, he's fucking the world for Xi where this ends in WW3

>> No.49768000

omg putin is SO BASED
you guys are so based and special and smart for being contrarian

>> No.49768425
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>> No.49768479

15 rubles ($0.00005) have been deposited to your FSB shill farm account ivan. Say hi to prigozhin for me

>> No.49768522

Russia will lose any moment now, two more weeks trust the plan
NATO patriots are in control

>> No.49768556

I'm a yuropoor and do it for free, zogbot faggit

>> No.49768577

why are hoholbots so prone to massreplying?

>> No.49768639


>> No.49768783

RuZZian tax payer money paid for these posts btw while they themselves don’t have any roads and Muslim churkas kek

>> No.49768811

Even more pathetic lmoa. Let me guess, you believe you're fighting globalism and imperialism here?

>> No.49768869
File: 236 KB, 757x795, crypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 billion on crypto. lmao so russian did this

>> No.49768961

Go die in Ukraine Ivan

>> No.49769049

ahhahaha is this what you nowadays say to cope? this was Russian talking point when the war started:
>Russia and Belarus will encircle whole Ukraine in two weeks
>Russia will encircle Ukraine around Dnipro and split the country in half in two weeks
>Russia will encircle Ukrainians in JFO in two weeks
>Russia will encircle a city of Lysychansk in two weeks
you are here
>Russia will encircle a village in middle of nowhere

>> No.49769090

Biztards do be seething about us frfr no cap. The future is B.R.I.C.S. cope and seethe Westoids. Daily reminder. NO RELIEF RALLY KEK

>> No.49769126

Two more sanctions trust the plan
Two more billion to Ukraine trust the plan

>> No.49769133

Hohol your women and get fucked come here while you die in a trench :)

>> No.49769137

Youre hurting India and China too

>> No.49769168

>hungypsy or serbshit
Kill yourself, subhuman.

>> No.49769192

>source: my ass
Fake News. 1 USD deposited into your bank account

>> No.49769218

Yeah, of course, sanctions do not work. That's why Russia still feels way weaker sanctions from 2014. And about the billions you send - I do not care and your government doesn't either. They will send you to die for Ukraine like they did for other countries in past and you will be happy.

>> No.49769280

you don't believe in anything, much better

>> No.49769321

you just know

>> No.49769397

looks like brass or bronze

>> No.49769430
File: 57 KB, 1024x718, C20F8FC7-5F6E-456D-B044-F038F4F0500F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49769473

kek saved

>> No.49769499

Is there already a crypto based on Rubel?

>> No.49769529

Ops right, see my post

>> No.49769531
File: 198 KB, 720x419, 0D100192-BB8A-4638-9974-CC78A5F2DAD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49769537

>Daily reminder, he's fucking the world for Xi where this ends in WW3

'the world'?

most of the world is not involved in this.

>> No.49769604
File: 29 KB, 600x624, 41e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for dumping the world economy and your internet money.