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File: 31 KB, 466x226, 97F5BC07-B1C7-4E1B-8906-7C667531D657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49764242 No.49764242 [Reply] [Original]

Its also rank 21 with massive room to grow and node fee revenue will go up, meaning APY to stakers will be MINIMUM 5%

>> No.49764310

>Implying eth is ever going to be pos
Vitalik and his donors really played the trannies
>Lock your meth until we release

>> No.49764382

This is likely why there has been some shady as fuck action going on with stEth and eth in general with shorts against LINK from some
Whales with naked shorts.

The APY is higher on LINK and now they are desperate to get some, but a shit load of Cefi and VCs were doing carry trades with borrowed LINK to stEth pools as LINK was a cheap and liquid asset to borrow.
Now the worst possible thing happened and their carry trade literally went in the opposite direction in both price and demand(the carry trade now would be stEth or ETH to link as it will have higher APY.

This is gonna get interesting.

>> No.49764483

I’ve heard shit like this for years. Nothing ever pans out. Link ruined my fucking life last bullrun. Would be a multimillionaire if I’d sold into ETH or even BTC

>> No.49764490

Piss off larp boy. Back to your pedocord server

>> No.49764519

>investment in high risk asset class goes from $0.17 to $50

>> No.49764580

Also i was the anon who started the 3% rumour. I was not fudding, just wondering what the floor might be. It seems the broader community of retards including VCs just went with it kek.

>> No.49764605

Go back to the pedocord larper

>> No.49764637

To explain further this carry trade for retards:
With 5% apy confirmed its going to get steadily more expensive to borrow LINK anywhere. A carry trade is dependant upon borrowing one asset cheap to buy another asset with a higher yield. This is now going to rape them.
To make matters worse, there is obviously a huge shortfall of LINK token liquidity. The places its been borrowed from essentially already dont have enough to cover increasing redemptions off of the CeFi platforms. This is why we are likely seeing naked shorts and borrowing on AAVE. Its desperation to try get out of this fucked up gone wrong carry trade from LINK which was previously plenty and cheap to borrow with low to no expectations for staking APY among the plethora of copy+past VC shops and greedy kikes, and the sudden APY higher than eth staking anounced, while they all run for the door compounded by the general market fall.

>> No.49764648

in the future will you create hype memes? i dont care if normies buy link if it means we dont have another "bullrun" like that

>> No.49764658

And to compound this further, there are large liquidity issues on even getting out of stETH. They are panicking hard. The faster the market knows about LINK apy the mlre fucked they are

>> No.49764664

The story doesn't work. Pedocord writers are now obviously being recruited straight from fiverr

>> No.49764669

I am going to retire off CHAINLINK and I will be HAPPY.

>> No.49764682

higher apy? i know i hear something similar to this one before and it fucking tanks year later

>> No.49764705


>> No.49764725

stake all you want, not your btc not your keys

>> No.49764793

They who?

>> No.49764832


The VC shops that all copy+ pasted the Eth 2.0 carry trade by borrowing whatever cheap liquid tokens they could find and selling them for Eth/ eth 2.0 access.

What’s happening is basically like someone who borrowed money at 0.5% and invested it in something that will later give them 4% but suddenly their interest rate on debt skyrockets to 5%

>> No.49764916

this is massive if true and the cheaper ETH becomes the more profitable LINK becomes hahaha

>> No.49765084

Chainlink staking doesn't exist. And when it does, it will be KYCed.

Chainlink is a centralized kyc scam. No one here is running a node and getting oracle jobs. You need to be kyced by sergey

>> No.49765103

Scam down 95% vs eth

>> No.49765107

I will run my own neetnode thank you

>> No.49765265

link outperformed btc and eth last bullrun you fucking pathetic retard

>> No.49765384

This makes sense now. Huzzah!

>> No.49765444

I could accept seeing ETH crash and burn even lower if it meant these CeFi and VCs responsible for the price suppression got the bankruptcy they deserve and get liquidated.

>> No.49765492

ETH January 2018: 2800 LINK
ETH June 2022: 160 LINK
How does this make you feel? You are literally down 95% vs LINK

>> No.49765613

Nice numbers!

>Angel number 444 is a message about honesty and justice.

>Recently, someone tried to take advantage of you. You may have lost money or status from the actions of someone close to you.

>Sadly, the person that wronged you might think they will get away with it, but God is watching. Justice will be served to those that try to take anything from you.

Thank you!

>> No.49765639

I am sure they can go down another 95% against LINK.
Wouldn't that be nice?

>> No.49765788
File: 116 KB, 733x782, just-wait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally bemusing how LINK schizo headcanon still gets these retards excited. LINK is a proven underperformer by now, underperformed as long or longer than it overperformed. I don't think there is a single coin that has ever been in the top 5, then plummeted to rank 30, then recovered to the top 5. It's more like a run of the mill shitcoin than anything special. That's reality. Facts. Not all this other shit. As someone who squandered an entire bullrun, I'd warn anyone about getting in too deep with these retarded theories that are proven bullshit time and time again. Most "OGs" are at the point they're just too proud to reconcile with the truth. Sad.

>> No.49765803

checked. maybe ill wait. ill just hold on to my links as a memory. a keepsake if you will.

>> No.49765830
File: 796 KB, 764x828, tut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is great!

>> No.49765831

>node fee revenue will go up

>> No.49765841


>> No.49765844


Do you know anything about how the network works at all?

>> No.49765858

why does visa or paypal have value?
i dont even use my cc. just go to the bank teller and get 5k cash once every couple of months. never buy online.

>> No.49765870

I presume that's why he asked

>> No.49765885

3% isn’t even that bad considering staking will have a deflationary/supply shock effect that will make price go up. If each link is worth $100 then that 3% is like 40% at todays prices. The big thing about staking is it has function and is not some ponzifarm or lending at interest bullcrap. The apr is based off of node profits

>> No.49765940


Just used to fudders. Feel like we never get genuine newfags asking which im happy to explain to

>> No.49765995
File: 694 KB, 1456x881, 1652273479333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros im so tired... When will my real life finally begin.
Im almost 30 and im a neet. I have a gf who was a virgin that id like to start a family with..
I need link to be 150-200$
I just need link to be able to give me 2-3k a month from staking, I will live frugally i just dont want to wage for a corporation and waste my short time on earth..

Ive been in crypto since 2015 and i fucked up big time, lost my 30 btc on shitcoins and sold my 500 eth for 12$.
I literally bought eth at 5$ and today I have 2 eth.
If I let chain link slip away from me i may as well blow my brains out, of course I wouldnt go out ((alone)) but still.
I just want a comfy modest life.
Modern life is so fucking gay, im convinced we would all be happier living as a hunter gatherers in a small tribe in the middle of the woods.
Just spending your days chilling with your family, tribe, kids.
The only real work is going hunting with your bros, after a successful hunt you spend the rest of the time playing with your kids and feasting with the tribe. Then spend the evening having sex with your wife under the stars.
Way better then working at an amazon warehouse just to rent a shack you can sleep in and proccessed garbage food..
I am drunk

>> No.49766016

>trusting a Jew

>> No.49766045

Paid ebook leak

Thanks for purchasing my ebook, if you leak it or resell you will be reported and your data will be made public on the forum

In this method we will be using a RuneScape private server that pays money for voting on it on toplists

Go tohttps://mega.nz/file/gd8DmJ6R#UAx0Swi713V0PS5azKcWGPAK8QNTAeN5RCqRRuedOew on your PC
Unzip the file
Install java if you already don't have it installed on your PC
Run the client.jar file
Wait for the RuneScape private server load
Create an account (no email needed)
Click on the vote button on the right hand bottom corner
It will open a list of 10 sites to vote for the Private server
Each vote gives you $5, after voting 10 times you will have $50 that you can cash out to BTC, PayPal or your Payeer account.
Repeat this process every 12 hours
An easy $100 per day

>> No.49766110

Yeah but only 25 million oldfag LINK will be staked. So it makes no sense for nolinkers to buy any LINK

>> No.49766125

Old fag as in LPL holders.

>> No.49766141


This is such bullshit. If you dont think there will be derivatives offering a slightly reduced return to people you are mistaken. Not that i’d trust them personally

>> No.49766236

Its 75m locked and 25m link rewards. For 1 price feed. Imagine the amount staked with ccip keepers etc